1117 e-ISSN: 2980-4108 p-ISSN: 2980-4272 IJEBSS
IJEBSS Vol. 2 No. 04, March-April 2024, pages: 1114-1122
distribution is created (Karmadi et al., 2023; Pujihastuti & Hastuti, 2021). In administrative terms, the benefit of
electronic medical records is that they store electronic information regarding health status and health services
provided by healthcare facilities that patients have obtained. The benefits of using medical records with electronic
systems are also useful for doctors and health workers to find and open access to information about patients. This
helps medical personnel and health workers make clinical decisions and establish diagnoses for patients.
Obligation Recording medical records is done by doctors and dentists who perform medical actions on
patients. So, according to the regulations, there is nothing that can be used as a reason for doctors not to record
medical records. Implementing the Electronic System of Medical Records solves various problems in healthcare
facilities. One of these problems is that the space for storing medical records must be large as new patient visits at
the health facility increase, medical record files are lost, the release of medical record data is needed, and many more
problems are faced. SIM, or Management Information System in the form of an electronic system of medical records,
provides operational benefits that can facilitate the process of extracting patient data, as well as practical and
minimal errors in document storage. so that, in this case, it does not require a lot of space; the time to find medical
record data is short, and all the necessary health data can be fulfilled and read in RME, which can improve the quality
of service.
The regulations governing the implementation of Medical Records in Indonesia are Law Number 17 of 2023
concerning Health in articles 296 to 300 and Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number
24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records. Both regulations seek to be the legal basis or legality for implementing
medical records, especially those held electronically. So, with this policy, health service facilities (Fayankes) must run
an electronic patient medical history recording system. Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 has regulated
three new things. These three things are electronic medical record systems, electronic medical record management
activities, and electronic medical record data protection. Law number 17 of 2023 article 300, paragraph 2, regarding
the integration of medical records with the national health information system launched by the government, namely
in the form of the Satu Sehat program, requires the implementation of Electronic Medical Records, which the system
must be able to guarantee the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of Medical Record data. Therefore,
article 3 and Article 9 of the Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records emphasise
the obligation of Fasyankes to run an Electronic System in the Implementation of Medical Records at Fasyankes.
Article 22, paragraph 1 of the Minister of Health Number 24 of 2022 stipulates the Cooperation Agreement that
Fasyankes can carry out with Electronic System Operators (PSE). The Electronic System used in implementing Medical
Partners electronically is also required to have compatibility and interoperability capabilities.
In carrying out a cooperation agreement, one requirement to choose a PSE is to register the Electronic System
used at the Ministry of Health. The system (Yunisca et al., 2022) used by health facilities is an integrated system that
will also be integrated with the national health system in the future, namely the One Healthy Program. The Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia is transforming the digitalisation of health services through the SATUSEHAT
program, a platform for data connectivity, analysis, and services to support integration between applications and
health service facilities (fasyankes). Later, patients will not need to fill out new forms when moving Health Care
Facilities repeatedly. With the SATUSEHAT Program, patients can get information about their health condition more
clearly and transparently. Through the Ministry of Health, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia continues to
make efforts to achieve the target of Implementing Electronic Medical Records (RME) by the Minister of Health
Regulation (PMK) Number 24 of 2022 concerning Medical Records.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia created this integration platform through a long process.
The process starts with planning, polls from experts, and alpha and beta phase trials with participants from various
institutional backgrounds. For example, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, independent clinics, practitioners, and
academics. According to existing data, there are 792 hospitals, clinics and puskesmas that have been incorporated
into the SATUSEHAT platform and continue to increase in number where the public can open access in