International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 5, Mei 2024, pages: xxx-xxx
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Political Law of Health Professions Organizations
R. Windi Rachmawati Kusumah, Rosi Wulandarii, Taufiqurrohman syahurii
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
E-mail: Ilmiah[email protected]m
organizations; Health
legislation; Professional
Health professional organizations play a central role in providing guidelines,
standards, and ethics that maintain the integrity and quality of health care. Health
services are a crucial aspect of human life, and to ensure their quality, professional
organizations are needed. Method. The research method is the study of literature.
Using document data published between 2000 and 2023. English and Indonesian
speaking. Using google data base and google scholar. By keywords: professional
organizations, health legislation. Professional ethics Research results obtained from 20
literature reviews from google and google schoolar data search period between 2000-
2023.Conclusion. After Health Law No. 17 of 2023, Health professional organizations
no longer have functions as before, which still raises pros and cons in the Indonesian
Health world.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1 Introduction
Health professional organizations play a central role in providing guidelines, standards, and ethics that
maintain the integrity and quality of health care. Health services are a crucial aspect of human life, and to ensure
their quality, professional organizations are needed. They serve to establish standards of health practices that must
be followed by its members, including clinical guidelines, medical procedures, and treatment protocols. It aims to
ensure that patients receive safe, effective, and compliant care with the latest developments in medical science. In
addition, professional organizations are also tasked with developing a code of ethics that regulates the behavior of
their members. This professional ethic is essential to ensure that health workers act with integrity, put the interests
of patients first, and avoid conflicts of interest that can harm patients. Through setting these standards and ethics,
health professional organizations play a crucial role in building a solid foundation for quality health care (Darwin,
Some well-known health professional organizations that play an essential role in supporting a sound health
system are the World Health Organization (WHO), the American Medical Association (AMA), and the American
Nurses Association (ANA). WHO is a global organization that coordinates international health efforts and develops
global health standards; meanwhile, the AMA is the largest medical organization in the United States, and it plays a
vital role in developing clinical guidelines, strengthening medical education, and influencing national health policies.
On the other hand, ANA is the leading nursing professional organization in the United States committed to improving
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 05, Mei-Juni 2024, pages:
nursing care practices, promoting nurse well-being, and increasing patient access to quality health care (Vatikawa &
Amnawaty, 2018).
Professional organizations in the health sector are essential at the national level and globally. Organizations
like the WHO are essential in coordinating international health efforts and determining the global direction of health
system development. This professional organization also helps overcome global challenges such as pandemics, the
spread of infectious diseases, and other public health problems (INDONESIA, 2021).
In carrying out their duties, health professional organizations often refer to external resources and scientific
research to support their decision-making. These resources include clinical guides, medical journals, the latest
research in various health disciplines, and relevant health reports and data. Strong references become the foundation
for professional organizations in developing standards, guidelines, and ethics relevant to scientific and technological
developments in the health sector (Susanto, 2023).
In the context of scientific research and the development of health practice standards, professional
organizations refer to various leading medical journals and scientific publications. An example is the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA), which the AMA published. The journal is one of the leading sources for up-to-
date medical research and clinical guidance. Professional organizations also rely on health reports and data published
by agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States or similar agencies in
other countries. This data informs better health practices and supports effective health policies (INDONESIA, 2021).
In addition, professional organizations also collaborate with academic and research institutions to develop
better clinical guidelines and standards. These collaborations include participating in scientific research, participating
in clinical trials, and contributing practical knowledge from the field to the scientific community. In this way,
professional organizations actively advance health science and ensure that medical practice is always based on strong
scientific evidence (INDONESIA, 2021).
Professional organizations in the health sector play a crucial role in regulating, supervising, and developing
standards and ethics in health services. They ensure that patients receive safe, effective, and compliant care with the
latest developments in medical science. Professional organizations such as WHO, AMA and ANA have a significant
impact at national and international levels in advancing the quality of health services and public welfare. By referring
to relevant scientific references and resources, these organizations ensure that the latest knowledge in the field of
health supports their decisions. As such, they are essential in creating a better health system.
2 Materials and Methods
The research method is the study of literature. They are using document data published between 2000 and
2023. I speak English and Indonesian and use Google databases and Google Scholar by keywords: professional
organizations and health legislation. Professional ethics.
3 Results and Discussions
The research was obtained from 20 literature reviews from Google and Google Scholar data for the search
period between 2000 and 2023. Health Law no 17 of 2023 After Health Law no 17 of 2023, health professional
organizations no longer have the functions they had before, which still raises pros and cons in the Indonesian health
world. The research method is the study of literature. They are using document data published between 2000 and
2023. I speak English and Indonesian and use Google databases and Google Scholarkeywords: professional
organizations, health legislation. Professional ethics.
Indonesian Health Professional Organization
As an archipelagic country with a large population, Indonesia has unique challenges in maintaining the health
of its people. Health is essential to national development, and a sound and organized healthcare system is
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 05, Mei-Juni 2024, pages:
indispensable to achieving sustainable prosperity. Health professional organizations are essential in providing
direction, regulation, and standards for medical practice and healthcare in Indonesia (Adam, 2010).
A professional organization is an entity consisting of individuals who have specific qualifications and
competencies in a field. The main objective of professional organizations is to protect and promote the interests of
their members and the general public in the context of the services they provide. In the field of health, professional
organizations play a role in coordinating medical practice, developing professional ethics, ensuring that their
members continuously improve their qualifications and competencies, and contributing to the design of health
In Indonesia, several professional organizations in the health sector play a role in regulating, developing, and
supervising medical practices and health care. Here are some types of significant health professional organizations
in Indonesia:
1. Indonesian Medical Association (IDI)
The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) is a professional organization accommodating doctors in
Indonesia. IDI was established on October 28, 1945, and is one of the oldest professional organizations in
Indonesia. The main objective of IDI is to develop medical science, improve the quality of medical practice, and
maintain ethics and morals in the medical profession. IDI also plays a role in formulating clinical practice
standards, coordinating medical research efforts, and participating in national health policymaking.
2. Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI)
The Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) is a professional organization that accommodates midwives
in Indonesia. IBI was established in 1951 and has a vital role in regulating midwifery practice, improving the
quality of midwifery services, and promoting the welfare of mothers and children. IBI is also actively developing
a midwife education curriculum, providing training and research in midwifery.
Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia (IAI)
The Indonesian Pharmacists Association (IAI) is a professional organization that accommodates
pharmacists in Indonesia. IAI was established in 1947 and has a vital role in regulating pharmaceutical practice,
developing professional ethics, and ensuring that medicines provided to the public are safe and effective. IAI
also contributes to pharmaceutical research and development of national pharmaceutical standards.
3. Ikatan Ahli Gizi Indonesia (IAGI)
The Indonesian Nutritionist Association (IAGI) is a professional organization that accommodates nutritionists
in Indonesia. IAGI plays a role in developing nutrition science, providing healthy nutrition guidelines to the
community, and improving the qualifications and competencies of nutritionists. The organization also prepares
national nutrition standards and campaigns to prevent nutritional problems.
4. Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI)
The Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) is a professional organization that accommodates
veterinarians in Indonesia. PDHI was established in 1971 and aims to regulate the practice of veterinary
medicine, ensure the health of farm animals, and protect the public from diseases that can be transmitted from
animals to humans. PDHI also contributes to animal health efforts and healthy animal-rearing campaigns.
5. Indonesian Association of Occupational Therapists (ITOI)
The Indonesian Association of Occupational Therapists (ITOI) is a professional organization that
accommodates occupational therapists in Indonesia. ITOI aims to develop occupational therapy science,
improve the qualifications of occupational therapists, and support rehabilitation services for individuals with
impaired body functions. The organization also plays a role in developing occupational therapy practice
guidelines and standards.
6. Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA)
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The Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA) is a professional organization that accommodates
nurses in Indonesia. INNA has a vital role in regulating nursing practice, improving the quality of nursing care,
and promoting safe and effective care. The organization is also involved in developing nurse education curricula
and advanced training.
7. Indonesian Psychologists Association (PAPSI)
The Indonesian Psychologists Association (PAPSI) is a professional organization that accommodates
psychologists in Indonesia. PAPSI aims to develop psychological science, improve the qualifications of
psychologists, and support quality psychological services to the community. The organization is also engaged
in developing the professional ethics of psychologists.
All health professional organizations in Indonesia have roles and responsibilities in coordinating medical
practice, developing professional ethics, improving the qualifications of their members, and contributing to
health policy design. They also work closely with governments, academic institutions, and the general public to
ensure health services are delivered to the highest standards.
In addition to the health professional organizations mentioned above, other professional organizations
focus on specific health fields. For example, in the field of dental health, there is the Indonesian Dental
Association (PDGI), which regulates dental practice and improves the quality of dental services. Similarly, in the
field of reproductive health, there is the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (POGI), which
oversees obstetrics and gynecology practices and provides guidance for reproductive health care.
In addition to the types of professional organizations above, Indonesia also has a broader range of health
regulatory institutions, such as the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. The ministry is responsible
for formulating national health policies, regulating the health care system, and supervising several health
professional organizations under it. The Ministry of Health also runs national health programs, including
vaccination programs, infectious disease prevention, and public health care.
In addition to the institutions and professional organizations mentioned, Indonesia has several
independent institutions tasked with developing health policies and regulations. One is the Food and Drug
Supervisory Agency (BPOM), which oversees the safety of drugs and food circulating in the market. BPOM has
a vital role in ensuring that medicines used by the community are safe and of high quality.
The Importance of Indonesian Health Professional Organizations
Health professional organizations in Indonesia are vital in maintaining and improving the quality of
health services and ensuring that medical and healthcare practices occur by established standards and ethics.
In the context of national health systems, this professional organization is not only a forum for health
professionals to unite and develop themselves but also an essential guardian in protecting patient rights,
encouraging innovation in the health sector, and contributing to the design of better health policies. In this
paper, we will further review the importance of professional organizations in Indonesia's health sector and
their positive impact on improving the quality of health services (Noor, 2020).
One of the critical roles of professional organizations in the health sector is to maintain and improve the
quality of health services. They develop clinical practice standards and guidelines that must be followed by its
members, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals. This standard covers
medical procedures, treatment protocols, ethics in health practice, and measures to prevent medical errors. An
example of a professional organization that has a significant role in developing standards of practice is the
Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), which formulates clinical practice guidelines for doctors in Indonesia.
Through developing and implementing this standard, professional organizations help ensure that patients
receive safe, effective, and quality care.
In this context, several scientific studies show that regulating medical practice through professional
organizations positively impacts patients' clinical outcomes. For example, research published in the "Journal of
General Internal Medicine" in 2019 found that medical practices overseen by professional organizations have
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lower error rates and better patient outcomes. This shows that the role of professional organizations in
developing strict practice guidelines and supervising medical practices contributes to patient safety.
In addition to maintaining the quality of health services, professional organizations in the health sector
also protect patient rights. They have a code of ethics that governs the conduct of their members, which includes
a commitment to putting patients' interests first and staying away from conflicts of interest. When patients face
problems or claims related to health services, professional organizations can mediate and offer assistance in
resolving the problem. For example, the Indonesian National Nurses Association (INNA) protects patients'
rights and ensures that their nurses provide safe and quality care.
In addition, professional organizations also play a role in improving the qualifications and competencies
of their members. They provide advanced training, continuous education, and other educational resources that
help health professionals continue to develop themselves. This is important in responding to medical science
and technology's ever-changing development. For example, the Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI) organizes
advanced training for dentists to ensure they remain competent in facing the latest medical challenges (Hafizah
& Fitriasih, 2022).
In addition, professional organizations also play a role in encouraging innovation in the health sector.
They are often part of medical research efforts and multidisciplinary collaborations to develop new solutions
in care and medicine. These organizations can also be a voice to advocate for changes in health systems,
including increased access to better health care. A concrete example is the American Medical Association's
(AMA) efforts to improve access to health care for all United States citizens through various policies and
advocacy (Suparman, 2020).
In addition to the positive impact on health services, health professional organizations also contribute to
the design of better health policies. They have in-depth expertise and knowledge of health systems and the
challenges health professionals and patients face. Therefore, they often consult and discuss with governments
and relevant agencies in formulating effective health policies. The involvement of professional organizations in
the policy process can help ensure that the policy is appropriate to the needs of society and takes into account
the perspectives of health professionals (Morita AB, 2019).
In addition, professional organizations in the health sector can also be a source of information and
advocacy for the general public. They often issue official statements, guidelines, and educational resources that
can help people understand health issues, make better decisions about health care, and raise awareness about
the importance of health.
In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, health professional organizations in Indonesia also play a vital role
in providing information, guidelines, and support to their members and the general public. They support
governments in dealing with the pandemic, providing care to COVID-19 patients, and disseminating accurate
information on protecting themselves and the public from spreading the virus. Concrete examples are IDI's role
in providing guidance and training to doctors throughout Indonesia on handling COVID-19 patients and INNA's
efforts in guiding nurses working on the front lines of the pandemic (Tarisa, 2021).
The importance of health professional organizations is also reflected in their role in advocating for the
profession's rights and its members' welfare. They strive to ensure that health professionals have working
conditions that are safe, fair, and appropriate to their competence. This has a positive impact on the health
professionals themselves and the health service as a whole. The well-being and motivation of health
professionals are essential factors in maintaining the quality of care they provide to patients.
Human resources in the health field are valuable assets for the state, and health professions organizations
act as representatives and defenders for these professionals. They ensure that the rights of health workers are
respected and protected, including the right to work in a safe environment, the right to receive the necessary
training, and the right to be treated fairly by the health system.
Health professional organizations also have an essential role in addressing ethical issues in medical
practice. They develop a code of ethics that guides its members in dealing with ethical dilemmas that often arise
in health practice. This code of ethics includes principles such as patient autonomy, fairness in health care, and
avoiding conflicts of interest. Through developing and enforcing this code of ethics, professional organizations
help maintain integrity and ethics in health practice (Ethics, 2007).
In addition, health professional organizations also play a role in supporting the education and training of
health professionals. They provide educational resources, advanced training, and certification programs that
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 05, Mei-Juni 2024, pages:
help their members continuously develop their competencies. In an ever-changing healthcare environment,
quality education and training are essential to ensure that healthcare professionals stay up-to-date with the
latest medical science and technology developments.
In addition to its direct role in regulating medical practice, advocating patient rights, and developing
professional ethics, health professional organizations also play a role in promoting public health. They
participate in outreach campaigns, disease research, and health programs to raise public awareness about the
importance of health. The organization also frequently partners with governments on disease prevention and
health promotion programs.
In addition, health professional organizations also play a role in maintaining the quality of education and
training of health professionals. They can provide accreditation for health education programs, ensuring that
graduates of those programs meet specific standards and have the necessary competencies to practice well.
This is important in ensuring patients receive care from trained and competent professionals (Hartanto,
Agustina, & Permana, 2018).
The importance of health professional organizations in Indonesia is also reflected in their role in building
collaboration networks between various parties involved in the health system. They work with governments,
hospitals, academic institutions, and other institutions to improve coordination in health services. This
collaboration helps ensure that patients receive integrated and coordinated care. In the context of health crises
such as the COVID-19 pandemic, health professional organizations also play an essential role in providing
psychosocial support to their members (Hartanto et al., 2018). They provide necessary mental health resources
and services to health professionals working on the front lines of the pandemic. This helps maintain the mental
well-being of health professionals who face tremendous pressure in dealing with COVID-19 patients (Tarisa,
In order to maintain and enhance the role of health professional organizations in Indonesia, it is essential
to support their efforts in developing quality medical practices, protecting patient rights, and promoting public
health. Governments, academic institutions, and the general public can work with these professional
organizations to address complex health challenges and maintain a high quality of health care.
In conclusion, health professional organizations in Indonesia have a vital role in maintaining and
improving the quality of health services, protecting patient rights, supporting the development of professional
ethics, and contributing to the design of better health policies. They also drive innovation in healthcare, support
the education and training of health professionals, and promote public health. In an ever-changing and complex
healthcare environment, health professional organizations are essential partners in improving Indonesian
people's health and well-being.
Professional Organizations after the enactment of Health Law No. 17 of 2023
On July 11, 2023, the House of Representatives (DPR) approved the 2023 Health Bill into law, which
reaped pros and cons among health workers. Some people argue that the passage of the Health Bill was too
hasty, considering that the bill was only discussed the previous year by the House of Representatives of the
Republic of Indonesia (Sahira, 2023).
Medical personnel submitted a formal examination of the Health Law Case Number 130/PUU-XXI/2023
whose hearing was then held at the Constitutional Court on Thursday (12/10/2023); this is because based on
the latest norms, there are contents that are deleted, changed, and replaced by new norms including regarding
professional organizations, councils, collegiums, which are institutional norms and at the same time "heart"
articles that do not ensure the existence of a single forum for medical and health professional organizations.
Similarly, norms regarding the institution of councils, collegiums, and honorary assemblies of discipline
are changed and replaced without formal procedures that meet the principle of meaningful involvement and
participation (meaningful participation Chapter XIX Transitional Provisions, Article 451, which became the
legal norm abolished all collegium entities that are the "heart" organs of professional organizations (not organs
of government and not "property" of government). However, arbitrarily and in violation of the constitutional
right of freedom of assembly, it will immediately abolish all legal entities of the collegium by making a norm
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under Article 451 of the Health Law, which reads: "At the time this Law comes into force, the Collegium
established by each professional organization shall remain recognized until the establishment of the Collegium
as referred to in Article 272 established under this Law". (MKRI, 2023).
4 Conclusion
Health professional organizations in Indonesia play a vital role in maintaining and improving the quality of
health services and ensuring that medical and healthcare practices follow established standards and ethics. They are
a platform for health professionals to unite and develop themselves and become critical guardians in protecting
patient rights, encouraging innovation in the health sector, and contributing to the design of better health policies.
One of the critical roles of professional organizations in the health sector is to maintain and improve the quality of
health services. They develop clinical practice standards and guidelines that must be followed by its members,
including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals. This standard covers medical procedures,
treatment protocols, ethics in health practice, and measures to prevent medical errors. The setting of medical
practice through professional organizations positively impacts patients' clinical outcomes, with lower error rates and
better outcomes.
However, with the enactment of Health Law No. 17 of 2023, professional organizations some contents are
deleted, changed, and replaced by new norms, including regarding professional organizations, councils, and
collegiums, which are institutional norms and, at the same time, "heart" articles that do not ensure the existence of
a single forum for medical and health professional organizations. thus the function of health organizations is no
longer the same and this still raises many pros and cons in the world of health Indonesia. It is hoped that the
government can listen to the aspirations of medical and health personnel related to professional organizations
because the non-singularity of professional organizations can expand ethical or legal problems due to differences in
the regulations of each organization.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 05, Mei-Juni 2024, pages:
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