International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
The Influence Of Transformational Leadership, Corporate
Culture, And Cadre Competence On The Job Performance Of
Golkar Party Cadres With Employee Engagement As Mediation
Frederik Hendrika
, Erny Tajib
Universitas Trisakti Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: frederikhendrik[email protected]
Leadership; Corporate
Culture; Cadre
Competence; Job Of
Cadre Performance;
Employee Engagement.
This research explores the impact of Transformational Leadership, Corporate
Culture, and cadre competency on the Performance of Golkar Party cadres, with
employee involvement as a mediator. Using the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) method and its integration with AMOS 24 software, this research
involved the entire population of Golkar Party cadres (108 people) as samples,
ensuring equal opportunities for each individual. The research results show that
Transformational Leadership has a significant effect on Employee Engagement,
while Corporate Culture has a substantial impact on cadre Performance. Cadre
competency also has a significant effect on Employee Engagement. Apart from that,
Employee Engagement also acts as a mediator between Transformational
Leadership and cadre Performance. These findings provide important insights into
the development of corporate culture and cadre competence, especially in the
Golkar Party.
© 2024 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
Performance is relevant in individuals, business organizations, and politics, especially involving political
parties. One party that has a long history and a vital role in Indonesian politics is the Golkar Party (Fauziah,
2023). In a democratic system, the performance of a political party is measured through the electoral support
it receives. This concept aligns with the theory of political systems and political parties, which posits that
political parties are institutions essential in representing people's aspirations and making political decisions
(Firdaus, Kartika, Suryahim, Uswatiyah, & Budiantoro, 2022).
Political parties play a central role in maintaining and strengthening the democratic system. As a
representation of citizens in the political arena, political parties facilitate the organization and expression of
people's interests. The quality of cadres within the party significantly impacts the party's ability to achieve this
democratic goal, as (Diamond, 2020) explains. Political parties are not only the leading guardians of democracy
but also prime movers in shaping the political direction of a country. Through their role as a society
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
representative, political parties provide an official structure to reflect citizens' preferences in the political
decision-making process. Furthermore, political parties become carriers of political visions and policy ideas,
form political platforms, carry out voter mandates, and create policy discourses that reflect the interests of
society. Thus, political parties are key players in the political process and critical architects in building inclusive
and meaningful democracies.
The Golkar Party, as a political party, with its history as the winning party of general elections in the New
Order era, has become a significant actor in Indonesian politics. The party's performance is not only measured
by the number of seats won in general elections but also by the participation of its members in the legislative
and executive processes.
Political parties are the main foundation of a democratic system, acting as guardians and bridges between
the interests of society and the government. They are prime movers in shaping public policy, articulating
political visions, and shaping public opinion. The quality of political party cadres significantly impacts party
effectiveness and the overall health of democracy. In the Indonesian context, the Golkar Party has long played
an essential role in the political process, and improving the performance of Golkar Party cadres is a very
relevant and crucial aspect.
The quality of Golkar Party cadres is crucial in the Indonesian political context, playing an essential role
in shaping the party's image and sustainability. The cadres' performance not only reflects the party's identity
but also influences the direction and reputation of the party in political dynamics. According to (Diamond,
2020), cadres' quality is vital to democratic success, influencing party performance and its ability to carry out
political tasks. Transformational leadership is a critical element in improving cadres' performance, motivating
them to achieve party goals, developing a shared vision, and actively contributing to the success of political
parties. In the context of political parties, transformational leadership not only acts as a manager but also as an
agent of change capable of inspiring the passion and dedication of cadres, ensuring the party achieves a shared
vision and sustainable democratic success.
Transformational leadership builds a firm commitment from cadres to the party and transforms political
parties into more efficient, innovative, and responsive organizations. Leaders who can motivate, develop a
shared vision, and build strong commitment help the party adapt to political and societal changes. In addition,
transformational leadership also plays a vital role in creating passionate, committed cadres with the vision to
support the party, positively impacting the quality of political party performance and success in its political
Corporate culture in political parties significantly strengthens party identity, shapes cadre behavior, and
creates norms that support party goals. According to (Gauja & Kosiara-Pedersen, 2021), organizational culture
becomes the moral foundation, standards, and values that shape party identity. A strong culture can strengthen
a party's image, influencing voter perception and support. For example, if adopted in an organizational culture,
values such as transparency and accountability can create a clean and trustworthy image of the party. In
addition, corporate culture influences cadre behavior, shaping work ethic, collaboration, and integrity.
Organizational culture's norms also govern party members' actions and interactions, support desirable political
ethics, and create a positive party environment. A corporate culture that supports open communication and
innovation creates norms that promote positive change and renewal within political parties.
A strong organizational culture is one of the key pillars in maintaining cadres' quality and ensuring
political parties' success. This culture creates a moral and ethical foundation consistent with party values,
guides cadre behavior, and creates norms that support party goals. In a changing and competitive political
context, a strong organizational culture is an invaluable asset in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of
political parties.
The Golkar Party, a historic and influential political party in Indonesia, has a crucial role in politics and
government. The book "Political Islam and Governance in Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Indonesia" by Ahmad
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(2008) provides valuable insight into the history and role of this party. As the oldest party, the Golkar Party has
roots in the New Order era and developed into a dominant political force. However, after the fall of the Suharto
regime, the party faced new challenges that highlighted the importance of cadre quality in changing political
dynamics. Golkar Party cadres must adapt to political changes, understand voter diversity, and strengthen the
party's identity. Understanding the role and history of the Golkar Party and evaluating the quality of cadres is
crucial in devising the right strategy to maintain and improve the party's position in dynamic Indonesian
politics. The quality of good cadres is a valuable asset in achieving political goals and ensuring the sustainability
and relevance of the Golkar Party in Indonesia's political development.
In politics, cadre competence is a critical element of the political journey of the Golkar Party, involving
factors such as political knowledge, communication skills, and leadership abilities. In-depth political knowledge
enables cadres to articulate the party's vision convincingly, while practical communication skills help them woo
voters and build rapport with stakeholders. Leadership ability is crucial in coordinating party activities and
member motivation, especially in political campaigns. Evaluation and development of cadre competence is an
essential stage in the strategy of the Golkar Party, according to the research (Hiebert & Morris. Training,
development, and measurement of cadre competence are vital instruments to ensure the readiness and quality
of Golkar Party cadres in carrying out party duties, including in political campaigns and voter mobilization. With
competent cadres, the Golkar Party can more effectively achieve the support needed to achieve its political
goals, making cadre competence a key element in achieving political success.
In addition to transformational leadership, organizational culture, and cadre competence, employee
engagement, or cadre engagement, is a significant mediating variable in the context of political parties.
Employee engagement refers to party members' level of involvement and commitment to their party. A study
examining volunteer involvement in political parties highlights how vital cadre involvement is in improving
party performance. The participation of cadres creates a solid commitment to the party, which in turn
contributes to the success of the party.
Employee Engagement becomes "social capital" in the context of political parties, motivating cadres to
actively participate in party activities and support the party's vision. This engagement also affects cadre
retention rates, creates stability in the party workforce, and contributes to the continuity of political strategy.
Research by Theiss-Morse et al. (2018) shows cadre involvement positively impacts party performance,
especially in political campaigns and voter mobilization. Therefore, investment in creating strong cadre
engagement can bring tangible benefits to political parties, including the Golkar Party. In practice, political
parties can develop strategies to increase cadre engagement, such as creating an inclusive party environment,
listening to cadres' aspirations, providing recognition, and providing training for cadre development. Employee
engagement also acts as an essential mediating factor in the influence of transformational leadership,
organizational culture, and cadre competence on political party performance, helping to achieve tremendous
political success.
In the context of innovation and research development, the results of this study are expected to help
describe and measure the extent to which factors such as transformational leadership, organizational culture,
and cadre competence affect the performance of Golkar Party cadres with the involvement of cadres as
mediators. Recent data and related research findings will enable a deeper understanding of the
interconnectedness of these factors. They will provide a sharper view of how to improve the quality of political
party cadres in Indonesia, which will ultimately positively impact the development of democracy in the country.
With more up-to-date data updates and research, we will have more profound insights into how improving the
quality of political party cadres, especially in the Golkar Party, can contribute to the development of democracy
in Indonesia.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
2. Materials and Methods
This research is a development and merger of previous studies on factors that affect individual and
organizational performance, taking inspiration from 2022 studies. The study focuses on the influence of
Transformational Leadership, Corporate Culture, and Competence of cadres on the Job Performance of Golkar
Party cadres, with Employee Engagement as a mediation variable. The identification of independent variables
and measurement using the Likert scale, adapted from previous studies and tested for validity and reliability.
Data was collected through an online questionnaire using purposive sampling from a population of 108 Golkar
Party cadres. It is hoped that this method can provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence
the performance and involvement of Golkar Party cadres in the context of political organization.
3. Results and Discussions
a. Descriptive Analysis of Respondents
In this study, the characteristics of respondents' data reflected the method of collecting an online
questionnaire involving 108 members of the Golkar Party Cadres. Diversity in party structure is reflected in
respondents' characteristics, including education level, employment background, and level of involvement in
party activities. The gender picture shows male dominance with 81 respondents, while 27 respondents are
women. Age profiles provide an inclusive picture, with most respondents aged 26-35. Islam dominates religious
representation but reflects diversity with Catholics and Christians. Education data creates a mixed picture, with
most respondents having a Bachelor's (S1) level. The job profile shows a diversity of professions, from employee
to self-employed, with 36 respondents each. Marital status and tenure highlight the diversity of life experiences
and involvement in party structures. An in-depth analysis of these characteristics can better understand party
members, guide recruitment strategies, and develop inclusive policies.
b. Descriptive Analysis of Research Variables
Transformational Leadership is one of the independent variables in this study, consisting of 6 indicators. The
descriptive results are as follows:
Table 1
Variabel Transformational Leadership
The leader of the Golkar Party has
the ability of the leader in
motivating the cadres of the
Golkar Party and
The leader of the Golkar Party
showed an inspiring vision and
Golkar Party leaders encourage
critical thinking of Golkar Party
The leader of the Golkar Party
accepted the innovative attitude
of its cadres
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
The leader of the Golkar Party
gave individual attention to his
Golkar Party leaders listen to
input from Golkar Party cadres
Transformational Leadership
Descriptive analysis of the Transformational Leadership (TL) variable displays a breakdown of scores
for each indicator, providing a deeper understanding of respondents' perceptions of aspects of transformational
leadership. All Transformational Leadership indicators show an average (mean) of 4.04 to 4.31, with a relatively
low standard deviation (between 0.880 and 0.975). This indicates the consistency of respondents' assessment
of transformational leadership aspects. Overall, the Transformational Leadership variable has a mean of 4.2116,
meaning the average respondent agrees with all the statements above. Inspirational influence has the highest
and lowest mean on individual attention of the three dimensions above.
Then, Corporate Culture, which is one of the independent variables in this study, consists of 4 indicators.
The descriptive results are as follows:
Table 2
Variabel Corporate Culture
The values in your life are the
values espoused by the Golkar
You, as a cadre of the Golkar
Party, have to adhere to the
norms that exist in the
organization of the Golkar Party
The perception of Golkar Party
cadres towards the level of
communication and
collaboration among Golkar
Party members is very positive.
The Golkar Party's decisions
align with the main principles
and goals held firmly by the
Golkar Party.
Corporate Culture
This study's descriptive analysis of Corporate Culture (CC) variables provides a comprehensive picture
of respondents' perceptions of corporate culture in the Golkar Party. All Corporate Culture indicators show a
score range between 1 and 5, with the mean ranging from 4.08 to 4.28. A relatively low standard deviation
(between 0.833 and 0.884) indicates a degree of consistency in assessing aspects of corporate culture. Overall,
the Corporate Culture variable has a mean of 4.1481, meaning the average respondent agrees with all the
statements above. Of the two dimensions above, the Organizational Value has the highest and lowest mean in
the Norms.
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Competence Cadre, one of the independent variables in this study, consists of 6 indicators. The
descriptive results are as follows:
Table 3
Variable Competence Framework
Political Skills
Golkar Party cadres can
Golkar Party cadres can
interact in a political context
and carry out their assigned
political duties well
Golkar Party cadres have
political knowledge
Golkar Party cadres have an
understanding of political
issues relevant to the Golkar
Leaders can provide direction
The leader can mobilize the
Golkar Party cadres to achieve
the goals of the Golkar Party
Competence Kader
Descriptive analysis of the Cadre Competency variable produces data showing a consistent assessment
of respondents against various related indicators. Descriptive analysis of the variables Competence details the
mean (mean) and standard deviation for each indicator, i.e., all Competence variables. The results showed that
each indicator had a high mean, ranging from 4.26 to 4.38, signaling a positive perception of the competence of
cadres within the Golkar Party.
A relatively low standard deviation (between 0.858 and 0.943) indicates that scores tend to converge
around the mean, signaling a good consistency level in respondents' cadre competence assessment. The Cadre
Competency variable has a mean of 4.3162 with a standard deviation of 0.82842 from 108 valid respondents in
the listwise analysis. This data provides an in-depth understanding of respondents' perceptions and
assessments of cadres' competence level within the Golkar Party. The Competence variable has a mean of
4.3612, meaning the average respondent agrees with all the statements above. Of the three dimensions above,
Political Skills have the highest and lowest mean in leadership.
Cadre Performance, one of the dependent variables in this study, consists of 8 indicators. The descriptive
results are as follows:
Table 4
Variabel Job Performance Kader
Golkar Party cadres can
communicate effectively with
fellow cadres and leaders
1224 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
Golkar Party cadres can
increase their involvement in
party activities, creating an
inclusive and collaborative
A Sense of
Involvement in
the Party's
You, as a Golkar Party cadre,
feel involved in the decision-
making process of the Golkar
Your opinions and
contributions are valued in the
decision-making process of the
Golkar Party, providing a
greater sense of belonging and
Support and
Involvement in
Party Activities
You, as a Golkar Party cadre,
always participate in Golkar
Party activities
Your level of participation in
Golkar Party activities
positively affects your level of
involvement, creating a sense of
ownership of the party's efforts.
and Personal
Golkar Party provides
opportunities for career
development and personal
growth of Golkar Party
This opportunity positively
affects your level of
involvement and motivation as
a cadre, encouraging you to
contribute more actively to
achieving the party's goals.
Performance Kader
Through descriptive statistical analysis in Table 10, it can be observed that the score for each
Performance variable shows a range between 1 and 5, with an average ranging from 4.05 to 4.31. The relatively
low standard deviation, ranging from 0.830 to 0.955, illustrates that scores tend to accumulate around the mean
value, indicating a degree of consistency in respondents' assessment of cadre performance. Overall, the
Performance variable has a mean of 4.2122 with a standard deviation of 0.82903 from 108 respondents, which
means that the average respondent agrees with all the statements above. Of the four dimensions above, Career
Development and Personal Growth have the highest and lowest mean in the Sense of Involvement in the Party
Decision-Making Process.
Test the Direct Influence Hypothesis
The results of hypothesis testing reflect that there is a significant influence between the variables studied.
Here is an analysis of each hypothesis:
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
Table 5
Direct Influence Hypothesis
Leadership Employee
Corporate Culture
Employee Engagement
Corporate Culture
Competence Employee
Employee Engagement
a. Hipotesis 1: Pengaruh Transformational Leadership terhadap Employee Engagement
The path analysis results show a significant influence between Transformational Leadership and
Employee Engagement, with an estimated path coefficient of 0.216. This result is reinforced by a Critical Ratio
value of 2.812 and a significant p-value of 0.005. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of the path
of Transformational Leadership → Employee Engagement is significantly supported in the context of this study.
That is, the higher the Transformational Leadership, the higher the level of Employee Engagement that can be
b. Hypothesis 2: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Cadre Job Performance
The statistical test results showed unfavorable findings between Transformational Leadership and
Performance, with an estimated path coefficient of -0.019. This finding is reinforced by a Critical Ratio value
close to zero (-0.267) and an insignificant p-value (0.790). Therefore, it can be concluded that the
Transformational Leadership Performance path hypothesis is not significantly supported in the context of
this study.
This finding shows no significant influence between Transformational Leadership and the performance
of Golkar Party cadres. Nonetheless, it is essential to conduct further research and consider other factors that
might influence the relationship between the two variables. Further analysis of cadres' organizational context
and characteristics can provide additional insights for a deeper understanding of the dynamics between
transformational leadership and cadre performance in political parties.
c. Hipotesis 3: Pengaruh Corporate Culture terhadap Employee Engagement
The results of the statistical tests show that the influence of corporate culture and employee engagement
is not significantly supportive. The estimated path coefficient of 0.164, with a Critical Ratio value of about 1.418
and a p-value of 0.156, shows statistical insignificance. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of the
Corporate Culture → Employee Engagement path is not supportive in the context of this study.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
This finding indicates that Corporate Culture does not have a significant influence on the level of cadre
involvement. Nonetheless, these results may provide a basis for further reflection on how the organizational
culture within political parties may or may not affect cadre engagement levels. Additional research can explore
specific aspects of corporate culture that may or may not contribute to employee engagement in the context of
political parties such as the Golkar Party.
d. Hypothesis 4: The Influence of Corporate Culture on Cadre Job Performance
The results of statistical tests show that there is statistical support for the influence of Corporate Culture
and Performance. The estimated path coefficient of 0.314, with a Critical Ratio of about 2.999 and a p-value of
0.003, indicates high statistical significance. Thus, it can be concluded that the hypothesis of the Corporate
Culture → Performance pathway is supported in the context of this study.
This finding indicates that Corporate Culture significantly influences cadres' performance in the Golkar
Party. This highlights the importance of the role of organizational culture in shaping and improving individual
performance within the context of political parties. By implication, efforts to strengthen or manage corporate
culture can be an effective strategy to enhance the performance of political cadres at the party level.
e. Hypothesis 5: The Effect of Cadre Competence on Employee Engagement
From the results of the path analysis, it was found that there is strong statistical support for the influence
between Competence and Employee Engagement. The path coefficient of 0.682, with a Critical Ratio of about
6.640 and a p-value of 0.000, indicates high statistical significance. Therefore, the path hypothesis
Competence → Employee Engagement can be confirmed and supported in this research framework.
These findings illustrate that the competence of cadres has a significant favorable influence on their level
of engagement in party activities. Increasing the competence of individual cadres is considered to increase their
involvement in various political party activities. The implication is that competency development through
political training and education can be a relevant strategy to strengthen cadre engagement in supporting
political party goals and activities.
f. Hypothesis 6: The Effect of Cadre Competence on Cadre Job Performance
The results of the hypothesis test show that there is significant statistical support for the effect of
Competence and Performance. The path coefficient of 0.295, with a Critical Ratio of about 2.369 and a p-value
of 0.018, indicates that this relationship has statistical significance. Therefore, the Competence → Performance
pathway hypothesis can be confirmed and considered supported in the context of this study.
That is, the level of competence of cadres affects the improvement of their performance in the context of
political parties. Increasing the competence of individual cadres can be linked to improving their performance
in carrying out political roles and responsibilities. The implication is that cadres' competency development
strategies can be considered as potential investments to improve their performance in supporting the activities
and objectives of political parties.
g. Hypothesis 7: The Effect of Employee Engagement on Cadre Job Performance
The path analysis findings show statistically significant support for the influence between employee
engagement and performance. A path coefficient of 0.455, with a Critical Ratio of about 3.503 and a p-value of
0.000, indicates that this relationship has vital statistical significance. Therefore, the Employee Engagement
Performance pathway hypothesis can be confirmed and considered supported in the context of this study.
That is, the level of involvement and attachment of cadres in the activities and objectives of political
parties (Employee Engagement) affects the improvement of their performance. In political parties, a high level
of involvement from cadres can strengthen their connections and commitment to the party's mission and vision,
1227 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
positively impacting its effectiveness and productivity. The implication is that increasing employee engagement
can be considered a relevant strategy to improve the performance of political party cadres.
The Hypothesis of Indirectly Influence
Indirect effect analysis in SPSS provides an essential overview of the relationship between mediated,
independent, and dependent variables. The concept of mediation allows an understanding of how one variable
affects the relationship between other variables. In a simple mediation model, one mediator variable is in the
middle of the independent variable and the dependent variable.
The concept of mediation occurs when changes to an independent variable affect the mediator variable,
which further impacts the dependent variable. In other words, the mediator variable describes part of the
relationship between the independent and dependent variables. The mediation analysis allows us to identify
how much the mediator variable mediates the relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
Table 6
Indirect Influence Hypothesis
Leadership Employee
→ Performance
Corporate Culture →
Employee Engagement
→ Performance
Competence→ Employee
→ Performance
1. Hypothesis 8: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Cadre Job Performance through
Employee Engagement Mediation
By involving Employee Engagement as a mediator, the results of statistical tests show that the influence
of Transformational Leadership on the Job Performance of Golkar Cadres has proven significant. The results of
the track analysis show substantial statistical support for pathways involving Transformational Leadership,
Employee Engagement, and Performance. The path coefficient of Transformational Leadership Employee
Engagement is 0.216, with a Critical Ratio of around 2.812 and a p-value of 0.005, indicating a significant
favorable influence of Transformational Leadership on Employee Engagement. Furthermore, the Employee
Engagement → Performance path with a path coefficient of 0.455, a C.R. of around 3.503, and a p-value of 0.000
indicates that Employee Engagement contributes positively and significantly to Performance improvement.
Thus, the path of Transformational Leadership, → Employee Engagement, → Performance as a whole can
be considered a path supported by statistical data. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the cause-
and-effect relationship between these factors in the context of this study. The implication is that increasing
Transformational Leadership can directly affect the Job Performance of political party cadres through Employee
2. Hypothesis 9: The Effect of Corporate Culture on Cadre Job Performance through Employee
Engagement Mediation
The results of statistical tests show that data do not support pathways involving Corporate Culture,
Employee Engagement, and Performance. The path coefficient of Corporate Culture Employee Engagement
is 0.164, with a Critical Ratio value of around 1.418 and a p-value of 0.156, indicating that the influence of
Corporate Culture on Employee Engagement is insignificant. Furthermore, the Employee Engagement
1228 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
Performance path with a path coefficient of 0.075, a C.R. of approximately 1.314, and a p-value of 0.189 indicates
that Employee Engagement does not contribute significantly to improving Performance.
With these findings, it can be concluded that in the context of this study, employee engagement cannot
mediate corporate culture to improve the job performance of Golkar Party cadres. Further analysis can be
performed to understand the dynamics underlying these results, such as the presence of other mediating
variables or external factors that might influence the relationship between those variables.
1. Hypothesis 10: The Effect of Cadre Competence on Cadre Job Performance through Employee
Engagement Mediation
Involving Employee Engagement mediation, statistical test results show significant support for pathways
involving Competence, Employee Engagement, and Performance. The path coefficient of Competence
Employee Engagement is 0.682, with a Critical Ratio value of around 6.640 and a p-value of 0.000, indicating a
positive and significant influence of Competence on Employee Engagement. Furthermore, the Employee
Engagement → Performance path with a path coefficient of 0.310, a C.R. of around 3.098, and a p-value of 0.002
indicates that Employee Engagement contributes positively and significantly to improving Performance.
Thus, it can be concluded that statistical data support the overall Competence → Employee Engagement
→ Performance path. These findings provide a further understanding of the relationship between Competence,
Employee Engagement, and Performance in the context of this study. The implication is that increasing
Competence indirectly affects the Job Performance of Golkar Party cadres through Employee Engagement.
The results show that Hypothesis 1, which states that Transformational Leadership has a significant
effect on Employee Engagement, can be strengthened by the findings of Retno Rafia, Achmad Sudiro, and
Sunaryo (2020), as well as the research of (Chen & Cuervo, 2022). In this context, according to related literature,
transformational leadership positively impacts employee engagement.
However, Hypothesis 2, which states that Transformational Leadership does not have a significant
influence on cadre performance, shows results that do not match the findings of (Osborne et al., 2022) and
(Qalati, Zafar, Fan, Limón, & Khaskheli 2022). These studies indicate that effective and professional
transformational management can influence the achievement of planned targets.
In the context of Hypothesis 3, the finding that Corporate Culture does not significantly influence
Employee Engagement contradicts the research of Indah (Sari et al., 2022), which found a positive and
significant relationship between corporate culture and employee engagement.
Hypothesis 5 indicates that there is a significant influence of Cadre Competence on Employee
Engagement, in line with the findings of Luturmas, Wirjawan, and Arta (2023), which shows that cadre
competence has an impact on employee engagement to increase employee engagement in global competition.
Hypothesis 6 states that Cadre Competence positively affects Cadre Job Performance, which aligns with
(Oktarina et al., 2021) research, which shows a correlation between HR capabilities and performance. Good
people management can improve overall HR performance (Juliati, 2021).
Hypothesis 7 states that Employee Engagement significantly influences Cadre Job Performance,
according to the findings of Indah (Hidayat & Lestari, 2022), which shows a positive influence between
Employee Engagement and employee performance.
Hypothesis 8 states that Employee Engagement mediates the relationship between Transformational
Leadership and Job Performance of Cadres, in line with the findings of (Danilwan & Dirhamsyah, 2022), which
show that Employee Engagement can be a mediator between transformational leadership and employee
However, Hypothesis 9, which states that Corporate Culture does not affect Cadre Job Performance
through Employee Engagement mediation, is not by the findings of Indah, Satrya, and Lestari (2022), which
shows the influence of Corporate Culture on Cadre Job Performance through Employee Engagement.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
Finally, Hypothesis 10, which states that Employee Engagement mediates the relationship between
Cadre Competence and Cadre Job Performance, is in line with the findings of (Tiong, Sumaryo, Dalle, & Latif,
2023), which shows the influence of Cadre Competence on Cadre Job Performance through Employee
Engagement mediation.
4. Conclusion
The results of this study provide a fundamental picture of the relationship between critical factors in
human resource management, especially in the context of the Golkar Party. Through careful analysis, it is
concluded that Transformational Leadership, Corporate Culture, and Cadre Competence play a significant role
in shaping Employee Engagement and Job Performance Cadres. From the results of the research analysis, the
following conclusions were obtained:
1. Transformational Leadership has a significant effect on Employee Engagement.
2. Transformational leadership does not have a significant influence on cadre performance.
3. Corporate Culture does not have a significant influence on Employee Engagement.
4. Corporate Culture has a significant influence on Cadre Job Performance.
5. Cadre Competence makes a significant contribution to employee engagement.
6. Cadre Competence affects Cadre Job Performance.
7. Employee Engagement has a significant influence on Cadre Job Performance.
8. Employee Engagement can mediate the influence between Transformational Leadership and Cadre Job
9. Employee Engagement cannot mediate Corporate Culture's influence on Cadre Job Performance.
10. Employee Engagement can mediate the influence between Cadre Competence and Cadre Job Performance.
1230 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1218-1231
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