International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1150
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Implementation of motivation to increase employee work
productivity at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany
Citra Pajaga Layuk Allo
, Petrus Ma’na
, Asrin Tandi
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus, Indonesia
E-mail: citrapajag[email protected]
Work Motivation;
Productivity; Logistics
This study aims to analyse what factors cause the need for work motivation in increasing the
work productivity of Ludwigsfelde DHL Paketzentrum DHL Berlin, Germany employees. The
research method used is field research with qualitative descriptive methods. The data sources
used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews
and documentation. Then, the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, presentation,
and verification. The results of this study show that: 1) 2 factors cause the need for work
motivation in increasing employee productivity, namely internal factors, namely meeting
needs and skills and knowledge, then external factors, namely the relationship between
superiors and subordinates, working environment conditions and active customers. In Islam,
work motivation can motivate you to work and earn a halal living. 2) The value of motivation
in increasing employee productivity includes honesty and trust, patience and effort, work ethic,
responsibility and skill. In the Islamic view, motivation can lead to good values for employees.
3) The realisation of work motivation has been implemented to increase employee
productivity, which can increase morale and income and make employees more productive.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1 Introduction
Human resources are one of the capitals and play an important role in achieving company goals. Therefore,
the company must manage human resources as well as possible. Work productivity is one of the parameters that can
be used to assess the quality of human resources. This can be done through adjustments, such as increased
motivation (Achmad et al., 2023).
The research was conducted at Deutsche Post AG, under the trade name DHL Group, a multinational parcel
delivery and supply chain management company headquartered in Bonn, Germany. Deutsche Post is the world's
largest courier service provider. The postal division of the company delivers 61 million letters daily in Germany,
making it the largest postal service provider in Europe. The express division of the company (DHL) claims to have a
presence in more than 220 countries and territories (Yusuf & Al Arif, 2015). Deutsche Post is the successor to the
German postal authority, Deutsche Bundespost, which was privatised in 1995 and became a fully independent
company in 2000. Deutsche Post AG is listed in Börse Frankfurt under the DPW ticker and is a constituent of the Euro
Stoxx 50 stock market index. In 2016, 20.5% of the company's shares were held by KfW, while the rest were traded
1142 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
on the stock exchange, with 65.6% of the company's shares held by institutions and the rest held by individual
This study aims to analyse what factors cause the need for work motivation in increasing the work productivity
of Ludwigsfelde DHL Paketzentrum DHL Berlin, Germany employees.
An organisation or company expects its employees to be capable, capable and qualified, but most importantly,
employees are willing to work hard and want optimal work results. So that the company's goals can be achieved
properly, employees can perform tasks with high productivity results and due to high work motivation.
(Wiranti, 2016) said that motivation comes from, in other words, drive, driving force or power that produces
actions or deeds. (Soetrisno, 2016) states that motivation is a condition or energy that moves employees who are
directed or directed to achieve organisational or company goals.
(Abdillah, 2021) states that motivation is a skill in directing employees and organisations to work successfully
to achieve the wishes of employees and organisational goals. States that motivation encourages a series of human
behaviour processes to achieve goals. At the same time, the elements contained in motivation include arousing,
directing, maintaining, showing intensity, being continuous and having goals.
Robbins in (Busro, 2018) states that motivation is the willingness to use a high level of effort for organisational
goals conditioned by the effort's ability to meet some individual needs. Hasibuan in (Desanti & Sutrisno, 2017) states
that motivation is the driving force that achieves a person's work excitement so that they want to work together,
work effectively, and are integrated with all efforts to achieve satisfaction.
External motivation includes control factors from managers, including work-related issues such as salary or
wages, working conditions and company policies, and work containing rewards, development and responsibility. A
manager must identify external motivations to elicit a positive response from his employees. So managers must
always balance between the presenter of information and the user of information, which will be a study in motivating
employees in work. In this case, the relationship between information balance can be seen on the presenter and user
sides, where these two parties must have an information balance (Sipi & Tandi, 2021).
This positive response shows that subordinates are working to advance the company. Using positive and
negative external motivations. Positive motivation is an appreciation for achievements, while negative motivation is
in the form of sanctions if achievements cannot be achieved. Stated that this need is a need that drives a person to
achieve success and is measured based on the proportion of perfection that exists in a person.
(Kadarisman, 2012) states that motivation as a psychological process in a person will be influenced by several
factors, namely internal actors, personal maturity, level of education, Personal Desires and Expectations, Necessity,
Fatigue and Boredom, Job Satisfaction, and External Factors: Type and nature of work, Workgroup to which a person
belongs, Organization to work for, Environmental situation, Reward system. Edy Sutrisno (2017: 100) stated that
work productivity is a mental attitude. A mental attitude that always seeks improvement to what already exists. A
belief that one can do a better job today than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Hasibuan in Busro (2018:
340) states that productivity is a comparison between output (results) and input (input). If productivity increases,
efficiency (time-material-labor), work systems, production techniques, and workforce skills will increase.
(Rachmat et al., 2023) suggests that productivity is a comparison between the results achieved and the
participation of the time union workforce. Labour participation here is the use of resources and is effective and
efficient. Productivity essentially includes an attitude that always believes that today's work method must be better
than yesterday's work method and the results that can be achieved tomorrow must be more or more quality than
(Busro, 2018). Work productivity is the ability of a person or group of people to produce goods and services
at a certain time that has been determined or according to plan. Previous research was conducted by Nia (Heprima,
2019), examining the influence of the work environment, work motivation, internal communication, and teamwork
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
on employee work productivity in Odie Convection. The analysis technique uses linear regression and multiple
regression. The results of this study show that the work environment, work motivation, internal communication and
teamwork significantly affect the productivity of production employees.
This research is prepared in a framework of thought that explains the understanding of variables and
relationships between variables in research based on certain theoretical foundations. The framework of thought in
this study is as follows:
Figure 1 Frame of mind
2 Materials and Methods
This research is a type of qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces
descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words of people and observed behaviour (Rezkita & Wardani, 2018).
Meanwhile, descriptive research analyses data by describing or describing the data collected as it is without intending
to make conclusions that are generally applicable or generalisations.
This study analysed employee motivation to increase employee work productivity at the Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany. This research was conducted from September to December 2023. The data
source in research is the subject from which data can be obtained. To obtain the data needed in this study, the author
uses field data sources and literature data to obtain the theoretical data discussed.
Source of research data: Primary Data, namely data obtained directly from the field, conducted through direct
interviews, observations and other tools. Data collection techniques start from observation and continue with
The data analysis used in this study was using qualitative descriptive methods. The descriptive method is the
process of solving a problem by describing the object of research by looking at the facts that occur in the field as they
are (Sofyan Siregar, 2017). Data analysis starts with data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion pulling.
3 Results and Discussions
Motivation is very important in the company because it can improve employee performance. The purpose is
to provide work motivation to employees so they can carry out their duties effectively and efficiently. Thus, it also
means maintaining and improving morale, enthusiasm and passion for work because it is perceived as challenging.
Factors that cause the need for Work Motivation in Increasing Employee Productivity
Several factors can influence motivation. Employee work motivation factors are internal motivation from
within the employee and external motivation that arises from the company he works for and the employee's external
environment. Factors that cause the need for work motivation in increasing employee productivity at Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany are as follows: Based on the results of an interview with Stefan Yakimov Parcel to
Container employee at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, who stated that: "The relationship between
employees and superiors is very influential, because by having a boss who is good, friendly and wants to mingle with
employees and provide input to everything is to work casually but surely both the Manager and other employees, so
that employees can work well and comfortably"
So researchers can conclude that employees assume that the relationship between superiors and
subordinates can add value to their motivation to work more comfortably and well, and having a good boss also helps
them to work better but surely without pressure. Based on the results of an interview with Christian Wulfft, an
employee of the Package to Container section at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, who stated
that: "Good encouragement from superiors that makes the employees at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin,
Germany can work well and optimally."
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Based on the interview above, encouragement from direct superiors can affect the performance of employees
so that they can work well and optimally. The next factor that causes the need for work motivation is increasing
employee productivity, according to Linda Kempinska employee of the computer control and reporting section at the
Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, who stated that: "One of the factors that influence motivation is
the work environment, at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany has a good work environment, starting
from employee friends who can be worked with well, besides that, outside of work as an employee in break hours,
they also take the time to chat and gather, joke, laugh like family, and in working hours still obey the rules and work
well, but the sense of solidarity remains like helping other employees' friends who are busy."
Based on the information above, one of the factors of work motivation is the work environment, with
employee friends who can work well together and foster a sense of solidarity and kinship. However, they still obey
the rules during working hours and work well. The next factor that causes the need for work motivation is increasing
employee productivity; according to Zyta Blaszak, an employee of the drafting and unloading of packages to trolleys
at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Company Berlin, Germany, states: "My motivation in working is to support
my family. Because I am the head of the family, who has to support my children and wife."
Weronika Franskowska, a container unloading officer at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany,
stated: "I work to make ends meet, and I usually give it to my parents."
Based on the interview above, the motivation of employees to work includes being the head of the family, supporting
children, providing for his wife's needs, and meeting the parents' daily needs.
Then another factor that causes the need for work motivation in increasing employee productivity is, based
on the results of an interview with Pawel Jerzyk, an employee at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany,
who stated: "Skills must be present in every job. If the motivation to work is high but the skills are still lacking, it will
not affect the work. So it is good that skills are accompanied by motivation so the work will be good and smooth."
Milan Galovsky stated the same thing as the manager at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany,
who stated: "Actually, one that increases motivation for employees is knowledge and skills, so that work is even more
productive, it would be nice Skills must be accompanied by knowledge in order to create conducive work and by
what we want. However, what is happening right now is the lack of training that can increase employee knowledge
about DHL."
So, the purpose of the information above is that important factors that affect motivation are skills and
knowledge; with the existence of skills and knowledge, work will be more conducive and work according to company
Based on the results of an interview with Milan Galovsky, manager at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin,
Germany, who stated that: "I, as a manager who oversees, provides services and manages employees, by establishing
good relationships with employees can add motivation that makes employee morale increase, because the manager
has a special task to unite all employees to work together so that company goals can be achieved properly. Maximum.
Therefore, I cultivate a compact attitude and working atmosphere by always mingling with employees and being
willing to help others. Moreover, in between breaks, take the time to joke together so there are no boundaries
between employees or managers during breaks."
Based on interviews from managers that superiors not only organise or organise their teams and all activities
in the office but also have a special task to perform services, unite employees and foster a conducive working
atmosphere in order to create good and maximum cooperation to achieve company welfare because specifically,
managers must be able to provide quality publicly because this company is part of public services. In providing
services, always prioritise the quality of public services so that the people served get satisfaction (Darlin et al., 2021).
The influence of this motivation greatly affects performance and the reason for employees to stay in the company.
The influence of motivation on employee performance can be identified from two factors, namely internal and
The Value of Work Motivation in Increasing Employee Productivity
Satisfaction at work will be felt by a person if there is a match between values and self-motivation with his
task. Therefore, understanding the work values embraced by employees at work is important for workers to
determine the level of employee productivity at work. In addition, it can also help someone work effectively in their
duties. The value of work motivation in increasing employee productivity at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
can be known through the results of interviews with resource persons. Based on the results of an interview with
Linda Kempinska, an employee at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Company, stated: "My motivation value
is honesty, by working honestly, just like we work without any burden because at DHL it is also based on an honest
and trustworthy attitude, so employees must also be honest in their work."
Based on the interview, it is known that the motivation value of the employee is honesty because work based
on honesty is the same as work without burden; demanding employees must also be honest. Stefan Yakimov at
Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin stated: "Honesty and trust are important values that exist in me because by
working honestly, what will be obtained is trust, both from superiors and others."
Based on the interview, the author sees that honesty is very important for these employees because honesty
fosters trust in superiors and customers.
Furthermore, work motivation is valued for increasing productivity. Based on the results of an interview with
Amir Tang, an employee at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin stated: "My motivation values are punctuality and
good work ethic because that attitude can make my work less stressful. However, I am always punctual and not easily
discouraged; whatever we face in the field or the office, we must be optimistic so that morale grows and our work
motivation increases."
On-time and good work ethic are motivational values applied so that work does not become a pressure that
can hinder. Always have an attitude that is not easily discouraged, which adds value in fostering morale and work
motivation, increasing both in the field and the office. Another value of work motivation, based on the results of an
interview with Weronika Franskowska, an employee at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, stated that: "One of
the values of work motivation is to apply a good work ethic, which is appropriate and obeys the rules, such as
discipline, both time discipline and others, then have an honest attitude in working and diligently do not procrastinate
Based on the interview, one of the values of work motivation is a good work ethic that can comply with the
rules set by the company, such as discipline both time and work discipline, always being honest at work, and diligently
not procrastinating work that can make work neglected.
The Realization of Motivation that has been implemented in Increasing Employee Productivity
The manifestation of motivation implemented to increase employee productivity at the Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Company can be known through interviews with resource persons. Based on the results of
an interview with Stefan Yakimov, an employee at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, who stated that:
"Motivation can give us morale, and get everything done calmly and regularly."
Based on the interview, one of the forms of work motivation that have been implemented to increase
employee productivity is that motivation can increase morale and complete work calmly and regularly. A different
manifestation was conveyed by employee Milan Galovsky, based on the results of his interview, which stated: "If we
apply good work motivation, fortunately, there is ourselves and also the company. With motivation, we work well
and productively so that the company's revenue increases; if the company's revenue increases, we will also get
additional commissions."
Based on the interview, the motivation of employees is more enthusiasm for working, which increases the
company's income. As the company grows, employees earn more commissions for their hard work. The next
manifestation of the motivation that has been implemented into increasing employee productivity at Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Based on the results of interviews with several employees, who stated that: "The next
manifestation of motivation that has been implemented into increasing employee productivity at Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin" Based on the results of interviews with several employees, who stated that: "For me the
motivation of all work will be done correctly and not carelessly. Motivation can encourage us to work optimally;
moreover, many employee friends help if they are busy or have difficulty at work because there are too many jobs,
but there are still not many employees." If it is from myself, motivation can make me work harder and able to do
work on time." With work motivation, I am more passionate about working so that my ability to work increases and
work can be completed."
Based on the interview, it can be concluded that Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin is a company engaged
in services where employees have many tasks. The many tasks require employees to increase working hours outside
of predetermined hours. However, all employees are highly motivated to work solely because they love the work
done so that they can work more productively for the company. Then, with motivation, I can encourage them to
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
work with enthusiasm and maximum and not work carelessly, increase work enthusiasm, and complete their work
on time.
Factors that cause the need for Work Motivation in Increasing Employee Productivity
Hasibuan motivation is an encouragement to move employees to realise and achieve the goals set by the
company. Motivation is very important for employees because it supports human behaviour, enabling them to work
harder and enthusiastically get optimal results (Hasiuan, 2019). Providing appropriate and supportive motivation will
allow employees to reflect on all their potential and become a stimulus to increase work productivity. If there is no
appropriate and supportive motivation, employees become lazy, weak, and even bored, which will ultimately cause
a decline in work productivity. Based on some of the interviews above, the researcher concluded several factors that
cause work motivation to increase employee productivity at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin. The factors are
as follows:
1. Internal factors. Internal factors are motivational factors that originate from within a person. This internal
motivation 1. arises from the individual's desire to get something in his life. There are several things included in
the internal factors of employees of the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, including:
Making ends meet
Meeting needs is the same as meeting the physiological needs of Hierarchical theory, according to Abraham
Maslow (2018), which means that every primary and absolute need must be met to maintain survival for every human
being. Needs are motivations that can arise because of the need for something in life, such as the need for oneself
or the need to meet the family, so employees are motivated to meet these needs. The need to meet the family's
needs is the responsibility of the head of the family, who can motivate the staff to work well and carefully to produce
something of quality. Employees at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, consider that the work
motivation instilled in them makes employees more enthusiastic to work and can meet their needs for themselves
and their families.
Skills and Knowledge
Skills or knowledge can be juxtaposed with achievements or the need for achievement, according to
McClelland's theory of motivation, meaning that the encouragement of achievement, both in the form of skills and
knowledge that not all employees have, will make employees work better and gain confidence in work. Employees
at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, consider skills and knowledge important and included in one of
their motivations for work. Skills can make employees more trained and shrewd in all types of work, while with
knowledge, employees will find it easier to understand the work they are engaged in. Skills and knowledge are
needed for a company's success. By having skills, anything can be learned, but it requires a strong dedication to learn
the knowledge, one of which is fostering a spirit of motivation.
External factors
2. External Factors are a person's desire to do something caused by impulses from outside oneself to achieve a goal
that benefits him. There are several things included in the external factors of employees of Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, including:
Relationship between superiors and subordinates
Leaders and subordinates are social needs of Hierarchy theory, according to Abraham Maslow (2018), namely
an individual who is a group who wants to associate with other parties, wants to be accepted by his colleagues, and
wants to share and accept friends with other individuals. According to employees of Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL
Berlin, Germany, good relations between superiors and employees are the most important factor in the company.
Superiors have higher authority and have the power to rule over their subordinates. At Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde
DHL Berlin, Germany, interactions occur between a superior as a leader or a person responsible for a certain job and
his subordinates. Like a manager who organises all activities well, the leader must create a harmonious and compact
atmosphere between himself and his subordinates. Superiors are also obliged to guide and motivate their
subordinates so that they, as subordinates, become enthusiastic at work. Conversely, subordinates are obliged to
carry out the tasks entrusted to them as well as possible by their duties and functions for the organisation's progress.
Working Environment Conditions
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
A good work environment will lead to good work and colleagues who can work together. Therefore,
McClelland's theory of motivation is in the form of the need for friendship, including the work environment, someone
who desires to relate with friendly and familiar individuals and is full of friendly attitudes toward other parties. The
working environment at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, looks good because judging from the work
environment of employees who have a warm and cheerful atmosphere and good cooperation between employees
and employees and superiors with employees, as well as employees with customers. Employees at Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, consider that working in a good and adequate work environment will motivate
them to work optimally and produce good performance. Having a work partner who can work well together will
increase employee productivity.
The Value of Work Motivation in Increasing Employee Productivity
Satisfaction at work will be felt by a person if there is a match between values and self-motivation with his
task. Therefore, understanding the work values embraced by employees at work is important for workers to
determine the level of employee productivity at work. In addition, it can also help someone work effectively in their
duties. Based on some of the interviews above, the researcher concluded several values of work motivation in
increasing employee productivity at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany. The values are as follows:
Honesty and Trust
The values instilled in Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, which underlie and motivate
employees of Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, are honesty and a sense of public trust. From the
beginning, the founder of Paketzentrum, Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, has instilled in its employees the idea
that they should always be honest. At every step in life, you should be able to get used to always including honesty
in doing it because, with honesty in life, a sense of trust is formed, and with that trust, it is also more able to build
better self-integrity. Trust is also one of the main keys to success, which can be achieved in career, family, romance,
and other general contexts.
Work Ethics
Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, also highly upholds work or time discipline ethics. Work
ethics will increase employee productivity and provide quality that can be relied on. For example, you can complete
tasks on time and obey all rules, even employees who work longer hours, so that work can be completed and the
results are satisfactory. Employees of Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, uphold the name discipline
because discipline at work is a good work ethic to carry out employee work activities seriously. The work discipline
in question is time discipline; for example, entering work on time is not late or discipline in doing what is ordered to
him by the orders that must be done. Employees often do not pay attention to small things that may be forgotten
when they are in the office. However, these things can be very useful and give a positive impression if you can package
them, such as work ethics that shape employees' character in carrying out the tasks given. Having a good work ethic
will produce satisfaction for employees and superiors.
Employees at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, define responsibility as the value of work
motivation when DHL can be responsible for all its activities, such as being responsible for each of their jobs and
working according to their respective procedures and job desks. In fulfilling all forms of unity and justice, man is
responsible for all the attitudes and behaviours he has displayed. In the world of work, such things are also very
applicable. Carrying out all activities with various kinds of work does not mean everything is done; everything must
be accountable for what has been done.
3. The Realization of Motivation that has been implemented in Increasing Employee Productivity
Based on some of the interviews above, the researcher concluded some manifestations of work motivation
that have been implemented to increase employee productivity at the Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Paketzentrum
Company, and its manifestations are as follows:
Energise more work
Everyone must have experienced fatigue and boredom at work. The number of tasks and responsibilities that
must be completed, deadlines that accumulate, and targets that must be achieved are often a burden for employees
at work. As experienced by some employees at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Company, the routine that
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
employees do every day makes them feel tired of much work and often adds working hours outside the working
hours set by the company. The working hours that the company has set are from Monday to Friday, when employees
enter at 08.00 to 16.00, then on Saturday, employees enter at 08.00 to 15.00. With working hours that can be quite
dense, employees' performance at the Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Paketzentrum Company can decrease. The existence
of work motivation in employees at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Company can increase employee
enthusiasm and work enthusiasm. So that employees can work well without remembering the amount of work and
only remembering the purpose for which the employee works.
Increase Revenue
Increasing opinion, like Abraham Maslow's need for safety and security, means the desire for economic
certainty and the longing for an orderly world by ensuring the economy by getting income or incentives from the
company. Employees at Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin create motivation in themselves so that they have
the passion to work and make the company more advanced. Working optimally and productively can increase income
for the company, and employees can also get additional commissions for the work done if the company's income
increases. Usually, employees at the Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Company will get a bonus at the end of
the year; by getting income from the company, employees can support their families or meet the needs of these
4. Employees are more productive at work
Work motivation makes employees at the Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin Paketzentrum Company work more
productively by being able to complete work on time and being able to work by showing good integrity. Then, it can
work optimally and productively for the company's benefit. The demands of competition urge companies to have
skilled, dexterous, and meticulous employees to produce high output in quantity and quality. An employee may be
smart and versatile. However, he will not do the maximum for himself or the company without motivation.
4 Conclusion
Factors that cause work motivation are divided into 2: internal factors that come from within employees,
including meeting the needs of life and skills and knowledge. The second factor comes from external, including the
relationship between superiors and subordinates. The value of work motivation instilled by Paketzentrum
Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany, is quite a lot, such as the value of honesty and mutual trust and responsibility
then applying good work ethics, all of that is solely in order to get good service and believing in the good performance
of Paketzentrum Ludwigsfelde DHL Berlin, Germany and always want to be ashamed of cooperation.
With work motivation, employees get more enthusiasm and encouragement to work so that employees can
do their work more productively. By working more productively, it will increase income both from the company and
from the employees themselves.
1149 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1141-1151
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