The Influence of The Principal's Leadership and School Climate on Teacher Performance In Elementary Schools In Region III Sigli City, Pidie Regency

Yusrizal, Niswanto

Universitas Syah Kuala, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]





Principal Leadership, School Climate, and Teacher Performance.

The principal's leadership role and school climate are critical to teacher performance. The leadership of the principal and a good school climate will be able to foster motivation in teachers so that the work done will be more optimal. The purpose of this study is to find out: (1) the influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance; (2) the effect of school climate on teacher performance; (3) the influence of the principal's leadership and school climate on teacher performance. This study used a quantitative approach with associative research type. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are simple and multiple linear regression analysis by conducting validity tests, reliability tests, normality tests, linearity tests, and hypothesis tests. The results of this study show that: (1) there is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance as shown by the value of the correlation coefficient of 0.480 and the coefficient of determination of 0.230 t_(calculate)> t_(table) values of 6.117 > 1.657 the principal's leadership has an influence on teacher performance by 23%; (2) there is a positive and significant influence of school climate on teacher performance as indicated by a correlation coefficient value of 0.411 and a coefficient of determination of 0.169 t_(calculate)> t_(table) value of 5.045 > 1.657 school climate has an influence on teacher performance of 16.9%; (3) There is an influence of the principal's leadership and school climate together on teacher performance as shown by the value of the correlation coefficient of 0.533 and the coefficient of determination of 0.284, the significance value of 0.001 < 0.005 and the value of F_(calculate)> F_(table)which is 24.649 > 3.07 The principal's leadership and school climate together have an influence on teacher performance by 28.4%.

� 2023 by the authors. Submitted

for possible open access publication

under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (


1.      Introduction

Education is one of the platforms that plays a role in preparing human resources. In line with the times, as a conscious and systematic effort to achieve a standard of living or for better progress. In simple terms, the notion of education is a learning process for students to be able to understand, understand, and make humans more critical in thinking. So that the progress of a nation cannot be separated from the educator factor, because education has an important role in efforts to improve human resources (HR) which is an important element in the development of a nation.

Leadership is the nature of the leader in assuming formal moral and legal responsibility for the entire exercise of authority that has been delegated to the people he leads. According to (Krisbiyanto, 2019) that:

Leadership is the process of influencing and translating the desires of members or followers who emphasize the goals and objectives of the organization through motivating activities, maintaining good cooperative relationships with members and providing support to certain groups outside and within the organization. A leader must have the ability to be able to generate, influence and direct and sensitize the components below him in order to work in accordance with the organizational goals he has set.

Leadership emerged with the existence of human civilization, namely since the time of the Prophets and human ancestors who gathered together, then worked together to maintain the existence of his life. Since then there has been cooperation between people and elements of leadership. According to Sagala (Putrayana, Agung, & Sunu, 2018) that:

The leadership of the principal is very decisive, without good leadership the quality improvement process cannot be carried out and realized. The virtue of the influence of the principal's leadership is not solely in the form of instruction, but rather a motivation or trigger� that� can inspire teachers and employees, so that their initiative and creativity develop optimally to improve their performance.

The results of respondent interviews by researchers during initial observations in reality in the field show that the principal's leadership performance is still not optimal. This is indicated, among others, by the lack of principals to carry out supervision activities. The principal's lack of ability influences a person or group of educators to work voluntarily in achieving the goals to be achieved. The influence of principal leadership on teacher performance according to Uben and Hughes (Bahri, 2015) is in the form of creating a school climate that can spur or hinder the effectiveness of teacher performance, and the level of teacher satisfaction with the principal's leadership is still low.

According to (Aji, Qowaid, & Faqihuddin, 2020) that: "School climate is understood as a manifestation of school personality that can be evaluated in a continuum from open school climate to closed school climate". An open school climate is based on respect, trust, and honesty, and provides opportunities for teachers, school management and students to engage constructively and cooperatively with one another. School climate is also the quality and character of school life, based on behavior patterns of students, parents and school personnel's experiences of school life that reflect the norms of goals, values, interpersonal relationships, teaching and learning practices, as well as organizational structure.

It describes organizational climate as some circumstances or conditions in a series that directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously, can affect employees. A cool and harmonious work climate will provide passion and inspiration in work.

Based on preliminary observations in several elementary schools in Region III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency still shows a less conducive school climate. For example, teachers still do not understand about their respective tupoksinya, the learning process is still with the lecture method, classrooms and school environments are not neatly arranged, so as not to create a comfortable atmosphere. In addition, school infrastructure is not yet representative, as well as school management which generally does not satisfy school stakeholders.

The Indonesian government in increasing education efforts for its citizens does not stop providing supporting facilities including its implementation. Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers in Chapter 1 Article 1 states that: "Teachers are professional educators with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in early childhood education through formal education, primary education, and secondary education".

It is explained in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 16 of 2007 concerning standards of academic qualifications and teacher competencies, that a teacher must not only have pedagogic competence (education / teaching science) in the teaching and learning process, but also personality competence, social competence, and professional competence.

The four competencies are integrated, there needs to be a re-improvement in current teacher performance. Because there are some teachers tend to start declining performance. One of the causes of the decline in teacher performance is because they are lazy to develop themselves. Given the importance of the role of teachers, teacher performance must always be controlled and improved.

In one of the elementary schools in Region III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency, a problem was found, namely the performance of teachers who were still not optimal in carrying out their duties. Researchers suspect the cause is the principal's lack of leadership (lack of supervision), unpleasant school climate, and low teacher motivation in teaching and in developing themselves.

Based on the explanation above, researchers are interested in studying more deeply about the Influence of Principal Leadership and School Climate on Teacher Performance in Elementary Schools in Region III Sigli City, Pidie Regency.

Based on the background of the problems that have been raised, the focus of this study is "How does the influence of the principal's leadership and school climate affect teacher performance in Elementary Schools in Region III Sigli City, Pidie Regency?"

Referring to the formulation of the problem described above, the objectives to be achieved in this study consist of a general objective, namely to determine the influence of the principal's leadership and school climate on teacher performance in elementary schools in region III Sigli City, Pidie Regency.

Basically, research on the leadership of principals and school climate on teacher performance has been widely researched by previous researchers. From the researchers' search of the principal's leadership and school climate on teacher performance, the researchers found the following relevant research:�

(Suhada, 2021) explains that: (1) The Transformational Leadership of School Principals has an insignificant influence on the Performance of MI Islamiyah Wareng TNeed Purworejo Teachers in Central Java, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.866 > α = 0.05. The value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.003 or only contributes 0.3%. (2) School Culture has a significant influence on the performance of MI Islamiyah Wareng TNeed Purworejo Central Java teachers, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.01 < α = 0.05. The value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.503 or contributed 50.3%. (3) The school environment has an insignificant influence on the performance of MI Islamiyah Wareng TNeed Purworejo Central Java teachers, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.169 > α = 0.05. The value of the correlation coefficient (r2) = 0.180 or only contributes 18.0%. (4) The Transformational Leadership of the Principal, School Culture, and School Environment together have an insignificant influence on the Performance of MI Islamiyah Wareng TNeed Purworejo Central Java Teachers, as evidenced by the value of Sig = 0.103 > α = 0.05. The value of the correlation coefficient (R2) = 0.519 or contributed 51.9%.

Yeni Permata Sari (2019) stated that: (1) There is a positive influence of the principal's leadership on the performance of teachers of Public Elementary Schools, Danau Kembar District, Solok Regency, as evidenced by the results of data analysis, a regression value of = 0.631 was obtained. (2) There is a positive influence of school climate on the performance of teachers of Public Elementary Schools, Twin Lakes District, Solok Regency, as evidenced by the results of data analysis, a regression value of = 0.188. (3) There is a positive influence of the principal's leadership and school climate together on teacher performance in the State Elementary School of Danau Kembar District, Solok Regency of 0.298. The results of this finding can be concluded that the leadership of the principal and the school climate are two factors that influence the performance of teachers in the State Elementary School of Danau Kembar District, Solok Regency. Therefore, it is expected that relevant parties will improve the leadership of the principal and the school climate so that teacher performance can improve.

(Ideswal, Yahya, & Alkadri, 2020) said that there was a contribution between the school climate and teacher performance at SDN in Payakumbuh city at 9.0% and there was a contribution between the leadership of the principal and the performance of elementary school teachers in Payakumbuh city at 8.6%. It can be concluded that the contribution of the school climate and the leadership of the principal to the performance of elementary school teachers in Payakumbuh city.

(Lestari, Gistituati, Jasrial, & Syahril, 2022) said that the Principal's Leadership significantly affects 7.07% of teacher performance, the School climate significantly affects 6.94% of teacher performance and the Principal's leadership affects teacher performance through school climate significantly by 2.8%.

From some relevant previous research, it can be concluded that, the role of a principal is very influential on the performance of a teacher, a principal plays a role in fostering teacher discipline, motivating, and rewarding as well as being an example that should be emulated by teachers.


2.     Materials and Methods

This study used a quantitative approach with associative type, which was used to test causal relationships between variables. The study was conducted in several elementary schools in Region III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency for one month, with data collection through research instruments in the form of questionnaires that assessed the variables of principal leadership, school climate, and teacher performance.

The study population involved all teachers in the elementary school, while the study sample used the entire population because the number was relatively small. There are three variables in this study: principal leadership (independent variable), school climate (independent variable), and teacher performance (dependent variable). The research instrument uses a questionnaire with a Likert scale, and validity and reliability tests are carried out to ensure the measuring instruments used are of good quality. The results of the reliability test showed that the questionnaire used was reliable.

Data analysis is performed using descriptive statistics to describe the data, as well as inferential statistical analysis involving normality tests and linearity tests before performing hypothesis tests. Hypothesis testing is done through regression line equations and t (partial) tests. In this study, data were collected to identify the relationship between principal leadership, school climate, and teacher performance in Primary Schools in Region III of Sigli City, Pidie County.


3.     Results and Discussions

Research Results

This study used three variables, namely the principal's leadership variable, school climate and teacher performance. The principal's leadership and school climate were assessed using questionnaires given to 127 teachers who were members of the population of all teachers in elementary schools in region III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. The questionnaire used used a Likert scale, where each answer had a different score. The variables of principal leadership and school climate were measured by 28 questions

Teacher performance was also measured using questionnaires given to principals in elementary schools in area III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. Teacher performance variables are measured by 25 questions.

After the three variables are measured, it can be used to answer the purpose of this study, namely, to determine the influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance and the influence of school climate on teacher performance. The purpose of the study was outlined in the form of a hypothesis to be tested using regression analysis techniques using the help of the SPSS program version 27.

A description of descriptive statistics which includes mean values, media, mode and standard deviation will be presented in detail for each variable. Here are the results of the descriptive statistics for each variable.

Principal Leadership Variable (X1)

The questionnaire for the principal's leadership variable consisted of 28 questions distributed to 127 respondents. The highest answer score is 5 and the lowest answer score is 1, so the highest possible score to be achieved is 28 x 5 = 140 and the lowest score is 28 x 1 = 28. The principal's leadership is measured from aspects of the innovator's function, motivator function, and supervisor's function. The description or description of the principal leadership variable data can be seen in the table below.


Table 1 Principal Leadership Variable Description


Based on the table above, it can be explained that from the results of the analysis using SPSS version 27 it can be seen that all respondents answered all questionnaires distributed, as for the highest value 136, while the lowest value was 117, with an average value (mean) 125, a median value (median) 126, a value that often appears (mode) 125, comparable deviation 5 and range (range) 19.

Furthermore, to get an idea of the distribution of the principal's leadership score can be seen in figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Principal Leadership Histogram

School Climate Variable (Y)

The questionnaire for school climate variables consisted of 28 questions distributed to 127 respondents. The highest answer score is 5 and the lowest answer score is 1, so the highest possible score to be achieved is 28 x 5 = 140 and the lowest score is 28 x 1 = 28. School climate is measured from physical aspects, social aspects, aspects of social and cultural systems. The description of school climate data can be seen in the table below.






Table 2 Description of School Climate Variables

Based on the table above, it can be explained that from the results of the analysis using SPSS version 27 it can be seen that all respondents answered all questionnaires distributed, while the highest value was 134, while the lowest value was 116, with an average value (mean) 125, a median value (median) 126, a value that often appears (mode) 127, comparable deviation 4 and range (range) 18.

Further to get an idea of the distribution of school climate scores can be seen in figure 2 below.

Figure 3 School Climate Histogram

Teacher Performance Variables

The questionnaire for teacher performance variables consisted of 25 questions distributed to 127 respondents. The highest answer score is 5 and the lowest answer score is 1, so the highest possible score to be achieved is 28 x 5 = 140 and the lowest score is 28 x 1 = 28. Teacher performance is measured from aspects of pedagogic competence, personality competence, professional competence, and social competence. The description of teacher performance data can be seen in the table below.

Table 12. Description of Teacher Performance Variables

Based on the table above, it can be explained that from the results of the analysis using SPSS version 27 it can be seen that all respondents answered all questionnaires distributed, as for the highest value of 120, while the lowest value was 105, with an average value (mean) of 112, the median value (median) 112, a value that often appears (mode) 113, comparable deviation 3 and range (range) 15.

Furthermore, to get an idea of the distribution of teacher performance scores can be seen in figure 3 below.

Figure 3 Teacher Performance Histogram

Normality and Linearity Prerequisite Testing

Prerequisite testing is carried out to find out whether data analysis for hypothesis testing can continue or not. As for regression analysis, both simple linear regression and multiple regression the data must be expressed as normally distributed and linearly positioned. For this reason, it is necessary to test the prerequisites of analysis in the form of normality testing and linearity testing. The prerequisite test results are as follows.

Normality Testing

Normality testing is intended to know that the study is from a normally distributed population. Normal criteria are met if the significant test result for a significant level of 0.05 obtained is greater than 0.05 (sig > 0.05), then the respondent comes from a normally distributed population. Meanwhile, if the significance obtained is smaller than 0.05 (sig < 0.05), then respondents are not from a normally distributed population. The following normality test results using the SPSS version 27 program, namely using� the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test �, can be seen in the following table.



Table 13 Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


Principal's Leadership

Iklim Sekolah

Teacher Performance





Normal Parametersa,b





Std. Deviation




Most Extreme Differences













Test Statistic




Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)c




a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.

From table 12 above, it can be seen that the significance value (Sig) of each variable shows a value greater than the value of 0.05, thus it can be concluded that the population comes from the normal distribution.

Linearity Testing

Linearity testing is performed to determine whether the independent variable (X1), (X2) and the dependent variable (Y) have a linear relationship. If the sig value is more than 0.05 or F count < F table then it is stated that variable X has a linear relationship with variable Y, while if the value of sig is less than 0.05 or the value of F calculate > F table then it is stated that variable X does not have a linear relationship with variable Y.�

Table 14. X1 linearity test against y

From table 14 above, it can be seen that the significance value of the principal leadership variable (X1) and teacher performance variable (Y) is greater than 0.05 (0.913 > 0.05), and the F value of the table is calculated < F table, which is 0.571 < 3.07, it can be concluded that the variables X1 and Y have a linear relationship.


Table 15. X2 linearity test against y

From table 15 of the linearity test results above, it can be seen that the significance value of the school climate variable (X2) and teacher performance variable (Y) is greater than 0.05 (0.118 > 0.05), and the F value of the < count from the F table is 1.475 < 3.07, it can be concluded that the variables X2 and Y have a linear relationship.

Research Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis is a provisional answer or a problem that has been formulated. Hypotheses must be tested for correctness, hypothesis testing in this study uses simple regression analysis techniques to test the first, second, and third hypotheses. Sugiyono (2020: 99-100) "hypothesis is a temporary answer to the formulation of a research problem, it is said to be temporary because the answer given is only based on relevant theory, not yet based on empirical facts obtained through data collection".

The first hypothesis to be tested in this study is "the significant influence of principal leadership on teacher performance". The test used a simple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program version 27. The results of these tests can be seen in table 16 below.

Table 16. Summary of the results of regression analysis X1 against Y

Regression Coefficient


T count

T table


a = 69,503

b = 0,340






Based on the results of the analysis, the regression line equation can be expressed as follows:

Y = a + bX = 69.503 + 0.340

The equation shows that the value of the regression coefficient is positive at 0.340 which means that if the principal's leadership (X1) increases by one unit, then teacher performance (Y) increases by 0.340 or 34%.

The correlation coefficient (R) and the determination coefficient ()�between X1 and Y

The result of the correlation coefficient of 0.480 is positive, so the principal's leadership has a positive effect on teacher performance.

The result of the coefficient of determination of 0.230 shows that the principal's leadership has an influence on teacher performance by 23% while 77% is influenced by other factors.

Significance testing with partial t-test

Significance testing aims to determine the significance of the principal's leadership variables on teacher performance. The significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 and the value greater than that of 6.117 > 1.657 so that the principal's leadership has a significant influence on teacher performance.

Based on the description of the results of the simple regression analysis, it can be concluded that "there is a significant influence of the principal's leadership on teacher performance". This shows that this first research hypothesis is accepted.

The second hypothesis to be tested in this study is "the significant influence of school climate on teacher performance". The test used a simple regression analysis with the help of the SPSS program version 27, the results of such testing can be seen in table 17 below.




Table 17 Summary of the results of regression analysis X2 to Y

Regression Coefficient


T count

T table


a = 69,845

b = 0,337







Based on the results of the analysis, the regression line equation can be expressed as follows:

Y = a + bX = 69.845 + 0.337

The equation shows that the regression coefficient value is positive at 0.337 which means that if the school climate (X2) increases by one unit, the teacher performance value (Y) increases by 0.337 or 33.7%.

The correlation coefficient (R) and the determination coefficient ()�between X2 and Y

The result of the correlation coefficient of 0.411 is positive, so the school climate has a positive effect on teacher performance. The result of the coefficient of determination of 0.169 shows that the school climate has an influence on teacher performance by 16.9% while 83.1% is influenced by other factors. Significance testing with partial t-test

Significance testing aims to determine the significance of school climate variables on teacher performance. Significant values of 0.001 < 0.05 and grades greater than 5.045 > 1.657 so that school climate has a significant influence on teacher performance.

Based on the description of the results of the simple regression analysis, it can be concluded that "there is a significant influence of school climate on teacher performance". This shows that this second research hypothesis is accepted.

The third hypothesis to be tested in this study is "There is a significant influence of principal leadership and school climate together on teacher performance". The test used multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS program version 27, the results of the test can be seen in table 18 below.

Table 18 Summary of Regression Analysis Results X1, X2 to Y

Regression Coefficient


F count

F table


a = 52,611

b X1 = 0,265

b X2 = 0,210







Based on the calculation results using SPSS version 27 above, it can be formulated model The regression equation is as follows.

Y�������� = a + bX1 + bX2

������� ���� = 52.611 + 0.265 + 0.210

Constanst value (α) = 52.611 That is, if the principal's leadership and school climate (0) or fixed, then the teacher's performance score is 52.611.

b(X1) = 0.265 That is, if the principal's leadership increases by one (1) unit, teacher performance also increases by 0.265.

b(X2) = 0.210 That is, if the school climate increases by one (1) unit, teacher performance also increases by 0.210.

The correlation coefficient (R) and the determination coefficient ()�between X1, X2 to Y

The result of the correlation coefficient of 0.533 is positive, so the leadership of the principal, and the school climate have a positive effect on teacher performance.

The result of the coefficient of determination of 0.480 shows that teacher performance and teacher work motivation have an influence on student learning motivation by 48% while 52% are influenced by other factors.

The result of the coefficient of determination of 0.284 shows that the principal's leadership and school climate have an influence on teacher performance by 28.4% while 71.6% is influenced by other factors.


Significance testing with simultaneous f test

The significance test aims to determine the significance of the variables of principal leadership and school climate on teacher performance. The significance values of 0.001 < 0.05 and F calculate > from F table which is 24.649 > 3.07 so that the principal's leadership and school climate have a significant influence on teacher performance.

Based on the description of the results of the regression analysis, it can be concluded that "there is a significant influence of the principal's leadership and school climate together on teacher performance". This shows that this third research hypothesis is accepted.


This study aims to examine the influence of the principal's leadership and school climate on teacher performance in elementary schools in area III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. Based on the research data that has been analyzed, a discussion will be carried out as follows:

The Influence of Principal's Leadership on Teacher Performance

The results of this study show that the principal's leadership has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. This is evidenced from the results of a simple linear regression analysis where the value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.480 and the determination coefficient () is 0.230 so that it can be said that the correlation is positive. The �> value is 6.117 > 1.657 and the significance value is 0.001 < 0.05 so that there is a significant influence between the principal's leadership on teacher performance. The principal's leadership has an influence on teacher performance by 23% while the other 77% is influenced by other factors.

Principals who have the ability to move, direct, and influence teachers and school residents in carrying out their goals and responsibilities are expected to be able to inspire and achieve organizational goals, so that the higher the principal's ability to lead the school, the better the quality and quantity of the school. The results of this study are in line with the results of research conducted by alya (2021: 3625-3635) about "the influence of principal leadership on teacher performance" where in her research showed an R value of 0.422 and 17.81 the probability value was 0.000 < 0.05, this shows that teacher performance is influenced by the principal's leadership in leading the school.

School principals are a component of education that plays the most role in improving the quality of education. (Djafri, 2017) "said that school principals are responsible for the implementation of educational activities, school administration, education personnel development and utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure". Thus, in managing schools, the principal has a very large role, the principal is the driving force for determining the direction of policy towards the success of schools and education at large.�

The results of this study were also reinforced by the results of (Azis & Suwatno, 2019) entitled "The influence of the principal's leadership style on teacher performance at SMKN 11 Bandung". Based on the results of the data analysis obtained, it is known that the principal's leadership affects teacher performance with a coefficient of determination value of 17%, this shows that teacher performance is influenced by the principal's leadership by 17% and the remaining 83% is influenced by other factors.

Based on some of the results of the research above, it shows that the principal's leadership has a positive influence on teacher performance. As a school principal, he should carry out all his responsibilities optimally to be able to mobilize and direct the abilities possessed by school residents, the high and low performance of teachers depends on the performance of the principal. The principal must be able to carry out his function as a supervisor to be able to supervise, provide opportunities for professional development as a teacher and motivator who will always encourage teachers to innovate and use more effective learning methods so that learning goals in the classroom will be achieved.

The Effect of School Climate on Teacher Performance

The results of this study show that the school climate has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance. This is evidenced from the results of a simple linear regression analysis where the value of the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.411 and the determination coefficient () is 0.169 so that it can be said that the correlation is positive. The �> value is 5.045 > 1.657 and the significance value is 0.001 < 0.05 so that there is a significant influence between school climate and teacher performance. School climate has an influence on teacher performance by 16.9% while the other 83.1% is influenced by other factors.

A positive school climate is a condition that supports the creation of effective work, good relations between school residents, transparency, mutual respect, teacher involvement in making decisions, and recognition of successes that have been achieved must be developed so that teachers can carry out their duties with enthusiasm and satisfaction so that work can be carried out optimally. (Nas, Nasir, & Ras, 2019) in his research entitled "the influence of school climate and academic supervision on the performance of elementary school teachers in Rumbai sub-district of Pekanbaru City" said that school climate has a positive effect on teacher performance, this can be seen from the results of data analysis where �the > value is 8,640 > 1,660 so that it can be interpreted that school climate affects teacher performance.

A good school climate will create school academics to do their jobs well, students will be more interested and motivated to learn so that in the end it will improve the quality of the school. The results of this study are also reinforced by the results of (Satria, Nellitawati, Hadiyanto, & Gistituati, 2022) entitled "the influence of principal leadership and school climate on teacher performance in SLB in Central Koto District" where from the results of his research the value of the coefficient of determination of 0.734 means that the magnitude of the influence of school climate on teacher performance is 73.4%.

Roche and Edward (Sumar, 2018) say that "school climate is a reciprocal relationship between personal, social, and cultural factors that influence individual and group attitudes in the school environment". In accordance with this opinion, it can be understood that it is important to create a conducive school climate so that the implementation of learning activities runs effectively.

Based on some of the results of the research above shows that school climate has a positive influence on teacher performance. To create a conducive school environment, a good relationship between the principal and teachers, teachers and teachers, and teachers with students is needed so that all processes of teaching activities can run optimally so that the goals of education can be achieved (Tosuerdi, 2018).

The Influence of Principal Leadership and School Climate on Teacher Performance

The results of this study show that the principal's leadership and school climate jointly affect teacher performance. This can be seen from the calculation results of multiple linear regression analysis with a correlation coefficient (R) of 0.513 and a determination coefficient () of 0.284 so that it can be said that the correlation is positive. The > value is 24.649 > 3.07 and the significance value is 0.001 < 0.05 so that there is a significant influence between the principal's leadership and the school climate on teacher performance. The principal's leadership and school climate influenced teacher performance by 28.4% while 71.6% were influenced by other factors.

(Bahri, 2010) in her research entitled "the influence of principal leadership and climate on the performance of teachers of SMKN 2 Bengkulu City" said that there was a positive and significant influence of principal leadership (X1) and school climate (X2) on teacher performance (Y) simultaneously by 77.3%. It is understood that to be able to improve teacher performance in schools, school principals must emphasize discipline development, be role models for teachers and students, hold seminars and training, collaborate with other educational institutions, and provide facilities and infrastructure that support learning activities in schools.

(Nurhayati, 2019) said "The principal is the driving force of the organization in general management activities, able to produce quality education processes carried out by teachers as implementers of the education and learning process". Seeing the importance of the principal's leadership function as a supervisor in teacher performance, efforts to improve higher performance are not an easy job for the principal, the success of a leader will be realized if the leader treats others or subordinates well, and provides motivation so that they show high performance in carrying out their duties.

Based on the results of the research and understanding above, it shows that the leadership of the principal and the school climate have a great influence on teacher performance. Therefore, with the leadership of the principal and a good school climate, it is expected that teacher performance will increase, so that the process of learning activities can run optimally and the goals of education can be achieved.


  1. Conclusion


Based on the results of research and discussions that have been presented, several conclusions can be drawn with the following research objectives:

There is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership on the performance of teachers in elementary schools in area III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. Evidenced by a correlation coefficient of 0.480, a coefficient of determination of 0.230, and a t_(count) > t_(table), which is 6.117 > 1.657 at a significance level of 5% with N = 127, the principal's leadership affects teacher performance variables by 23%. This means that if the greater the leadership of the principal in carrying out his duties, the higher the performance of teachers in carrying out their duties as educators

There is a positive and significant influence of the school climate on the performance of teachers in elementary schools in region III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. Evidenced by a correlation coefficient of 0.411, a coefficient of determination of 0.169, and a t_(calculate) > t_(table), which is 5.045 > 1.657 at a significance level of 5% with N = 127, the school climate affects the variable teacher performance by 16.9%. This means that if the better the school climate, facilities and infrastructure as well as relationships between school residents, the teachers will be more enthusiastic in carrying out learning activities at school.

There is a positive and significant influence of the principal's leadership and school climate on teacher performance in elementary schools in area III of Sigli City, Pidie Regency. Evidenced by a correlation coefficient of 0.533 and a determination coefficient of 0.284 and f_hitung > f_ (table), namely 24.649 > 3.07 at the level of significance of 5%, the principal's leadership and school climate together affect the variable teacher performance by 28.4%. The success or failure of a principal is not only determined by himself, but also determined by the accumulation of all subsystems involved, namely the principal with his competence, the characteristics of subordinates, the situation and conditions of the school, the cooperation of all school residents, and the climatic conditions of the school.


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