International Journal of Engineering Business
and Social Science
Vol. 1 No. 02, December 2022, pages: 55-61
e-ISSN: 2980-4108, p-ISSN: 2980-4272
Analysis of Educational Values in The Digital Comic Serial
“Pupus Done School” By Kurnia Harta Winata
Ahmad Hariandi
, Lina Oktaviani
, Sintia Putri Rahmadhani
, Elisa Dwi Ningrum
, Rahma Rahayu
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jambi University, Indonesia
Email: ahmad.hariand[email protected].id*,,,,
Submitted: Nov, 29
2022 Revised:Dec, 9
2022 Publication:Dec, 12
Educational Value;
Digital Comics,
The value of education is not only obtained from schools, but can also be obtained
from various sources such as books, comics and so on. Comics can be a source of
education. Entering the digital era, the use of digital technology has become daily
food. Including in terms of digital comics, there are many applications that provide
various comic genres, including the Webtoon application which provides various
comic genres that are rich in educational values. The purpose of this journal is to
describe the educational values contained in the digital comic series "Pupus
Dropout" by Kurnia Harta Winata. The source of the data in this study was the
webtoon comic "Pupus Dropout School" by Kurnia Harta Winata. The data are in
the form of sentences and dialogues that describe educational values. The data
collection techniques in this study were as follows: 1) reading the entire text of the
comic story "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by Kurnia Harta Winata, 2) identifying data
that reflects educational values and 3) recording the data that has been obtained.
The data analysis techniques used in this study were as follows: 1) classifying data,
2) analyzing data, 3) interpreting data and 4) drawing conclusions. The results
obtained after analyzing educational values in the digital comic series "Pupus
Dropping School" by Kurnia Harta Winata are as follows: 1) The value of
Religious education, 2) The value of social education, namely in the form of
forgiving and respecting others, 3) The value of education character that is in the
form of courage as a form of honesty and never give up and 4) The value of moral
1. Introduction
Lately, digital comics are popular among various generations. Especially in Indonesia, there are
lots of comic fans, both print and digital comics. Digital comics themselves have the meaning of reading
pictures or illustrated stories (Suryadi, 2020). In addition, there are also other opinions that comics are
literary works created based on the author's imagination in the form of images and text that contain
meaning (Fajriyah & Fitriyanto, 2016). In Indonesia, there have been many digital comic series by the
nation's children. One of them is a digital comic by Kurnia Harta Winata namely “Pupus Dropout School”.
This comic is currently popular in the slice of life genre with approximately 30 million readers. This comic
is much loved by readers in various circles because this comic is thick with educational value that allows
readers to get various lessons from the comic story.
The value of education itself has an understanding as a conscious, planned effort in the learning
process to shape ethics, morals and character for everyone to be applied in society, nation and state
(Sukitman, 2016). With the value of education will help parents to shape the character of children in
accordance with the norms in society. The value of education is not only obtained from schools, but can
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022, halaman: 55-61
also be obtained from various sources such as books, comics and so on. Comics can be a source of
education. Which, there are already many comics that have story content that is thick with educational
value. And one of them is the digital comic "Pupus Dropout".
For elementary school students, comics are quite popular to be used as a source of educational
value. Elementary school students who basically like to read books equipped with interesting pictures will
be very interested in comics. Which, comics themselves are illustrated stories. With the development of the
times, comics have developed not only printed comics but also digital comics. This digital comic makes it
easier for readers to read comics with many choices and also time efficiency. Elementary school students,
who nowadays are familiar with cellphones, are no strangers to digital comic applications, namely
webtoons. Elementary school students can easily read the comics they like on their mobile phones without
the need to look for comic books in libraries or bookstores. And one of the digital comics that is being
widely read is the digital comic “Pupus Dropoutby Kurnia Harta Winata. Comics are one of the sources
for obtaining educational value with very strong educational value in the contents of the story.
Therefore, with the educational value that is so important for the nation's generation and can also
be obtained from anywhere, one of which is comics, we can examine more deeply the educational value of
one of the popular comics, namely "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by Kurnia Harta Winata . We need to examine
what educational values are in the comic story in order to better understand the meaning and implied
meaning of the comic "Pupus Dropout Sekolah".
Based on the description above, the purpose of this study is to analyze educational values in the
digital comic series "Pupus Dropout" by Kurnia Harta Winata.
2. Materials and Methods
This type of research in this journal is qualitative research because it aims to describe the
educational values embodied in the digital comic series "Pupus Dropout Sekolah" by Kurnia Harta Winata
in a descriptive way in the form of words. The research method used in this study is the method of
narrative analysis/content analysis. The content analysis method is a method used to analyze content and
meaning in literary works, such as moral messages, educational values, and cultural values. The source of
the data in this study was the webtoon comic "Pupus Dropout School" by Kurnia Harta Winata. The data
are in the form of sentences and dialogues that describe educational values. The data collection techniques
in this study were as follows: (1) read the entire text of the comic story "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by Kurnia
Harta Winata, (2) identify data that reflects educational values, and (3) record the data that has been
obtained . The data analysis techniques used in this study were as follows: (1) classifying data, (2)
analyzing data, (3) interpreting data and (4) drawing conclusions.
3. Results and Discussions
The story in the digital comic "Pupus Dropped School" generally tells about a boy named Pupus.
Which, Pupus is an orphan and lives with his grandmother. But not long after, Pupus' grandmother died
and Pupus dropped out of school. Pupus was cared for by his uncle and then met the campus professor
where Uncle Pupus worked as a gardener. Pupus was invited to live with the professor and Pupus could get
education from the professor without going through school.
In the digital comic "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by Kurnia Harta Winata, there are educational values
that are conveyed both from the behavior, actions and dialogue of the characters. Through this, we can find
educational values, namely the values of religious, moral, social and cultural education. The data we found
from the analysis of the content of the digital comic "Pupus Dropout School" regarding the educational
values contained in it, are as follows:
1. Value of Religious Education
Religious value is a measuring instrument that is considered very valuable because it can give
encouragement to individuals to achieve their life goals. The value of religious education is a strong and
very important foundation. If it is instilled from an early age it will provide a good start for the nation's
education. (Lilawati, 2020). There is another opinion which states that religion is the key to history, in
which we can only understand ourselves and others, if we understand religion (Nuhamara, 2018).
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The values of religious education contained in the digital comic "Pupus Dropout School" include
teachings to be able to empathize and help one another when someone is grieving or in trouble. It teaches
us that in religion, even though they have become corpses, they still have to be treated properly and taken
care of according to the rules of their respective religions. We obtained data on the value of religious
education from the stories in episode 6 of season 1.
In episode 6 of season 1, it was told that on that day Pupus did not go to school so the teacher
visited Pupus' house to see Pupus' condition. And when they arrived at Pupus' house, they saw that Pupus'
house was mourning with a white flag on the shop as well as the house of Pupus and his grandmother.
Many residents came to Pupus' house to take care of Pupus' grandmother's body. And when the teacher
came, Pupus' grandmother's body was being washed and then buried.
From the story in episode 6 of season 1, it gives a message regarding the value of religious
education, that bodies must be washed before burial. And the surrounding community must participate and
help take care of the bodies from washing to burial. So, here the author intends to give religious education
value in a good way to take care of corpses and help each other with neighbors who are grieving or in
2. Value of Social Education
According to S. Hamidjoyo, the value of social education is a process that is carried out
deliberately in society to educate individuals in their social and natural environment so that they are free to
be responsible and become a driving force towards change and progress. The value of social education is
very important to be instilled in individuals from an early age, because the value of social education is
useful as a reference in thinking, acting and being a guide for each individual in adjusting to and upholding
social values that exist in society (MULYANI, 2018).
In the value of social education in the digital comic story "Pupus Dropout School" there are
several values of social education in the form of forgiving and respecting others. These values are closely
related to social life, so they are included in the value of social education. In the following, we explain in
detail the results of the analysis of the value of social education in the digital comic "Pupus Dropout"
a. Forgive each other
Based on Hughes' opinion, forgiveness is a social need in improving relationships between fellow
social beings (Shabrina et al., 2019). From this opinion, we can conclude that forgiveness is very important
to do in social life, whether at home, in the neighborhood or at school. By forgiving the social relations that
exist will be better and closer. With the importance of forgiving each other, this becomes a form of
educational value implicit in the digital comic story "Pupus Dropout Sekolah".
In episode 56 season 2 there is an educational value about forgiving each other. Which, Pupus
apologized to the professor for the mistakes he had made. From that episode, we learn that we must forgive
each other no matter how big the problem is. The following dialogue provides educational value related to
mutual forgiveness, namely:
Pupus : Will the professor forgive me?
Professor : Hmmm, how, huh….
Pupus : I'm sorry, please.
Professor : Hahaha…. Yes, well…. I'm sorry
Pupus : If I'm wrong again, professor forgive again?
Professor : Ooo, sure, sure. Even before you apologize
Pupus: Then again, again and again?
Professor : I'm sorry again, again and again.
b. Respect for others
According to Zainal Aqib and Sujak, giving the opinion that respecting others is an attitude that
encourages himself to do something useful for others and recognizes and respects the achievements or
successes of others. From this understanding, explaining that respecting other people is important to do in
order to give appreciation to others so that other people do not feel humiliated or ostracized. And by
respecting other people, of course it will have an impact on social life which will be more peaceful with an
attitude of mutual respect or not demeaning other people. In this way, we make the value of mutual respect
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for others in the digital comic story “Pupus Dropout” a form of educational value because it is so important
to be used as a lesson for comic readers. Meanwhile, we write dialogues in these comics that provide
educational value in the form of respect for others, namely:
In episode 51 season 2 there is an educational value about how to respect other people. Where we
should not look down on other people even though we can or are already smart.
Pupus : Why do you use swear words? I can tell you well. If you're smart, you have to fool the
dumber ones?
3. Value of Character Education
Value is the essence that exists in things that are very meaningful in human life (Rosnawati et al.,
2021). Character is the innate heart from birth and the innate soul, personality, character and reason,
attitude and character and character of a person. The value of character education, based on the opinion of
David Elkind and Freddy Sweet, suggests that character education is defined as a conscious effort or effort
to help people understand, care about and practice core ethical values. Meanwhile, according to Zubaedi,
character education is a conscious effort in realizing virtues in the form of good human qualities
objectively, not only good for individuals but also good for all. Character education is a planned effort that
is deliberately designed to improve the character of each individual (Utami, 2019). From some of these
opinions, we can conclude that the value of character education is interpreted as a conscious and planned
effort to internalize these character values that can be understood and understood and implemented in
everyday life.
The values of character education that need to be instilled in the nation's children include being
honest, never giving up and having the courage to take risks (Sudarsi et al., 2022). Character education
needs to be applied to overcome or avoid deviant behavior (Lonto, 2015). Character education has the
essence of guiding each individual so that changes in attitude, behavior and culture occur in order to create
a civilized society (Suprayitno & Wahyudi, 2020).
In the value of character education in the digital comic story "Pupus Dropout School" there are
several character education values in the form of courage, honesty and never giving up. These values are
closely related to the formation of the character of the person who reads, so they are included in the value
of character education. In the following, we explain in detail the results of the analysis of the value of
character education in the digital comic "Pupus Dropout" namely:
a. Courage as a Form of Honesty
Courage is a behavior that places itself between two things, namely cowardice and recklessness.
Which, cowards are not able to solve problems, while people who are desperate will be able to carry out
high risks (Safrudin et al., 2019). Meanwhile, according to Samani and Hariyanto, honesty is stating what
is, being open, consistent between what is said and done (with integrity), being brave because you can be
trusted and not cheating. Honesty is also interpreted as an attitude that is guided by efforts that make the
individual a trustworthy person, be it words or deeds (PRATIWI, 2018).
From the notion of courage and honesty, we can conclude that courage and honesty are very
closely related. Which, we can't behave honestly if we don't have the courage to tell the truth or be honest.
Therefore, the value of education in the form of courage as a form of honesty is very important to study as
a result of content analysis related to educational value in the digital comic story "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by
Kurnia Harta Winata.
In episode 3 season 1 there is a quote that refers to the meaning of daring to admit mistakes,
namely in the dialogue between the teacher and Pupus, namely:
Teacher: Miss teacher is wrong. The teacher should have asked first why Pupus answered like that. Don't
laugh spontaneously.
Pupus: If you know you're wrong, then…
Teacher: Miss teacher, I'm sorry. Mom promised not to repeat it again.
Furthermore, in episode 20 season 1 there are also educational values where if we make a mistake, we
must have the courage to admit it and apologize. In this episode, Pupus accidentally breaks the Professor's
favorite glass, but Pupus has the courage to admit his mistake and sincerely apologize to the professor.
Pupus: Sorry. I broke the cup a present from the Professor's wife. I'm careless.
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Furthermore, in episode 7 season 2 there is an educational value in the form of courage in apologizing
and admitting one's mistakes. Where pupus apologized to Mak Luwe for his mistake yesterday for
mocking Mak Luwe. Here Pupus teaches us all to have the courage to apologize and admit mistakes that
have been made.
Pupus : Mak, Pupus apologizes
Mak Luwe : Eh, sorry about what?
Professor : How come you see me? If you don't know your fault, why do you want me to ask you to
Pupus: Yesterday's one, Mak.
Mak Luwe: What did you do wrong to me yesterday?
Pupus : Yes…. It's okay, really. Yesterday was just a joke
Professor: If you're joking, shouldn't Mak Luwe laugh with you? Why is Mak Luwe angry and
chasing you?
b. Never give up
According to Jack Ma in his motivational speech, he argued that never giving up is an attitude that
wants to move forward and has a strong spirit and ability to test challenges, has patience and fortitude in
pursuing his desires, always works hard, strives hard and is creative and innovative. Meanwhile, according
to Toto Tasmara, interpreting never giving up is a combination of working hard with a strong passion to
From these two opinions, never giving up needs to be owned by each individual in order to
achieve their respective successes. Therefore, we make never giving up as a form of educational value
conveyed in the digital comic story "Pupus Dropout Sekolah".
Pupus in the comic “Pupus Dropout” by Kurnia Harta Winata is described as a child who does not
easily give up when facing various life problems. As in episodes 12-14 Season 1 where in this episode,
Pupus cannot use the washing machine, but he doesn't give up easily. He called the professor to ask how to
use the washing machine, then the professor told pupus to read the instructions for using the washing
machine which were in English so that pupus had to translate one by one the words contained in the
Furthermore, in episodes 18 - 43 Season 2 where Pupus wanted to learn to make porridge, after
experiencing several failures finally Pupus was able to make delicious porridge for the professor. While
learning to make porridge, Pupus experienced many difficulties, such as being scolded by Aunt Lilyana,
who is a restaurant owner and Pupus' teacher, when learning to make porridge. Based on the story in that
episode, Pupus' attitude already illustrates that he is a child who does not give up easily in learning
something, even though he experiences many difficulties Pupus' determination in learning is very strong.
Furthermore, in episode 52 of season 2 where Pupus encouraged Aunt Lilyana not to give up
trying to teach others by praising and not demeaning. Here Pupus tries to convince Aunt Lilyana that she
can do well if she doesn't give up. The following dialogue provides educational value about never giving
up, namely:
Aunt Lilyana : I can't, I've tried.
Pupus : Try again, keep trying again. Thomas Alva Edison tried to make a lamp more than a thousand
times. I also tried making porridge many times.
Episode 8 of season 2 gives values about never giving up in trying to be a good person. By
correcting the mistakes that have been made and trying not to harm others. The following dialogue
provides educational value, namely:
Pupus : Because I want to be a good boy
Professor : Oh, you are sad because you want to be a good boy?
Pupus: Yes. But a good boy can't be naughty. Bored really live without naughty. I imagine my life is
boring, very sad.
Professor : Hahaha…. Do not be impudent, that means do not harm others. It's okay to irritate a
little bit, but don't insult people. Moreover, do not seize the property let alone the dignity of others.
Pupus : How about a little naughty?
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IJEBSS Vol. 1 No. 2, December 2022, halaman: 55-61
Professor : Smart, funny, spontaneous, happy and passionate are one package with naughty. If the naughty
person is completely removed, the other biases will also disappear.
4. Value of Moral Education
Based on the understanding in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) explains that morals mean
morals or social behavior. Moral is good or bad human behavior (Purnamasari, 2017). Meanwhile,
according to Magnis Suseno's opinion, morality is an attitude of the heart that is expressed in an outward
attitude. Moral is also interpreted as everything related to good and bad attitudes that serve as a guideline
for human life. (Budi & Kosasih, 2015). As for other opinions, (Inawati, 2017) suggests that moral values
are all things that are important and useful for humans in shaping behavior, attitudes, noble character and
morals. From some of the notions related to morals, we can conclude that moral education is closely
related to determining good and bad human attitudes. Without education, one's morals will not be directed.
Education itself, apart from being obtained from schools, can also be obtained from other things such as
comics. And in this digital comic "Pupus Dropout" provides educational value related to moral education.
In episode 8 of season 1 there is a dialogue sentence which means that knowledge does not only
have to be obtained at school, but knowledge can be obtained from anywhere. As in the sentence contained
in the comic "Pupus Dropout School" by Kurnia Harta Winata.
“Schools are everywhere, because all places are schools. You are free to learn what you like, anytime,
anywhere, can be fast or slow, sit still or run. Your school is nothing compared to not having a fence,
because the limit is the universe.
In episode 26 Season 1 there is an implied message that everyone's standard of happiness is different,
so we don't need to follow other people's standards of happiness that make us unhappy or uncomfortable.
In episode 25 Season 2 there is an educational value, that is, we must have goals in life so that our
lives become clear and directed.
Professor : Man will grow in the direction he wants. Like a plant growing towards the sun. If you don't
want anything, where will you grow? You can waste time and energy, circling in the same place.
In episode 26 season 2 there is a moral value about the analogy of education and water science. Which,
knowledge can be obtained from anywhere, depending on our determination and willingness to learn.
Which, this moral value is obtained from the following dialogue:
Professor : The school provides ready-to-drink bottled water, but other than that, the freshest water sources
cannot be obtained just like that. Sometimes you have to be patient to collect drop by drop.
Sometimes you need to bend low to accommodate it. Sometimes you have to spend all your
energy to be able to take it.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it was concluded that the educational values implicit
in the comic series "Pupus Putus Sekolah" by Kurnia Harta Winata are the values of religious, moral,
social and cultural education. Related to the educational values contained therein, are (1) The value of
Religious Education includes teachings to be able to empathize and help each other when those who are
grieving or experiencing difficulties in religion, even though they have become corpses, they still have to
be treated properly and taken care of accordingly. with the rules of their respective religions. (2) The value
of social education in the form of mutual forgiveness and respect for others. In episode 56 season 2 which,
Pupus apologized to the professor for the mistakes he had made and in episode 51 season 2 where pupus
said that we should not belittle other people even though we are capable or are already smart. (3) Values of
character education include courage, honesty and never giving up. (4) Values of Moral Education
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