International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Implementation of Electronic Medical Record System in Indonesia
Viewed from the Perspective of Legal Certainty
, Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia
, handar_subhan[email protected]
Corresponding Author: noviantievi0[email protected]m
Electronic Medical
Records, Health Service
Facilities, Electronic
Systems, Minister Of
Health Regulation
Number 24 Of 2022
The implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a critical component of
this transformation, aiming to transition health records from paper to electronic
form, with the government emphasising the need for secure data management, as
outlined in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
number 24 of 2022. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation of the
Electronic Medical Record System in Indonesia, which has one important and
strategic aspect, namely its existence as one of the pillars of health technology
transformation in realising national health and as a condition for indicators of
realising people's welfare mandated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution as a
national goal. Its implementation is regulated according to the applicable laws and
regulations in Law No. 17 of 2023 concerning Health and specifically in Minister of
Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records. The method used is
Normative Juridic. As part of the health service system, the role of the Electronic
Medical Record System is very strategic in the quality of health services. The
successful implementation of the Electronic Medical Record System greatly
influences the quality of health services. This will boil down to the regulation
regarding the Electronic Medical Record. Currently, the laws governing RME are Law
Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health and Minister of Health Regulation Number 24
of 2022 concerning Medical Records. In both regulations, it is regulated on the
Implementation of Medical Records; it is formulated that Medical Records are one of
the implementations of the pillars of health transformation in the realisation of state
goals mandated in the 1945 Constitution, significantly improving the nation's health
through a sustainable Electronic Medical Record system. Although various obstacles
were found in implementing the RME, one was related to the electronic medical
record system used, and the other was related to the security and confidentiality of
patient health data. The conclusion of this study will further examine the
implementation of the Electronic Medical Record System, which is still experiencing
problems regarding the security and confidentiality of Electronic Medical Record data
in Indonesia.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted
for possible open-access publication
under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA)
license (
1115 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122
1 Introduction
Health is a healthy condition, physically, mentally, spiritually and socially, that enables everyone to live
productively socially and economically (Kolib, 2020b). Improving health services aims to increase awareness, comfort,
and the ability of every citizen to live a healthy life to realise an optimal degree of health as one of the components
of general welfare in the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. Every doctor and dentist
as medical personnel, as well as all health workers and health service facilities, must follow applicable standards,
policies and procedures in carrying out medical activities so that the public can obtain medical services professionally
and safely. One of them is to actively participate in implementing medical records, which have now switched to
electronic systems (Sutton et al., 2020).
The laws and regulations governing the implementation of Medical Records in Indonesia are regulated
through Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health and Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerning
Medical Records (Asyfia et al., 2023). In implementing Electronic Medical Records in Indonesia, there are still
problems, such as using Electronic Systems for Medical Records, which must guarantee the confidentiality and
security of medical record data. The electronic medical record system must be able to provide data assurance and
protection. This guarantee is in the form of confidentiality, integrity and availability (Kolib, 2021). This is related to
the obligations owned by Health Facilities, which must maintain the confidentiality of the contents of the Patient's
Medical Record (Kusumah et al., 2022).
Electronic Systems in the implementation of Electronic Medical Records can be in the form of Electronic
Systems in the form of Electronic Systems developed by the Ministry of Health, Health Service Facilities themselves,
or Electronic System Operators through cooperation (Putri & Mulyanti, 2023). Such are the complex challenges for
RME implementation; it is necessary to conduct a readiness assessment before RME implementation. This is the most
important step to take before implementation. The readiness assessment will help identify processes and priority
scales and assist in establishing operational functions to support the optimisation of EMR implementation
(Venkatraman & Sundarraj, 2022). The study's results (Ulfa & Yuspin, 2023) mentioned that information technology
(IT) offers many advantages compared to the use of paper for storing and retrieving patient data. However,
implementing RME has several challenges, including infrastructure and structure problems, information technology
problems, lack of need assessment, cultural problems, and high costs of software, hardware, and data exchange
standards. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a readiness assessment before the implementation of RME by
referring to the legality of preparation for the implementation of Electronic Medical Records in management
information in Health Service Facilities, namely with the existence of Minister of Health Regulation no. 24 of 2022
(Kolib, 2020a).
The preparatory evaluation of the implementation of electronic medical records should be thorough and
include human resources, organisational work culture, governance, leadership, and infrastructure. All of these
elements will support the implementation of operational functions to optimise the implementation of RME (Adha et
al., 2023). The technology system element that supports electronic medical records plays an important role in the
success of the implementation of RME in Fasyankes. However, incomplete preparation is an obstacle to this success.
The obstacles to the RME system include the electronic system used and the readiness of human resources and
infrastructure (Bakhtiar & Syaid, 2022). The important role of medical records is not only for patients as owners of
medical record content but also for organisers, namely health service facilities that carry out the work. Medical
records have a role in legal protection for patients and health facilities, especially if law enforcement officials open
the medical records in court. So that the implementation of this RME can provide legal certainty for health facilities
and patients. However, with the complex obstacles experienced, the author is interested in making a study entitled
1116 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122
"The Implementation of Electronic Medical Record Systems in Indonesia Viewed from the Perspective of Legal
This research aims to understand how the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) System is operated in health
facilities and to convey the readiness of health facilities to implement the system according to Minister of Health
Regulation No. 24 of 2022. This research aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the EMR operational process in
Health Facilities, including collecting, storing and accessing patient data. Apart from that, this research also aims to
assess the extent to which health facilities are ready to adopt an EMR system, including aspects of infrastructure
readiness, human resources and compliance with applicable regulations.
2 Materials and Methods
Research methods are the science of the levels that must be passed in the research process or science related
to scientific methods to find, develop and prove the truth of knowledge. The research method used in this study is
normative research, which is research conducted using library legal materials or secondary data that may include
primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. For Research Approach The approach used in this study is juridical
normative research with a statutory approach (statute approach) and a case approach (case approach). The legal
approach is carried out by reviewing all laws and regulations relevant to the legal issues being handled.
The case approach is carried out by examining cases related to issues faced in the implementation of
legislation and having permanent legal force in the form of what happened in Indonesia. The analytical technique
used in this study is descriptive research; descriptive research techniques explain a legal event or condition. A legal
event is an event with legal aspects that occur in a certain place and at a certain time. Descriptive analysis techniques,
when viewed from the point of view of the form, are diagnostic research, which is an intended investigation to obtain
information about the causes of the occurrence of a symptom or several symptoms, which aims to find facts (fact-
finding) followed by finding a problem (problem finding) which then leads to problem identification (problem
The source of the data in the form of legal materials used in this study is primary legal material, including basic
regulations, laws and regulations, non-codified legal materials, jurisprudence and treaties. In this case, Health Law
Number 17 of 2023 concerns Health and Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerns Medical Records.
Secondary legal materials are those that explain primary legal materials. Tarsier legal materials provide instructions
and explanations for primary and secondary legal materials. Secondary legal materials are materials that provide
explanations of primary legal materials such as draft laws, legal writings in books, magazines, journals, newspapers,
and internet media, and the results of research and scientific works of scholars. Tertiary legal materials, namely legal
materials, provide guidance and explanation for primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, such as
encyclopedias (legal) dictionaries.
For Data Collection Methods, in this study, the author uses a type of data collection tool, namely through
interviews and literature studies, which are all efforts made by researchers to collect various information relevant to
the topic or problem that will or is being researched, such as various kinds of scientific books, research reports,
scientific essays, theses and dissertations, regulations, statutes, yearbooks, encyclopedias, and other written sources,
both printed and electronic.
3 Results and Discussions
Medical Record Regulation in Indonesia
Management Information Systems in Health Care Facilities were created not only to maximise the old
governance but also to update and create new technical data flows that are more effective and efficient. In addition,
a system of data processing procedures that are more systematic, simple, informative and effective information
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IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122
distribution is created (Karmadi et al., 2023; Pujihastuti & Hastuti, 2021). In administrative terms, the benefit of
electronic medical records is that they store electronic information regarding health status and health services
provided by healthcare facilities that patients have obtained. The benefits of using medical records with electronic
systems are also useful for doctors and health workers to find and open access to information about patients. This
helps medical personnel and health workers make clinical decisions and establish diagnoses for patients.
Obligation Recording medical records is done by doctors and dentists who perform medical actions on
patients. So, according to the regulations, there is nothing that can be used as a reason for doctors not to record
medical records. Implementing the Electronic System of Medical Records solves various problems in healthcare
facilities. One of these problems is that the space for storing medical records must be large as new patient visits at
the health facility increase, medical record files are lost, the release of medical record data is needed, and many more
problems are faced. SIM, or Management Information System in the form of an electronic system of medical records,
provides operational benefits that can facilitate the process of extracting patient data, as well as practical and
minimal errors in document storage. so that, in this case, it does not require a lot of space; the time to find medical
record data is short, and all the necessary health data can be fulfilled and read in RME, which can improve the quality
of service.
The regulations governing the implementation of Medical Records in Indonesia are Law Number 17 of 2023
concerning Health in articles 296 to 300 and Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number
24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records. Both regulations seek to be the legal basis or legality for implementing
medical records, especially those held electronically. So, with this policy, health service facilities (Fayankes) must run
an electronic patient medical history recording system. Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 has regulated
three new things. These three things are electronic medical record systems, electronic medical record management
activities, and electronic medical record data protection. Law number 17 of 2023 article 300, paragraph 2, regarding
the integration of medical records with the national health information system launched by the government, namely
in the form of the Satu Sehat program, requires the implementation of Electronic Medical Records, which the system
must be able to guarantee the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of Medical Record data. Therefore,
article 3 and Article 9 of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records emphasise
the obligation of Fasyankes to run an Electronic System in the Implementation of Medical Records at Fasyankes.
Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Minister of Health Number 24 of 2022 stipulates the Cooperation Agreement that
Fasyankes can carry out with Electronic System Operators (PSE). The Electronic System used in implementing Medical
Partners electronically is also required to have compatibility and interoperability capabilities.
In carrying out a cooperation agreement, one requirement to choose a PSE is to register the Electronic System
used at the Ministry of Health. The system (Yunisca et al., 2022) used by health facilities is an integrated system that
will also be integrated with the national health system in the future, namely the One Healthy Program. The Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is transforming the digitalisation of health services through the SATUSEHAT
program, a platform for data connectivity, analysis, and services to support integration between applications and
health service facilities (fasyankes). Later, patients will not need to fill out new forms when moving Health Care
Facilities repeatedly. With the SATUSEHAT Program, patients can get information about their health condition more
clearly and transparently. Through the Ministry of Health, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia continues to
make efforts to achieve the target of Implementing Electronic Medical Records (RME) by the Minister of Health
Regulation (PMK) Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia created this integration platform through a long process.
The process starts with planning, polls from experts, and alpha and beta phase trials with participants from various
institutional backgrounds. For example, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, independent clinics, practitioners, and
academics. According to existing data, there are 792 hospitals, clinics and puskesmas that have been incorporated
into the SATUSEHAT platform and continue to increase in number where the public can open access in
1118 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, Merch-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122 This step is one of the movements of accelerating
technological transformation to achieve health data, where this system also provides convenience in utilising
accurate and efficient data. This aligns with health transformation in pillar six, namely health technology
The obstacles and problems when implementing an electronic system of medical records are related to
systems that must have interoperability with variables that are mandatory by the provisions of the Ministry of Health
of the Republic of Indonesia, which often do not meet the needs of variables that become standard formats in
medical records by applicable laws and regulations, namely the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07 /
MENKES / 1423 / 2022 concerning Variable Guidelines and Meta Data on Electronic Medical Record Administration.
This Decree of the Minister of Health was determined with the consideration that in the implementation of electronic
medical records, an electronic system that has compatibility and interoperability capabilities between one electronic
system and another electronic system and different electronic systems is needed to be able to work in an integrated
manner to communicate or exchange data with one or more other electronic systems. This requires that the
electronic system on electronic medical records used must refer to variables and metadata set by the Ministry of
Health. One of the obstacles is the unfulfilled element of interoperability, resulting in hampered medical record
implementation activities and incomplete input. This has an impact on the availability of incomplete data in the RME.
The readiness of human resources, which makes inputs, includes all medical personnel and health and non-health
workers involved in RME activities. EMR officers often do not have sufficient ability and knowledge to input Electronic
Medical Records. So that the data inputted is incorrect, inaccurate, and complete. The role of Management includes
leadership in determining the system used.
The electronic system used can come from Fasyankes, the Ministry of Health, or from entering into a
cooperation agreement with PSE (electronic system operator). The cooperation agreement with PSE is currently the
choice of most health facilities in Indonesia. Choosing a PSE that fulfils government requirements regarding the
electronic medical record system is the duty of health facilities to be able to carry out electronic medical record
implementation activities according to laws and regulations. PSE that can meet the needs of Fasyankes in terms of
selecting medical record metadata variables, the system is considered capable of meeting the elements of
compatibility and interoperability. It is digitally integrated with other devices and systems. The implementation of
the Electronic Medical Record System in Health Service Facilities consists of patient registration, distribution of
electronic medical record data, filling in clinical information, processing of Electronic Medical Record information,
Covering data for financing claims, storage of Electronic Medical Records, quality assurance of Electronic Medical
Records, transfer of contents of Electronic Medical Records (Putri & Mulyanti, 2023). All of these implementation
activities require an RME system whose compatibility and interoperability can ensure data security and
confidentiality. An RME system that can meet metadata variables according to the Ministry of Health regulations can
be used to guarantee that the data meets interoperability and compatibility requirements and is in line with the
government program, namely SATUSEHAT.
Implementation of RME System in Indonesia
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, on August 31, 2022, stipulated the Regulation of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records. So, enacting this
regulation revokes the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 269 / MENKES / PER
/ III / 2008 of 2008 concerning Medical Records. The things that underlie the revocation of the previous Minister of
Health. Some of these are as follows: 1.) There are developments in science and technology, health service needs
and legal needs in the community so that Permenkes Number 269 / MENKES / PER / III / 2008 2008 is no longer by
this; 2.) The transformation of digitalisation of health services underlies the development of digital technology in
society 3.) Electronic medical records must prioritise the principles of security and confidentiality of data and
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information in the electronic medical record management system. Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022
is used as the legal basis for the legality of the implementation of RME. Three new things are regulated in general
terms, Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022. These three things are electronic medical record systems,
electronic medical record implementation activities, security and electronic medical record data protection. There
are several ways to implement an electronic medical record system: an electronic system developed by Fasyankes
himself, an electronic system developed by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, an electronic system
developed by an Electronic System Operator that has been registered in the health sector at the Ministry of
Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. In its implementation, the electronic
system used is required to have the ability to conform one electronic system to another electronic system and the
ability of different electronic systems to be integrated in carrying out communication or data exchange with other
electronic systems. When preparing to implement Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022, it is considered
necessary to develop the use of RME, including 1. The number of health human resources in each unit is added,
where each will have a special responsibility to input RME 2. Increasing the number of IT human resources who have
the task of maintaining and maintaining the continuity of the RME 3 Information System network system. Additional
internet capacity in the health facility environment 4. Increase the number of hardware devices to optimise the use
of RME 5. Optimising the RME information system to improve patient service security arrangements and protect
medical record data to organise EMR.
Regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022, which
consists of ownership and content of RME, security and protection of electronic medical record data and regarding
the confidentiality of the contents of electronic medical records, waiver of rights to the contents of electronic medical
records and the retention period of electronic medical records. The ownership and content of RME are two
ownerships, namely belonging to health care facilities and belonging to patients. Healthcare facilities are responsible
for loss, damage, falsification and use by persons or entities who do not have rights to such medical record
documents. If patients obtain consent, it can be conveyed to the next of kin or other parties. Fasyankes' obligations
in organising medical records as stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 of 2022 explain several things, including: 1.) This regulation provides obligations for all health service
facilities to organise electronic medical records no later than December 31, 2023, including independent practices
carried out by health workers and medical personnel. The Ministry of Health, through the Director General of Health
Services, has the authority to provide administrative sanctions and conduct written reprimands and
recommendations for the revocation or revocation of accreditation status for healthcare facilities found to have
violations. This legal obligation is strengthened by legal sanctions aimed at realising legal certainty. However, legal
practicality should also be considered.
This must be a consideration due to the geographical factors of Indonesia, which are very wide, varied, and
compounded. The situation in the field and the situation and condition of health workers and medical personnel on
duty in all regions to remote parts of Indonesia who have limitations in infrastructure must be considered by the
Ministry of Health, especially regarding internet and computer networks. 2.) The authority of the Regulation of the
Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 to the Ministry of Health related to the data and
content of electronic medical records and electronic medical record implementation systems. Healthcare facilities
must have open access and be integrated into all contents of electronic medical records for the Ministry of Health.
There must be a balance with great responsibility because, until now, personal data protection in Indonesia has been
categorised as still weak, and there are frequent leaks. Medical secrets are not only personal data that must be
safeguarded but also a basis and philosophical basis for health workers and medical personnel in carrying out their
profession. In this case, there needs to be regulations that have legal force regarding medical secrets through
harmonisation or synchronisation. Through the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 of 2022 as legal protection in implementing electronic medical records.
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Legal protection is comprehensive and must be explained and disseminated again through broad regulations
(for example, SOPs / Standard Operating Procedures or RME Implementation Manuals). This aims to prevent
misunderstanding of the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, number
24 of 2022. Law Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records must have the basis of the Principle of Legal
Certainty, where the principle in the rule of law prioritises the basis of legislation, decency, and justice in every policy
of the state administrator. This principle has the will to respect the rights that a person has obtained based on the
decisions of state administrative bodies or officials. This principle is important because it guarantees clarity from this
law; it explains that electronic medical records in the RME Implementation System have clarity and legal protection
for patients regarding medical record data so that with this, data confidentiality is maintained and not leaked. The
absence of RME in service has legal consequences relating to 1. Insurer RME 2. Sanctions for violation of the
provisions of the RME. Fasyankes' RME is responsible for the integrity and continuity of services, and evidence of
Fasyankes includes primary clinics for all efforts to heal patients. Health workers or health facilities must organise
medical or electronic medical records correctly and are responsible for confidentiality. Therefore, Fasyankes that do
not carry out electronic medical records may result in administrative sanctions if the unavailability of medical record
facilities may be subject to criminal law. Civil sanctions may be imposed if there is incompleteness in conducting
electronic medical records. The opening of electronic medical records legally has criminal, civil, and administrative
legal consequences.
4 Conclusion
The assessment of readiness for the implementation of RME in health facilities in terms of human resources
is almost entirely not ready due to the need for special staff responsible for the implementation of RME. The staff
must have the competence to master information systems with the assistance of information technology experts.
The assessment of the readiness of the implementation of RME in terms of organisational work culture is considered
quite ready. Still, almost all of them do not have SOPs and RME workflows that are not ready for planning. The
assessment of readiness for implementing RME in terms of infrastructure is partly not ready; this is assessed from
the unavailability of adequate software and computers. Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 is the legal
basis or legality in terms of organising electronic medical records. In general, three new things are regulated in the
Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022: electronic medical record systems, electronic medical record
implementation activities, security and electronic medical record data protection. The Regulation of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 regulates the following: ownership and content of electronic
medical records; Security and protection of electronic medical record data, including the confidentiality of the
contents of electronic medical records, waiver of rights to the contents of electronic medical records and the period
of storage of electronic medical records.
To improve the quality of health services in healthcare facilities in the face of technological advances, it is
expected that all health service facilities in Indonesia can make more mature preparations from the aspects of Human
Resources, Organizational Unit Culture and Infrastructure that can provide support for the implementation of
Electronic Medical Records. This can maximise the development of the RME information system for Health Service
Facilities. And indirectly, Fasyankes is required to know how the legality and management of Electronic Medical
Records must be maintained from the aspect of confidentiality and has the aim that these health workers can be
utilised optimally and sustainably in increasing the competence of human resources who are broad-minded in
technology so that the target of advancing health facilities is achieved and the development of information through
the Medical Records System but must always pay attention to several things such as the possession and content of
electronic medical records; Security and protection of electronic medical record data including the confidentiality of
1121 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
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the contents of electronic medical records, waiver of rights to the contents of electronic medical records and the
period of storage of electronic medical records.
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