International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 62-66
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Cost Analysis of Hybrid and Conventional Energy Systems In
Telecommunication Shelter
Syukron, M
, Budi, Sudiarto
, Setiabudy, Rudy
University of Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia
Submitted: Nov, 29
2022 Revised: Dec, 9
2022 Publication: Dec, 12
energy; cost; hybrid.
The use of energy in the telecommunications system currently has several
alternatives to support the power requirements of each site. There are three
outlines used here, the first is a system using PLN as the main source of power
supply, using a diesel-generator and battery backup energy, the second using a
hybrid system which uses two energy supplies for solar power plants and PLN as
its power source, with using diesel-generator and battery energy reserves and the
latter only relying on solar power and diesel-generators as the main power supply
or better known as off-grid system. The difference is based on the difference in
access to the electricity network which is not evenly distributed in each region.
This research will produce the most effective cost analysis of the system.
1. Introduction
The era of digital society in Indonesia is shown by the rapid development of Information and
Communication Technology, especially the telecommunications industry over the last few years. There has
been a shift from the use of fixed wire line telephones to the use of cellular telephones, especially the
rapidly growing use of the internet via cellular telephones. In addition, due to the increasing development of
telecommunications in Indonesia, the term "Digital Economy" is now known which has penetrated in urban
and rural areas in Indonesia. Telecommunication has removed distance boundaries and reduced the
differences between people in urban and rural areas (Liu et al., 2021). Differences in time, distance of
location, and heterogeneity of population characteristics are no longer obstacles to the speed of information
dissemination. The growth of the network of telecommunications companies in Indonesia is one of the
largest in the world, as evidenced by internet users reaching 204.7 million as of January 2022. This figure is
up by 1.03% from 2021, which is 202.6 million. And that number will continue to grow, accompanied by
the government's efforts to provide telecommunications networks to remote parts of the country (Morrison-
Smith & Ruiz, 2020).
This has become a challenge in supplying shelter power, which functions as the main means of
providing telecommunications network infrastructure. There are three scenarios that are applied to be the
foundation, namely the first conventional system with the application of the Charge Discharge System
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 62-66
(CDC) where PLN is the main supplier, relying on diesel-generators and batteries for backup, the second
with a hybrid system with PLN and Solar Panels as the main suppliers and using a diesel-generator as a
backup supply, the latter scenario uses solar panels and a diesel-generator but without relying on PLN or
more familiar with the off-grid system (Agarwal et al., 2021). In this study, a cost analysis will be discussed
in each of these scenarios to answer the effectiveness of appropriate infrastructure development which in
addition to paying attention to regional potential factors with operational costs that will be incurred
(Chowdhury et al., 2020).
2. Materials and Methods
Solar Power Plant
Solar Power Plant is a power generation system that converts solar photon radiation into electrical
energy using photovoltaic (PV). PLTS work rate is influenced by several factors such as environmental
factors, temperature of the photovoltaic module used, weather and environmental conditions, and the
intensity of sunlight obtained by it self (Koppel et al., 2019).
a. Battery
The battery functions as a storage area for excess electrical energy produced by solar modules
during the day or a diesel generator in the form of chemical energy which will be used as a backup for the
existing system power supply at night or when no other power source is available (García et al., 2020).
Batteries have various specifications, capacities and sizes according to implementation needs
b. Diesel Generator
Diesel Generator is a generator device electricity where as the main mover (prime mover) is a
diesel engine and is connected (coupled) with electric generator in one base frame sturdy and well installed
so that it can operates to produce electrical energy in accordance with capacity.
Solar Power Plant System
a. On-Grid
This type of system is designed by connecting the PV mini-grid system directly with the existing
electricity utility system. The pattern of operation with the load served can be sourced from the PV or the
utility and work in parallel (Zainol Abidin et al., 2021).
b. Off-grid
This system does not connect the PLTS with the existing utility network, the load is only supplied
by the energy source supplied by the PLTS only. The development of this type of PLTS is the addition of
batteries as a storage medium for electrical energy which can then be used when the PLTS does not produce
electricity at all
c. Identify Problem
Parameters needed for research this was obtained from the related literature and carried out
verification with actual conditions in the field. Besides parameters that have been obtained from the
literature, this study will also use actual data taken from sample site before and after implementation hybrid
energy system, some data needed including the following.
Load profiles of 10 sample sites that have been implementing a hybrid energy system,group them into
three types of load profiles;
Diesel generator capacity, solar panels and capacity sample site battery;
Total average fuel usage for activate the diesel generator on each sample sites;
Design of a hybrid energy system that has been implemented;
Investment value to implement hybrid energy system at the sample site and operational costs;
Hybrid Energy System Investment Analysis Method
a. Cost of Electricity per Site
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 62-66
The cost of electricity or commonly referred to as the cost of electricity (lcoe) is the nominal
amount of the price that must be paid by the customer for each unit of energy used (kWh).
Cost of Electricity=
Cost of Electricity ( CoE )
 = Energy Production Cost (n year)
 = First Investment / Installation Cost (Initial Cost)
γ = Subsidy Value from the government (%)
 = Fixed Cost
 = Variable Cost
 = Residual Value of Investment
TEP = Total Energy Produced per year x n (kWh)
3. Results and Discussions
Load Profile
The process of designing a hybrid energy system using solar panels at telecommunications sites in
rural areas must begin with a survey process to determine the load profile at each site. Knowing the load
profile of each site is important so that the hybrid energy system design that is made does not exceed or less
than the requirement.
Table 1. Profile Load
Hybrid Energy System Design Calculation
As previously mentioned, that in this study the hybrid energy system design will be calculated
using manual calculations. Here's the calculation result.
Table 2. Hybrid Energy System Design Calculation
Pian Pasir
Puncak Selasih
1 Pian Pasir 66 98.6
2 Alor 36 54.2
3 Sape 28 41.9
4 Ende 30 44.4
5 Bajawa 53 78.9
6 Kisol 46 69.0
7 Tangge 58 86.3
8 Ruteng 62 93.7
9 Puncak Selasih 48 71.5
10 Radja 39 59.2
Solar Panel Moduls
IJEBSS e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 62-66
Table 3. Designed I Hybrid System
In this analysis, the author will compare the economic value between the electrification system of
telecommunications sites in rural areas traditionally with those using a hybrid energy system. The
traditional system referred to here is an electrification system that still uses a diesel generator and battery as
the main components (CDC system), compared to a hybrid electrification system that uses additional
renewable energy components.
Hybrid Energy System Investment
The addition of renewable energy components such as solar panels to the CDC system for
electrification of telecommunication sites does require a higher investment cost. In addition to solar panels,
the addition of other devices such as MPPT, other electrical components on the hybrid panel, and additional
monitoring systems to optimize the design of the hybrid energy system.
Table 4. Hybrid Energy System Investment
Comparison of cost of electricity (COE)
The next comparison is the comparison of the cost of electricity (COE) between the conventional
CDC system and the hybrid energy system (Li et al., 2019). In accordance with the calculation formula for
the 10 sites that were used as research samples.
Table 5 Comparison of cost of electricity (COE)
Ah Bank Cell Modul
1 Pian Pasir 1,588.2 2 38 4
2 Alor 873.5 1 21 2
3 Sape 675.0 1 16 2
4 Ende 714.7 1 17 2
5 Bajawa 1,270.6 1 30 3
6 Kisol 1,111.8 1 27 3
7 Tangge 1,389.7 1 33 4
8 Ruteng 1,508.8 2 36 4
9 Puncak Selasih 1,151.5 1 28 3
10 Radja 952.9 1 23 3
No Site Convensional Hybrid Deviasi
1 Pian Pasir IDR 724,371,000 831,440,028IDR 13%
2 Alor IDR 724,795,000 839,080,028IDR 14%
3 Sape IDR 721,886,000 839,654,928IDR 14%
4 Ende IDR 722,244,000 834,440,028IDR 13%
5 Bajawa IDR 722,930,000 836,880,028IDR 14%
6 Kisol IDR 722,345,000 839,654,928IDR 14%
7 Tangge IDR 723,350,000 834,440,028IDR 13%
8 Ruteng IDR 724,050,000 839,080,028IDR 14%
9 Puncak Selasih IDR 722,244,000 841,854,928IDR 14%
10 Radja IDR 722,930,000 836,880,028IDR 14%
No Site COE Conventional COE Hybrid Deviasi
1 Pian Pasir 13,083IDR 4,873IDR 63%
2 Alor 24,223IDR 8,691IDR 64%
3 Sape 31,069IDR 11,448IDR 63%
4 Ende 30,997IDR 10,850IDR 65%
5 Bajawa 18,053IDR 5,959IDR 67%
6 Kisol 19,300IDR 6,806IDR 65%
7 Tangge 15,442IDR 5,527IDR 64%
8 Ruteng 14,288IDR 4,991IDR 65%
9 Puncak Selasih 19,027IDR 6,673IDR 65%
10 Radja 22,845IDR 8,057IDR 65%
e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 62-66
The COE of the hybrid energy system is lower than the COE with using the CDC system. This is
caused, among others, by the fixed maintenance costs and variable maintenance costs of the CDC system
which is much more expensive than the hybrid energy system.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out in this thesis, the following
conclusions are obtained. a. The deviation of investment costs for the CDC system with HES is 14%,
although hybrid is more expensive, but the COE value is cheaper up to 67%. CDC at a price of Rp. 4,431
per KWh and hybrid at a price of Rp. 1,463 per KWh. b. Hybrid Energy System is very suitable to be
applied as an alternative to electrification of telecommunication sites in rural areas. Although the initial
investment costs are greater than the CDC system, HES will provide reduced operational costs and better
maintenance cost efficiency.
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