International Journal of Engineering Business and Social Science 2024-09-18T03:49:13+00:00 Admin IJEBSS (International Journal of Engineering Business and Social Science) [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><img src="" /></p> Development of a Web-Based Digital Archive Search System Using The Binary Search Algorithm 2024-09-12T02:23:39+00:00 Herly Nurrahmi [email protected] <p>In several departments or faculties at various universities, the business process that is often carried out is archive management. The quality of service in each organization is one indicator of the success of a business entity or organization. In meeting these indicators, information systems or information applications are a mainstay in a business strategy. In several departments or faculties at various universities, the business process that is often carried out is archive management. Archiving activities are very important because they involve official documents and are important for every institution. Increased technological innovation has empowered institutions to monitor archives in a digital way. The purpose of this research is to create a website-based archive application using binary searching algorithms that can be used to record and store easily and safely, and be managering every archive for essier access. The system development methodology uses the waterfall method and the PHP and MySQL programming languages. This application can be used to record, store, display archives by category and can be used to display archives by category, preview archives, download archives and archive details in the Design Department of the Polytechnic Media Creative.</p> 2024-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Business and Social Science Potential Conflicts in The Nusantara IKN and Its Prevention 2024-07-26T07:05:53+00:00 Eman Sulaeman Nasim [email protected] <p>The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was founded and its independence was fought for none other than to protect the entire Indonesian nation and all of Indonesia's blood, promote general welfare, educate the life of the nation, implement world order based on independence, eternal peace and social justice." This is as stated in the Preamble to the Law. -The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia) paragraph 4 (four). This means that it is the duty of the President as head of state and head of government to improve the welfare of all Indonesian people both living on the island of Java and outside Java In fact, after all these decades it turns out that there is still inequality in various fields, especially the economy between the island of Java and other regions outside Java, one of which is due to the position of the country's capital in the Jakarta area which is located on the island of Java, so that development is uneven.</p> <p>The high inequality in economic, social and cultural development between Java and non-Java is getting higher day by day. So President Joko Widodo, on April 29 2019, announced his policy to move the National Capital (IKN) from the DKI Jakarta area to other areas in East Kalimantan, namely North Penajam Paser Regency and Kutai Kertangerara Regency which were chosen as the potential IKN locations. President Jokowi's decision received support from the DPR RI with the issuance of Law (UU) No. 3 of 2022 concerning the Move of the National Capital. In 2023, this law has been revised or amended with the approval of the DPR RI, to become Law No. 21 of 2023. In this context, a fairly comprehensive basis and review of the study of the movement of IKN from the DKI Jakarta area to the North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kertanegara Regency areas is needed. East Kalimantan so that there is no potential for conflict to arise in IKN. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare programs and activities as well as policies to prevent or at least minimize the potential for social conflict and the impacts arising from social conflict between immigrant communities and the indigenous people of East Kalimantan.</p> <p>This type of research uses qualitative research methods, namely methods that focus on in-depth observation. Therefore, the use of qualitative methods in research can produce a more comprehensive study of a phenomenon. Data and information collection techniques are carried out through observation and literature study</p> <p>The results of the study concluded that IKN was prone to the emergence of social conflict due to the long-standing and hereditary problem of land ownership belonging to indigenous communities in North Penajam Paser. Apart from that, it is also caused by the social gap between immigrant communities, who on average have a bachelor's degree, have special skills, a high work ethic and a better level of welfare compared to the majority of native communities. Another factor is the factor of injustice between individuals in society, whether due to differences in opinions and feelings, cultural differences, politics. economic and welfare differences that can have an impact on the birth of clashes both between individuals and between community groups. It turns out that there have been many social conflicts in this area for a long time, which if allowed to continue will create disharmony between the immigrant community and the native communities of North Penajam Paser and Kutai Kertanegara.</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Business and Social Science Digilite Content Management System Digital Library Lite 2024-09-18T03:49:13+00:00 Egi Abinowi [email protected] Aminudin Aminudin [email protected] Diah Sri Rejeki [email protected] Merryam Agustine [email protected] Haria Saputry [email protected] Kailla Novelia Putri Sugarna [email protected] <p>Digital library is a system that organizes and provides access to digital information content. Unlike conventional publishing, which has physical content like books, journals, and journals, digital publishing offers content in electronic format that can be accessed through a computer or other device connected to the internet. It allows users to search, download, and create various types of content, such as e-books, articles, videos, and more, from various sources. In the rapidly evolving digital era, effective and efficient content management is crucial for organizations, businesses, and individuals who want to build online presence. Content Management Systems (CMS) are a useful tool for creating, editing, and distributing content on the web without technical knowledge about coding. CMS provides user-friendly tools, allowing users to easily use text, images, videos, and other elements in their sites. Web-based digital library is a platform that uses CMS to create and distribute content without requiring technical knowledge. Users can search, download, and create digital content from various sources connected to the internet. CMS also provides a user-friendly interface and allows users to manage content efficiently, making it an ideal solution for various web publishing needs, from personal blogs to large business portals. Digital library is designed for ease of use and infrastructure, avoiding various issues. It can help create a modern, literate culture and contribute to the development of a more efficient and user-friendly system.</p> 2024-09-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Egi Abinowi, Aminudin, Diah Sri Rejeki, Merryam Agustine, Haria Saputry, Kailla Novelia Putri Sugarna