International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Redesigning Tourism Community Participation Management:
Integrating Digital Technology with the Soft Systems
Methodology (SSM) Approach
*, Eko Nur Wahyudi
, Sunardi
Universitas Stikubank, Semarang, Indonesia
Community Collective
Engagement (CCE); Soft
Systems Methodology
(SSM); Multifactor
Evaluation Process
(MFEP); Tourism
Awareness Group;
Participatory Innovation.
The soft systems methodology (SSM) method is used in this study to address the
perspective of community collective engagement (Participation with the
community) in the context of tourist awareness groups. This study aims to develop
a new model that can increase community engagement using digital technology for
tourist objectives. This research examines difficulties and formulates novel digital
technology solutions through case studies on tourist awareness groups. The
findings of this study suggest that the SSM method may give a comprehensive
picture and enable the building of relevant and successful models. This study
contributes significantly to our understanding of how to improve community
engagement in technology-based tourist situations.
© 2024 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1. Introduction
The tourism industry has undergone a significant transformation with the adoption of digital technology.
While this technology opens up new opportunities, tourism-conscious groups (Pokdarwis), which have an
essential role in destination development, face the challenge of participating and effectively utilizing digital
technology. Pokdarwis is a local community that plays a role in promoting and preserving tourist destinations.
Developing local tourism is essential in improving the economy and welfare of the community, including
Pokdarwis. In this context, community collective engagement (CCE) is a relevant approach to integrate active
community participation in decision-making (Barnes et al., 2014) related to tourism development.
In the digital era, the use of technology such as mobile applications, social media, and other online
platforms can expand the positive impact of this Pokdarwis community. Digital technologies can improve
communication, manage data, and provide tools that enable community participation in decision-making.
However, significant obstacles must be overcome, such as lack of access to technology, lack of understanding,
and challenges in integrating technology into conservation efforts and tourism promotion. This is supported by
research results that state that understanding communities is more effective if supported by technology-based
tourism initiatives (Umam & Astuti, 2022), (Rukman, Marliani, Muharram, & Yunan, 2023), (Yaakop, Bagul, &
Ismail, 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to identify innovative solutions that can help travel-conscious groups
(Setiawan, 2022), (Pratiwi, Oetomo, Pl, Asbi, & Hut, 2019) overcome these obstacles and utilize digital
technology (Li, 2020)(Jari & Lauraéus, 2019) more effectively. The existence of pokdarwis participating in
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
managing tourism in their area needs to be optimized, so a framework is required to understand the complex
dynamics of pokdarwis as part of Community Collective Engagement (CCE).
The Dynamics Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) approach can be used as a framework for developing
conceptual models (Trenerry et al., 2021)(Wang, Liu, & Mingers, 2015) because SSM is specifically designed
to address complex and ambiguous problems. SSM helps detail, analyze, and formulate problems by involving
various stakeholders and understanding Pokdarwi's perspectives. The SSM approach can provide a holistic
view to identify differences in perceptions and goals between the multiple parties involved in CCE, such as
Polaris and others. Thus, SSM helps formulate conceptual models that understand the complex dynamics and
conflicts between various elements in the CCE. Therefore, this study aims to develop a new model to strengthen
community participation in utilizing digital technology for tourist purposes. In this case, the main focus refers
to innovation in the context of community participation and digital technology (Latuperissa, 2020).
This study also wants to know the aspects that will be the basis for the success indicators of conceptual models
using the Multi-factors Evaluation Process (MFEP) algorithm. MFEP is also one of the methods in the realm of
SSM (Tarifu, Equatora, Abdullah, & Saragih, 2021), (Xu, Guan, Shi, & Blersch, 2018), which can be used to
determine the best priority level in several aspects considered in various fields. In this study, the indicators of
model success with the SSM approach are efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness. The study aims to develop
innovative models to strengthen community participation in technology-based tourism. At the same time, the
benefits involve increased understanding, creative solutions, scientific contributions, and community
This research will make valuable contributions to knowledge in community participation, technology-
based tourism, and using SSM as a research approach. In this case, increasing community participation
positively impacts the development and sustainability of technology-based tourist destinations.
Community collective engagement, or CCE, is an essential concept in the tourism industry, mainly if
applied to increase the number of people working there. This is due to the realization that tourism is becoming
one of the important economic sectors in many countries, which can provide significant financial benefits (Pane
et al., 2021); (Moric, Pekovic, Janinovic, Perovic, & Griesbeck, 2021). Community Collective Engagement (CCE)
refers to the active and collaborative participation of diverse community members in the decision-making,
planning, implementation, and evaluation processes of various projects that affect the lives of the community.
This idea highlights the need for community involvement in shaping policies, initiatives, or projects that impact
ecological, social, cultural, and economic well-being. The concept of CCE is, first, participation and collaboration,
which allows people to share information, knowledge, and different points of view to achieve common goals.
Second is joint decision-making, and third is capacity building. Fourth, Transparency and Accountability.
Involvement in Planning and Implementation. Sustainability and Empowerment. Positive impact.
MFEP is a quantitative method that uses a weighting system (Retnowati Retnowati, Wahyudi, & Anis,
2022), (Warnilah, Purnia, Adiwisastra, Sutisna, & Ardianto, 2020), (Honorata Ratna Putranti Retnowati &
Danang, 2022). Aspects of success indicators of the model to be implemented. This context is essential in
decision-making so that the main elements agreed upon get a priority picture for Pokdarwis and decision-
makers. All critical criteria in making considerations are given appropriate weighting. The same steps are taken
on alternative aspects to be selected and evaluated about these consideration factors. The MFEP method
determines that the alternative with the highest value is the best solution based on the criteria that have been
selected. The formula used in MFEP can be explained in formula points (1) and (2), which begin by determining
the indicators, criteria, and weights of each criterion as the primary source of counters in MFEP (Xu et al., 2018).
The next step is to calculate the evaluation weight value (NBE) with the formula:
NBE = NBF * NEF (1)
NBE = Evaluation Weight Value
NBF = Value Weight Factor
NEF = Value Evaluation Factor
Once the NBE can be calculated, the next step is to calculate the total evaluation weight (TBE) with the
TBE = NBE1 + NBE2 + NBE3 + .......NBEn (2)
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages:
TBE = Total Evaluation Weight
NBE = Evaluation Weight Value
Once the TBE can be calculated, the next step is to rank for a decision. CCE is an essential basis for
understanding that community involvement is significant in strengthening tourism management, especially
Polaris, which must be sharpened by using information technology and digitalization because the current era
of tourism is in the digital transformation era. Therefore, it is necessary to build a conceptual model of tourism
management by local communities with an SSM approach that strengthens the use of information and digital
technology by clarifying the success aspects of the model in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy
measurably using MFEP.
2. Materials and Methods
This research uses a mixed methods approach, combining qualitative (SSM) and quantitative (MFEP).
The locus of the case study was conducted on pokdarwis in the city area of Semarang, Central Java. Based on
the method and substance of the research, all kinds of data related to the research topic will be used as primary
data to help the analysis process. The data collection strategy is observation and in-depth interviews with
sources as primary data. Secondary data are based on intellectual studies from various sources. This study's
qualitative data analysis strategies include a) data categorization, b) data description, and c) data interpretation.
Data analysis was carried out using unique methods to strengthen the idea of collective involvement of
pokdarwis communities in tourism management by improving information technology and digitalization.
After the data is collected, analysis is carried out with the SSM approach in seven stages; where after the
conceptual model can be described, the resource person is asked for opinions on the model that has been
formed to get agreement. Furthermore, from the aspects of efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy, indicators
whose weights will be agreed upon by the resource persons, the main priority level will be calculated using
MFEP. The final ranking results of these indicators are used to improve and revise previously built models using
SSM. Figure 2 shows the research methods used as a guideline for conducting research. The findings of the SSM
stages will be reported based on three groupings, as follows:
1. Stages 1-2 SSM, in this section, discusses the results and information related to the findings of problems in
the field or problems in tourism activities in Pokdarwis about information technology transformation and
2. Stages 3-4-5 SSM, in this section, describes three things, namely:
a) the results of the evaluation of researchers and informants, who then compile a root definition by
understanding the point of view of the resource person/participant to build a CCE-based tourism
management model with IT optimization and digitalization
b) build a conceptual model that contains the activities that have been carried out and that need to be done;
c) comparison of conceptual models with actual conditions in the field.
3. In stages 6-7, SSM aims to identify feasible and systemically feasible changes and produce recommendations
for changes that can be implemented so that an appropriate system can be obtained with pokdarwis
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
Figure 1. Research Methods
3. Results and Discussions
The problems faced by tourism awareness groups in the Semarang city area were understood through
in-depth observations and interviews with informants. The collected data is analyzed using an SSM approach
with seven stages of completion. The first stage is the identification of unstructured problems. Table 1 describes
the identification of the issues in the activities of tourism activists, which is a form of the creation of CCE that is
associated with the use and optimization of information technology in the digital era.
Table 1
Problem Analysis
Lack of participation of
Pokdarwis in the use of
tourism applications
Pokdarwis in tourist locations have limited access
and interest in promoting new tourist attractions
through digital tourism applications.
An understanding of the importance of tourism
promotion using information technology and
digitalization is required
Discrepancy of Pokdarwis'
expectations with existing
information technology,
where existing needs and
applications are not yet
mismatch between available information
technology features and capabilities with the
expectations and needs of travel-conscious groups
Technology adjustment is needed by identifying
the specific needs of tourism-conscious groups
and developing or adjusting information
technology to match the expectations and needs of
The data and information
disseminated are not
maintained so that the
information disseminated is
The inability of HR to manage and maintain the
continuity of updating data and information on
existing applications
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not in sync with the current
HR who understand how to update data and
information is needed
Cost support is needed to keep information
management activities running properly
From the problem analysis in Table 1, a description of the situation is carried out using the principle of
the rich picture, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows that the sustainability of pokdarwis participation in
tourism management is a shared responsibility between the community, media, government, education, and
academics. The community, as the primary source of Polaris, is the host and is the leading actor in carrying out
the process of managing and developing tourism in its area. Tourists can be accommodated well when the
community provides optimal services and facilities. In contrast, the government provides support related to
optimizing human resources for tourism and participating in supervising the development of tourist attractions.
With the creation of synergy and coordination between stakeholders, it is hoped that local communities can
develop and manage new tourist attractions in the Semarang area using the principles of CCE. The involvement
is intended as a form of CCE implementation considering information technology utilization and digitalization.
Based on the rich picture, it can be seen that the main obstacles faced by Pokdarwis indicate the need for
improvement, improvement, and strengthening, which will be explained in the CATWOE analysis table (table
2). CATWOE Analysis is an acronym for CATWOE Analysis consisting of Consumer, Actor, Transformation,
Worldview, Owner &; Environment. CATWOE analysis is an analysis where the researcher is at the abstraction
stage, meaning not in the real world. Still, the basis of the abstraction context is the result of collective data
derived from the real world.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
Figure 2. Rich Picture
Table 2
Analyses CATWOE
Customers who receive proceeds from
the utilization of information technology
by travel-conscious groups
tourists, destination
visitors, and interested
parties in the promotion of
tourist destinations.
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Actors who act and participate in the
use of information technology
Members of travel
awareness groups are
involved in the use of
information technology, as
well as digital literacy
training providers,
instructors, and
management of travel
awareness groups.
How information technology is changing
the process or activity of a travel-
conscious group
Transformation involves
using information
technology to promote
tourist destinations,
communicate information
to customers, and facilitate
interaction with travelers.
worldviews or perspectives that
support or hinder the use of information
technology by travel-conscious groups
Worldviews can vary,
including beliefs about the
benefits of information
technology, digital literacy
challenges, and
relationships with
technology in travel
are those who own or manage initiatives
on the use of information technology by
travel-conscious groups
The owner is the tourism-
conscious group itself, the
local government, or any
other entity supporting the
initiative, IDUKA, academia
External factors or environmental
constraints affecting the utilization of
information technology by travel-
conscious groups
Environmental constraints
could include access to IT
infrastructure, tourism
regulations, or economic
Root Definition:
A model of developing Pokdarwis participation through actively adopting and utilizing
information technology and digitalization by planning digital literacy training programs, tourism
applications, and information technology resources so that Pokdarwis benefit from increasing
their participation in using information technology and digitalization for tourism promotion.
Performance Optimization Measurement
Control the digital literacy training process and ensure the efficient use of
resources such as time, effort, and budget.
Measurement of its indicators:
1. Time required to complete a digital literacy training program per
2. The budget spent on digital literacy training programs is compared to the
benefits generated.
1. Time spent publishing content online.
Evaluate the achievement of tourist destination promotion goals.
Measurement of its indicators:
1. The percentage increase in tourist visits after using information
technology for promotion.
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2. The level of satisfaction of travelers who have used the information
provided by travel-conscious groups through technology.
1. Convert a tourism website or app visit to a physical visit to a destination.
Pokdarwis members have gained increased skills in the use of information
Measurement of its indicators:
1. Percentage of Pokdarwis members who have completed digital literacy
2. Increased digital literacy before and after training, measured by
technology knowledge tests.
1. The level of trust of Pokdarwis members in using information technology
for destination promotion.
With the performance assessment based on the formulation above, it is expected that the performance
of the conceptual model of CCE-based Pokdarwis participation development can be realized optimally. In the
conceptual model in Figure 4, nine main and three control activities are needed to achieve the objectives.
Figure 3 Conceptual Model of CCE-Based Pokdarwis Participation Development
In this stage, the conceptual model that has been built needs to be compared to the problem situation
(real world) so that recommendations can be obtained and realized. With measurable recommendations, there
is expected to be a formulation of suggestions for action steps for improvement, improvement, and change in
real-world situations. The comparison of conceptual and real-world models is described as shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Comparison of Conceptual and Real-world Models
Understand ongoing
Pokdarwis activities.
Limitations of
Pokdarwis human
resources on the
Knowledge and insights
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages:
understanding and use
of Information
Technology and
in the form of information
technology literacy and digitalization
for tourism promotion [increased IT
and Digital literacy]
Identify issues,
problems, and potential
existing resources
Tourism Villages
Thematic Villages are
tourist attractions with
a high intensity of
There is already
management by
Pokdarwis, but
promotion using
information technology
and digitalization has
not been the main
focus so that it can
interfere with the
sustainability of
existing tourist
Maximizing resources and
information technology and
digitalization to support the
expansion of tourism promotion
[strengthening IT resources and
Growing awareness of
Pokdarwis to actively
participate in using IT
and Digitalization
Participation and
Pokdarwis in
optimizing information
technology and
takes place in a
sporadic and yet
Organizing mentoring and up-
skilling for pokdarwis members on
information technology and
digitalization to expand and
strengthen tourism promotion media
[increased IT and Digital literacy]
Strengthening the
Pokdarwis organisation
management has not
been fully
strengthened with the
support of information
technology and
digitalization, which is
currently owned. Not
all are managed and
maintained correctly,
so data and
information are not
updated correctly.
Assisting and strengthening
pokdarwis with governance
supported by information
technology and digitalization while
ensuring maintenance is carried out
continuously. [increased IT and
Digital literacy]
Formulate Pokdarwis
activities to strengthen
the use of IT and
Pokdarwis does not yet
have a measurable and
targeted agenda for
tourism promotion
programs utilizing IT
and digitalization.
Provide assistance to develop
measurable, directed, and well-
documented plans for promotional
activities utilizing IT and
digitalization [increasing IT and
Digital literacy]
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
activity management
plan prepared and
agreed upon by
The implementation of
IT-based promotion
development plans and
digitalization is still
spontaneous and not
Realizing controlled and evaluated
IT-based promotion and
digitalization development activities
through continuous assistance
[strengthening IT resources and
Formulate Pokdarwis
activity procedures for
IT optimization and
Procedures and
support of resources
and funds for
developing IT-based
promotion and
digitalization have not
been well presented
and documented.
Preparation of standard operating
procedures to manage, develop, and
control pokdarwis activities for IT-
based tourism promotion and
digitalization [strengthening IT
resources and digitalization]
Build and develop
Pokdarwis' skills and
understanding of
Information Technology
literacy and
Digitalization for
The lack of human
resources prevents
skills in IT and
Optimizing existing Pokdarwis
human resources, working with
human resources outside Pokdarwis
to provide ongoing assistance
[strengthening IT resources and
Pokdarwis become
Actors and Beneficiaries
through Community
Collective Engagement
(CCE)--based activities.
Pokdarwis conducts
voluntary tourism
promotion activities,
not maintaining
continuity and novelty
of information by
utilizing social
networks and
smartphones only.
Pokdarwis has planned, controlled,
and evaluated promotional activities,
getting support from IT resources
and digitalization, continuous
assistance so that its participation
has an impact on increasing tourists
and the welfare of pokdarwis
members and the community
[strengthening IT resources and
The results of the comparison of conceptual and real-world models obtained two main
recommendations, namely (1) strengthening IT resources and digitalization (P1) and (2) increasing IT and
Digital literacy (P2), where these recommendations must involve the main actors, namely Polaris (society) with
the support of the academic world, the business world and the world of work (dudika), the government and the
media, to present the level of closeness of CCE that ensures the continuity of the pentahelix.
In terms of measuring the success of the model that has been built to produce recommendations, it has
been agreed that there are 3 E's in the CATWOE analysis (table 2), namely efficiency (E1), effectiveness (E2),
and efficacy (E3), each of which has been agreed upon as well as the determining indicators. With data sources
obtained from 25 informants as representatives of Pokdarwis members, the desired preferences of Pokdarwis
members were obtained for two recommendations, which were then analyzed using the MFEP method. The first
step is determining criteria weights E1, E2, and E3, as shown in table 3. The next step is to process data from
informants called factor evaluation values (NEF) to calculate evaluation weight values (NBE), as shown in Table
4. Then, ranking was done, and the highest value was found to be P1 or P2.
Table 4
Criterion Weights
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Table 5
Calculation of Factor Evaluation Value (NEF)
Table 6
Calculation of Evaluation Weight Value and Total Evaluation Weight
Based on the calculation of the evaluation weight values for P1 and P2, it is known that the total
evaluation weights of P1 and P2 are relatively the same, but P2 is slightly higher. This shows that the need for
information technology literacy and digitalization by recommendations is the main focus supported by the need
to strengthen the use of resources provided with contributions from Penta helix components, namely Polaris
(community), government, academia, media, and the business world.
4. Conclusion
The main objective of this study is to develop a community engagement model (pokdarwis) for tourism
promotion by utilizing information technology and digitalization. By taking into account the CCE perspective
that makes pokdarwis the main actors as well as beneficiaries, this model can be built using SSM principles,
which produce two main recommendations, namely strengthening IT resources and digitalization and
increasing IT and Digital literacy, where using MFEP calculations it is stated that the need for improved literacy
is primarily needed and supported by strengthening IT resources and digitalization. The application of
recommendations from the model has been created through nine stages, namely understanding the ongoing
Pokdarwis activities, identifying problem issues and potential existing resources, growing awareness of
Pokdarwis to actively participate in using IT and Digitalization actively, strengthening the Pokdarwis
organization, formulating Pokdarwis activities to strengthen the use of IT and Digitalization, implementing the
activity management plan prepared and agreed upon by Pokdarwis, formulate Pokdarwis activity procedures
for IT optimization and Digitalization, build and develop Pokdarwis skills and understanding of Information
Technology literacy and Digitalization for tourism, pokdarwis become actors and beneficiaries through
Community Collective Engagement (CCE)-based activities. In the future, this proposed model can be continued
by evaluating its application after it has been fully implemented for at least one or two years.
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1243-1255
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