of Raw Water Needs at Cibanten Reservoir Serang
Regency, Banten Province Sudarmanto, Achmad
Syarifudin Bina
Darma University Palembang, Indonesia Email:
[email protected] |
Abstract |
Clean Water, Embung, Discharge, Cibanten, Ciomas |
The rural communities of Sukadana and Sukabares in Serang Regency, Banten
Province, require clean and quality water. Current water supply of 10 liters
per second serves 4,120 people in Sukadana and 500 in Sukabares. Yet, many
lack access due to a required flow rate of 21 liters per second for the
combined population of 9,399. Additionally, the existing water network is
aging and functioning suboptimally due to damage and insufficient volume
capacity. The research indicates that by 2045, the new network will cater to
15,952 individuals, with a required flow rate of 36 liters per second. This
will serve domestic households at 20.30 liters per second, social activities
at 1.11 liters per second, and non-domestic purposes at 3.86 liters per
second, resulting in a total demand of 35.38 liters per second, considering
water loss due to evapotranspiration. The available drinking water flow is
abundant at 272 liters per second. With the development and improvement of
the Clean Water System, this water supply will be sufficient to meet the
consumption needs of the communities in Sukadana and Sukabares in the Ciomas
sub-district of Serang Regency, Banten Province. Furthermore, the Cibanten
Reservoir serves an additional purpose by irrigating 159 hectares of rice
fields in Sukadana Village at approximately 87 liters per second, as well as
supporting tourism in Serang Regency and the broader Banten Province. The
challenge of the Clean Water Network System is being addressed through the
construction of this system by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing,
Directorate General of Water Resources, SNVT Groundwater and Raw Water, and
the Cidanau-Ciujung-Cidurian River Basin Agency, Banten province. � 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (
). |
Water plays a crucial role in the existence of
living beings on this planet. Humans, as part of this realm, depend on water
for various needsdirect, such as drinking, cooking, cleaning, and sanitation,
as well as indirect, like irrigation, hydroelectric power generation, and
tourism (Ikhsan, 2017). Water sources include surface and groundwater.
Growing populations and rapid development across sectors have escalated water
demands, while the availability of water from sources remains relatively
constant due to regional climates. In the Ciomas sub-district, there's the
potential of Cibanten Reservoir, serving as a raw water source for clean water
in Sukadana and Sukabares communities, Serang Regency, Banten Province.
Geographically located between -7� 48' 2.84'' to -7� 43' 30.9'' latitude and
105� 58' 52.89'' to 106� 4' 58.23'' longitude, its boundaries are: 1) North:
Pabuaran Sub-district, 2) South: Carita Sub-district, Pandeglang Regency, 3)
West: Padarincang Sub-district, and 4) East: Baros Sub-district (Post, Louis, Lippincott, & Procopio,
2013). The district's capital is situated in Panyaungan Jaya Village,
approximately 26 KM away from the regency's capital. The hilly topography
influences the district. Cibanten Reservoir is used by Sukadana and Sukabares
for clean water, managed informally. This study aims to assess the potential
water source utilized by the government to meet domestic and non-domestic water
needs and provide solutions to related water supply issues (Syarifudin, 2022).
Figure 1 Cibanten Reservoir Research Location
Materials and Methods
Method of Fj.
The parameters
relevant to this study are as presented in the formulation by FJ. Mock in his
paper "Land and Capability Appraisal and Water Availability Appraisal,
Bogor, Indonesia, 1973." This introduced a method for simulating river
flow based on rainfall, evapotranspiration, and the hydrological
characteristics of the watershed. The model was derived from empirical research
by incorporating monthly rainfall data and other monthly physical parameters,
resulting in simulated monthly flow rates. The formula/equation of the FJ. Mock
Model used in this study is: (Cuen & RH, 1982)
Data Processing
Rain value
monthly (P) is obtained from recording of rain data monthly (mm) and quantity
day rainfall in the month concerned (h). In principle, hydrological data got
with method collect secondary data, with contact related agencies� direct with problems encountered. Data bulk
used rain� in studies This taken from
station imminent rain� with area studies
that is Rain Post Cibanten. Term trend long
Rain monthly at the station used as rain data within the work area can seen in
Table 1.
Table 1 Monthly
Average Rainfall (mm) Study Area
Source: Cibanten Rain Post
Data Processing
Description of
conditions climate area studies can seen from results recording station
existing climatology and rainfall.�
Climatological data For area studies This taken from Cibanten Rain Post (Afiatun, Notodarmojo, Effendi, & Sidarto, 2018).
Data Processing
Hydrometric data got from implementation survey
hydrometry carried out at the Cibanten Reservoir. Survey covers measurement of river discharge and
water quality (Li et al., 2023).
Figure 1 The
Hydrological Cycle as the basis for the FJ water balance model. Mock and
Influence Factors of Evapotranspiration
Formula of Mainstay Discharge
Evapotranspiration limited is actual
evapotranspiration with consider condition vegetation and surface land so that
the similarities as following : (Ali, Lestari, & Putri, 2021)
E� ������� �= Difference Between Evapotranspiration Potential And
Evapotranspiration Limited (mm)
ETo*��� = Evapotranspiration
Potential (mm)
d �������� �= Amount Day Dry or Day without Rain In
1 Month
m ������� = Percentage
Land That is not Vegetation, Estimated From Use Map Land, Taken M
= 0% For Land With Heavy Forest
m�������� = 0 % at End Rain
Season, and The Addition Of 10% Each Month Dry For Land With
Forest Secondary
m ������� = 10
% - 40 % for eroded land ��
m ������� = 30
% - 50 % for land processed agriculture (rice field, lading, p)
balance at ground level
Water balance
at ground level counted based on magnitude bulk Rain monthly reduced mark
evapotranspiration limited monthly average so that obtained equation :
ΔS = P �
ΔS =
change soil water content ( soil storage ).
The value
positive if P > ET, water enters to in land
The value
negative if P < ET, part of the groundwater go out so that happen deficit.
water storage
Runoff and ground water values magnitude depends from water balance and
conditions the land. Required data are :
Coefficient infiltration (I ) taken 0.2 - 0.5
factor groundwater flow (k) is taken 0.4 - 0.7
Equation :
In = WS x I
Vn = k. Vn-1 +
0.5 (1 + k). in
ΔVn = Vn �
In =
infiltration, the volume of water entering to in land
Vn = volume of
ground water
Vn-1 = volume
of groundwater month to (n-1)
ΔVn =
change in groundwater volume
I = coefficient
k = factor
recession groundwater flow�
Flow equalization �
For even
distribution incoming flow to deposition zone can used wall perforated walls.� The
surface area of the pit is calculated by the equation:
The calculation
of pressure loss in the hole is used equation:
Measurement with Curenmeter
Location Water
discharge measurement is carried out by Cibanten Dam, Sukabares Village, Ciomas
District, Seranga Regency, Banten Province, at coordinates X = 615728.803, Y =
9312505.692 (Jiang et al., 2019). Water discharge measurements are carried out at 4
points, namely in the upstream of the weir, downstream of the Cibanten weir,
the glory spring, and the bridal spring. An overview of the discharge
measurement location can be seen in the following figure (Kuncoro, 2013).
2 Activity Location Map
and Open Canal Discharge Measurement Method (SNI 8066:2015)
measurement of water discharge in the river (Current Meter Method)
1. Assembly Tool Current Meter
2. Meter stretched throughout wide river and recorded
results measurement.
3. River width shared to 3-7 areas based on wide river
4. After sharing 3-7 area, depth river be measured with
use meter
5. After depth measured, parts a, b, c are measured
return as point measurement current meter.
6. After obtaining three depth river with cut each part
middle, the height of the current meter is determined by multiplying depth
river with 0.6d.
7. Speed current be measured with three
repetitions� using a current meter with t
= 60 seconds.
Calculate river
water discharge
Raw Water
Clean water needs of Households ( domestic )
Clean water
needs of Households is the water obtained in a manner
individual from source of water made by each house ladder like well shallow,
piping or hydrant general or can obtained from service System Drinking Water
Supply (SPAM) PDAM. The source of raw water by PDAM consists from groundwater
and surface water or combined from both. Use of water is influenced by: (Aboagye & Rowe, 2011)
- Type of water source (connection to House or fire
hydrant general)
- Type of use (toilet, shower, etc.)
- Equipment per house ladder
- Use of water outside house (garden, wash car etc.)
- Income level
Domestic water
demand refers to the water used for household purposes. The water requirement
per person per day is estimated at a flow rate of 144 liters/person/day
(Department of Public Works, Directorate General of Human Settlements, 2006).
The total water
demand is calculated based on the projected number of water users for the next
5 to 10 years, and the requirement for each user is increased by 20% to account
for water losses (leakage) (Oh, Cho, & Yun, 2014). This clean water demand is determined based on
service provided through Public Hydrants (PH) using the following equations
(Department of Public Works, Directorate General of Human Settlements, 2006):.
Qmd = Pn xqx
fmd (3.2)
Qt = Qmd x
100/80 ( factor water loss 20%) (3.3)
with :
Qmd = Need for
clean water
Mr�� = Amount resident year n
q���� = Water requirement per
person/ day
fmd = Day factor
maximum (1.05-1.15)
Qt = total
demand for clean water
Clean water
needs House ladder, stated in unit liters / person / day (L/O/H), large need
depends from category city based on amount residents, namely :
2 Clean Water Needs Population Per Person
Per Day
No |
City Category |
Clean Water
Needs (L/O/H) |
1. |
Semi-Rural |
60 |
2. |
Small town |
90 |
3. |
Medium City |
110 |
4. |
Big city |
130 |
5. |
Metropolis |
150 |
Source : Directorate
General Cipta Karya Ministry Public Works
water needs�
requirement for social assumed 20% of amount residents in need need 30 liters/day.
The more big and solid resident will tend more Lots own area commercial and
social, so need the for water will more higher (Groot et al., 2015).
Domestic Needs
Non-domestic water needs, namely water
needs which include industrial needs, institutional needs, and commercial use.
Institutional needs include water needs for schools, hospitals, places of
worship, government buildings, and others. Commercial water needs for an area
are in line with increasing population and land use changes.
Water Needs
Water requirements
for plant are shared into three needs, namely :
Crop Water Requirement/CWR
Farm Water Requirement / FWR
Project Water Requirement/PWR
speed use method mean section is
performed with share cut channel to be measured into the later sections measurement
done in each section. Location and amount measurement speed on each sexy
customized with depth river/channel. Channel measured irrigation is channel
relatively tertiary small and shallow, therefore That channel will shared into
two sections and measurement speed Genre carried out at a depth of 0.6 parts
from base channel (0.6 s) (Afifah, Sabar, Wulandari, & Marselina, 2019).
Results and Discussions
Population Growth Projection
Population analysis
is conducted to understand and formulate various aspects of population needed
for water demand planning, including population count and trends in growth and
distribution. Over time, a region will experience population growth. To project
or predict future population, several formulas such as Arithmetic, Geometric,
and Exponential can be used. In this study, data for formulating clean water
demand in Sukabares, Sukarena, and Sukadana villages of Ciomas sub-district are
utilized to calculate maximum daily and peak-hour water requirements, based on
Exponential calculations.
registration data processed by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Serang
Regency, Banten Province, shows that the populations of Sukabares and Sukadana
villages in the Ciomas sub-district have been consistently growing year by
year. Population growth is influenced by natural factors such as births
(natality) and deaths (mortality), as well as migration. Birth and death rates
contribute to natural growth, while migration contributes to non-natural
growth. Population growth data for Sukabares and Sukadana villages in the
Ciomas sub-district can be observed in Table 3 below.
Table 3 Growth Population
Sukabares and Sukadana Subdistrict Ciomas 2016�2022
No. |
Village Name |
Year |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
1 |
Sukabares |
2,664 |
2,799 |
2,935 |
3,070 |
3,209 |
3,419 |
3,610 |
3 |
Sukadana |
4,921 |
5034 |
5.145 |
5,260 |
5,375 |
5,583 |
5,789 |
Amount |
6,277 |
6,583 |
6,890 |
7,195 |
8,584 |
9,002 |
9,399 |
projected population results for upcoming years reflect the quantity of
domestic water demand, as an increase in population is equivalent to an
increase in domestic water needs. Social, cultural, and economic factors within
the population determine the extent of domestic water usage (Nadia, Mananoma, & Tangkudung, 2019). Three methods
are employed to estimate future population: the Arithmetic Method, the
Geometric Method, and the Exponential Method. These three methods, along with
their mathematical formulas, are explained as follows:
Arithmetic method
Arithmetic Population Growth is population
growth with an absolute number of numbed
that is considered equal each year. The equation used is:
Pn = Po ( 1 + r. n
Where :
��������� Pn = Amount
resident "n" years who will come
����������� Po = Amount Resident year previously
r =
average percentage increase resident
n =
Amount next year� come
P2023 = Po ( 1 + r.
n )
= 9,399
( 1 + 2.3 % x 1)
= 9,615
P2024 =
Po ( 1 + r. n )
= 9,399
( 1 + 2.3 % x 2)
= 9,831
P2025 =
Po ( 1 + r. n )
= 9,399 ( 1 + 2.3
% x 3)
= 10,048 souls.
Geometric Method
This method
assumes that the development of the number of residents (consumers) is
automatically multiplied by the equation:
Pn =
Po(1 + r) n
Where :
���������������� Pn = Number of
"n" years to come come
����������������������� Po = Amount Population
by year previously
����������������������� r = Average
percentage of population growth
����������������������� n = Amount next
year� come
P2023 = Po(1 + r) n
= 9,399
( 1 + 2.3 %)ˡ
= 9,615
P2024 =
Po(1 + r) n
= 9,399
( 1 + 2.3 %)�
= 9,838
P2025 =
Po(1 + r) n
��������� = 9,399 ( 1 + 2.3 %)�
10,063 souls.
Exponential Method
This method
follows the equation:
Pn = Po ( е
) r.
Where :�����������
���������������� Pn = Number of
"n" years to come come
����������������������� Po = Amount Population
by year previously
����������������������� r = average
percentage of population growth
����������������������� n = Amount next
year� come
e���� = exponential
P2023 =
Po ( е ) r. n
= 9.399
(2.7182818 ) 2.3 x 1
= 9,618
P2024 =
Po ( е ) r. n
= 9.399
(2.7182818 ) 2.3 x 1
= 9,841
P2025 =
Po ( е ) r. n
���������� = 9.399 (2.7182818 ) 2.3 x 1
10,070 souls.
Debit Measurement Results with Curenmeter
cross-sectional shape of each water flow can be seen in the illustration below.
3 Cross section Genre
results of measurements carried out in the field, then data processing is
carried out. So that a discharge is obtained that flows from each body of
water. The results of data processing can be seen in the following table.
Table 4
Water Debit Measurement Results
Location Point |
Segment |
Depth |
Width |
Speed |
Average speed |
Cross Sectional Area Wet |
Discharge |
Discharge |
Total Debit |
Cibanten Lake |
1 |
0.09 |
2,13 |
0.3 |
0.43 |
0.19 |
0.08 |
83.07 |
274.77 |
0.4 |
0.6 |
2 |
0.09 |
2,13 |
0.4 |
0.5 |
0.19 |
0.10 |
95.85 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
3 |
0.09 |
2,13 |
0.4 |
0.5 |
0.19 |
0.10 |
95.85 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
Location Point |
Segment |
Depth |
Width |
Speed |
Average speed |
Surface Area Wet |
Discharge |
Discharge |
Total Debit |
Lower Cibanten Lake |
1 |
0.35 |
0.45 |
0.6 |
0.475 |
0.16 |
0.07 |
74.8 |
242 |
2 |
0.3 |
0.45 |
0.5 |
0.14 |
0.06 |
64,1 |
3 |
0.28 |
0.45 |
0.5 |
0.13 |
0.06 |
59,9 |
4 |
0.2 |
0.45 |
0.3 |
0.09 |
0.04 |
42.8 |
Mainstay Debit Fj. Mock
of the average monthly discharge is conducted using monthly mid-rainfall data.
This essential calculation of reliable flow rates can be achieved through
various methods, with the commonly employed method being the F.J. Mock Method
for estimating baseflow. The Directorate of Irrigation (1980) states that the
estimation of available water in rivers is computed using the F.J. Mock Method.
This method assumes that the rain falling within the River Irrigation Area
(DPS) will partly be lost as evapotranspiration, determined based on
climatological data. A portion will become direct runoff, and another portion
will infiltrate into the soil as infiltrated water. When the soil moisture
capacity is exceeded, water will flow downward due to gravity (percolation)
into groundwater, eventually emerging in rivers as base flow (Seyhan, 1975).
rainwater flow, modified by the DPS system in question, eventually reaches the
rivers within the corresponding DPS. River flow is composed of the sum of
surface runoff and base flow.
Table 4 Total
Rain and Daily Amount of Rain
The results of
mainstay discharge analysis with the F.J Mock method in the Study area can be
seen in Table 4 Calculation of Cibanten Embung Discharge with FJ Method. Mock
with the calculation results of Debit experienced a surplus every month with
the highest surplus in February of 63.79 liters / second and the lowest in
August of 22.37 liters / second. Then the Cibanten Embung Water Balance Balance
can be seen in Figure 5.10. Cibanten Embung Water Balance which shows that the
discharge of water use is smaller than the availability of water, water use is
35.38 liters / second to 118.61 while water availability ranges from 254.07
liters / second to 292.83 liters / second. There is a water balance surplus
between 133.91 liters / second to 189.42 liters / second (Soewarno, 1991).
Results of Raw Water Needs
urban and industrial water needs are calculated using population statistics.
The results of the calculation of clean water needs are as follows::
Clean water needs of Households ( domestic )
Household clean water needs are water
obtained individually from water sources made by each household such as shallow
wells, piping or public water supply or can be obtained from the Drinking Water
Supply System (SPAM) service (Badaruddin,
Kadir, & Nisa, 2021).
Raw water sources consist of groundwater,
surface water or a combination of the two. The use of water used is influenced
Type of water source (connection to a house or public hydrant)
Type of use (toilet, shower, etc.)
Equipment per household
Water use outside the home (park, car wash etc.)
For Sukabares and Sukadana villages,
Ciomas sub-district, Serang Regency, Banten Province, the category of cities is
medium so that the need for clean water per liter per person per day is 110
liters / person / day (see table). Formula calculates Clean Water Needs of
Domestic Population = Number of Population x 110 x 1/(24x60x60) liter/second =
9,618 x 110 x 1/(24x60x60) liter/second = 12.24 liter/second.
Social water needs�
Water needs for social are assumed to be
20% of the total population that requires the need of 30 liters / day. The
larger and denser the population will tend to have more commercial and social
areas, so the water needs will be higher. Social Water Needs Formula = 20% x
Total Population x 30 x 0.00001157 liters/second = 20% x 9,618 x 30 x
1/(24x60x60) liters/second = 0.67 liters/second.
Non- Domestic
Non-domestic water needs, namely water
needs which include industrial needs, institutional needs, and commercial use.
Institutional needs include water needs for schools, hospitals, places of
worship, government buildings, and others. Commercial water needs for an area
are in line with increasing population and changes in land use. The following
are some of the water needs for non-domestic in 2023.
1). Water needs of school pupils
According to the Directorate General of
Copyright, Department of Public Works, the need for clean water for school
students is 5 liters / student / day. School Student Water Needs Formula =
Number of Students x 5 liters/day = 1,820 x 5 liters/day = 9,100 liters/day.
2). Water needs of Puskesmas
According to the Directorate General of
Copyright, Department of Public Works, water needs for hospitals are calculated
based on the number of beds, which is 500 lt/bed/day and for puskesmas of 1200
liters/unit/day. Puskesmas Water Requirement Formula = Number of Puskesmas x
1,200 liters/day = 0 x 1,200 liters/day = 0 liters/day.
3). Water Needs for Places of Worship
According to the Directorate General of
Copyrights of the Department of Public Works, the water requirement for mosques
is 3000 liters / unit / day while churches / temples are 1000 liters / unit /
day. Mosque/Mushola Water Requirement Formula = Number of Mosques/Mushola x
3000 liters/day = 44 x 3000 liters/day = 132,000 liters/day. Church/Temple
Water Requirement Formula = Number of Churches/Temples x 1000 liters/day = 0 x
1000 liters/day = 0 liters/day.
4). Water needs for the Market
According to the Directorate General of
Copyrights of the Department of Public Works, the water requirement for mosques
is 12,000 liters / unit / day. Water Requirement Formula Number of Markets =
Number of Markets x 1,200 liters/day = 1 x 1,200 liters/day = 1,200 liters/day.
5). Water needs for industry
According to the Directorate General of
Cipta Karya DPU in 1996, the need for water for industry is 10 liters / unit /
day. Water Requirement Formula for Industry = Number of Industries x 10 liters
/ day = 0 x 10 liters / day = 0 liters / day.
6). Water needs for stall employees
According to the Directorate General of
Cipta Karya DPU in 1996, water needs for stall employees are liters / units /
day. Water Requirement Formula for stall employees = Number of stall employees
x 10 liters / day = 120 x 10 liters / day = 1,200 liters / day
non- domestic water demand = (1+2+3+4+5+6) x 0.00001157 liter/ second = 9,100 +
0 + 132,000 + 1,200 + 0 + 1,200 = 143,500 liter/ day x 1/(24x60x60) liter /
second = 1.66 liters / second.
Water Needs in 2023 = Domestic Water Needs + Social Water Needs + Non- Domestic
Water Needs = 12.24 +0.67 + 1.66 = 14.57 liters/ second.
of Water
loss =
10% x Total Water Needs (liters/ second ) = 10% x 14.57 liters/ second = 1.46
liters/ second.
Daily Needs
Daily Needs = 1.15 x Total Water Needs (liters/ second ). = 1.15 x 14.57
liters/ second = 16.75 liters/ second.
at Peak Hours
for discharge at peak hours = 1.5 x total water demand (liters/ second ) = 1.5
x 14.57 liters/ second = 21.85 liters/ second.
Water Needs = Debit Needs at Peak Hours � Water Losses (liters/ second ) =
21.85 � 1.46 = 20.40 liters/ second.
Prediction of raw water needs in Sukabares
and Sukadana Villages, Ciomas District, Serang Regency, Banten Province, in
2023 Domestic Water Needs of 12.24 liters/second, Social of 0.67 liters/second
and Non-Domestic of 1.66 liters/second, water needs at peak hours of 21.85
liters/second, maximum daily needs of 16.75 liters/second, predictions of water
loss of 1.46 liters/second, then the total water demand in 2023 is 20.40
liters/second. Then after that, in 2024, the total water demand is 20.96 liters
/ second and increases every year.
If reviewed until 2045, Domestic Water
Demand is 20.30 liters/second, Social 1.11 liters/second, Non-Domestic is 3.86
liters/second, water needs at peak hours are 37.91 liters/second, maximum daily
needs are 29.06 liters/second, predicted water loss is 2.53 liters/second, then
Total Water Demand in 2045 is 35.38 liters/second (Table 4).
5 Non- Domestic Water Needs in Sukadana and Sukabares Villages Subdistrict
Ciomas Year 2023
Water Balance
The results of
mainstay discharge analysis with the F.J Mock method in the Study area can be
seen in Table 5 Calculation of Cibanten Embung Discharge with FJ Method. Mock
with the calculation results of Discharge experienced a surplus in each month
with the highest surplus in February of 63.79 liters / second and the lowest in
August of 22.37 liters / second. Then the Cibanten Embung Water Balance Balance
can be seen in Figure 5.10. Cibanten Embung Water Balance which shows that the
discharge of water use is smaller than the availability of water, water use is
35.38 liters / second to 118.61 while water availability ranges from 254.07
liters / second to 292.83 liters / second. There is a water balance surplus
between 133.91 liters / second to 189.42 liters / second.
Table 6 Cibanten
Reservoir Water Balance Balance
Figure 4
Cibanten Reservoir Water Balance
Water Quality Analysis (Laboratory Test)
In terms of health
considerations, the quality of raw water must account for the possibility of
pollution from potential sources of contamination in the river. In terms of its
intended use, raw water should be capable of removing turbidity, color, iron,
and manganese through a conventional filtration system without requiring
special treatment. Regarding operational and maintenance aspects, the system
should function and be maintained normally to produce potable water that meets
health standards.
Sampling of this
water is conducted at the planned intake site. These samples are collected for
laboratory testing. Through these laboratory tests, the water quality intended
for raw water purposes (Quality standard B) will be determined.
To assess water quality in the field, a
"Water Quality Checker" measuring instrument is utilized.
For laboratory
testing purposes, water samples are collected at the planned intake site. These
samples are gathered for laboratory testing. Through these laboratory tests,
the quality of the water intended for raw water purposes (Quality standard B)
will be ascertained.
Figure �5 Water Sampling Locations
The water quality parameters studied refer
to the standard parameters for drinking water quality according to Government
Regulation No. 82 of 2001 as presented in Table 5.10 below
7 �Quality
Standards for Raw Water Quality
No. |
Parameter |
Unit |
Quality standards |
A |
B |
1 |
Nitrate |
Mg/L |
10 |
10 |
2 |
Nitrite |
Mg/L |
0.05 |
1 |
3 |
organic |
Mg/L |
- |
400 |
4 |
Fe |
Mg/L |
0.3 |
- |
5 |
M N |
Mg/L |
0.1 |
- |
6 |
Na |
Mg/L |
- |
200 |
7 |
Hg |
Mg/L |
0.001 |
0.002 |
8 |
F |
Mg/L |
0.5 |
1.5 |
9 |
Mg/L |
1000 |
1000 |
10 |
(SO 4 ) |
Mg/L |
400 |
- |
11 |
Cl - |
Mg/L |
0.03 |
0.03 |
12 |
hardness |
Mg/L |
- |
500 |
: Regulation Government No. 82 of 2001
water samples were collected from Cibanten Reservoir. Each sample was collected
in an amount of 2 liters. Based on the laboratory test results conducted at the
Serang City laboratory, the tested samples are still suitable for use as raw
water, as they still possess good physical and chemical properties for
household/drinking water purposes. However, it should be noted that water
quality during the rainy season, when the water at the location becomes turbid
for a period, needs to be considered.
quality analysis is performed, taking into account the content of iron,
magnesium, potassium, boron, chloride, sulfate, and nitrogen oxide that meet
drinking water standards. Raw water to meet the needs of the community should
contain as few toxins, heavy metals, and substances affecting health as
possible, such as mercury, fluoride, and nitrate. The water content from the
Cibanten Reservoir is suitable for consumption by the community after boiling.
The results of the water quality analysis are presented in Table 5.11.
Cibanten Reservoir Capacity/Capacity
volume Cibanten at the time This with Still there is aquatic plants and
sedimentation is of 6,511.51 m3. Sediments and water plants Apu-apu of 1,416.87
m3. pond volume after done cleaning/normalization is 6,511.51 + 1,416.87 =
7,928.38 m3. Calculation of Reservoir Volume Cibanten can seen in table 5.13.
Table 8 Cibanten
Reservoir Capacity/Capacity
: Analysis Researcher
Capacity / Capacity Reservoir Cibanten and Graphics Inundation Area Relationship
and Volumes Reservoir can be seen in tables and figures below.
Table 9
Inundation Area Relationship with Reservoir Volume
: Analysis Researcher
Figure 6
Relationship of Inundation Area and Reservoir Volume
40% of the surface of Cibanten Reservoir, there is a water plant known as
"Apu-apu" (Pistia stratiotes). Despite reducing the reservoir's
capacity and storage, this plant has numerous benefits. Also known as
"kapu-kapu," this aquatic plant serves as an ornamental plant. The
plant's size ranges from 2 to 10 cm in length and 2 to 6 cm in width, with
leaves featuring notched edges and thick hair on the water's surface. Apu-apu
produces spike-like flowers that emerge from the leaf axils. These white
flowers are approximately 1 cm in size. Its fruit is round and red, measuring 5
to 8 cm, containing black, round seeds about 2 mm in size. With its broad
leaves growing in clusters, Apu-apu serves well as shade for fish. Furthermore,
Apu-apu functions as a cleaner of harmful radioactive pollutants in water. It
effectively reduces iron (Fe) levels in water by more than 90% and enhances
water quality over time. The plant also naturally removes excess algae and
nutrients from the water. Additionally, Apu-apu can be used as feed material
due to its dry weight composition of 37% BETN, 19.5% crude protein, 25.6% ash
content, 1.3% crude fat, and 11.7% crude fiber (Yudhistira 2013). The volume of
Apu-apu water plants in Cibanten Reservoir is calculated as 25% x 4,091.50 m� x
0.1 m = 102.29 m�. Recognizing the importance of Apu-apu, it is advisable not
to completely remove this plant during the Cibanten Reservoir Rehabilitation
activity. Instead, around 5-10% of the reservoir's surface area should be
dedicated to preserving this plant.
Figure 7
Apu-apu Aquatic Plants on the surface of the Embung water Cibanten
the results of the study can be concluded and suggested as follows: 1. The
projected result of the discharge (liter / second) of clean water needs of
Sukadana Village and Sukabares Ciomas District until 2045 is 35.38 liters /
second. 2. The availability of mainstay discharge (liter/second) of Embung
Cibanten is 254.07 liters/second (minimum discharge in July) to 292.83
liters/second (maximum discharge in January), so that the people of Sukadana
and Sukabares villages can enjoy the abundance of Cibanten Embung Water. 3. The
result of the Cibanten Embung Water Balance Simulation is greater Availability
than Usage (Surplus). Availability is 254.07 liters / second to 292.83 liters /
second while Usage is 35.38 liters / second to 122.36 liters / second. Use in
addition to raw water is also for agricultural irrigation. 4. After going
through laboratory tests, the content of Cibanten Embung Water is included in
the Class B category, so that it meets the standards for the procurement of raw
water that is suitable for consumption by the community as clean water by first
boiling it before being used as drinking water. 5.The volume of water in
Cibanten Reservoir before cleaning/normalization of sediments and aquatic
plants was 6,511.51 m3 and after cleaning/normalization of reservoirs from
sediments and aquatic plants was 7,928.38 m3.
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