Implementation Of Balance Score Card To Improve Employee Performance At PT Gaya Makmur Tractors


  • Evita Isretno Israhadi Universitas Borobudur
  • Surateman Surateman Universitas Borobudur


Balance Score Card;, Employee Performance at PT Gaya Makmur Tractors


To evaluate a company's success, performance evaluations must be conducted using acceptable performance assessment criteria. Performance appraisal also plays a vital role because it seeks to encourage employees to achieve efficiency and effectiveness in a company. Performance assessments help multinationals evaluate global human resource efficacy for optimization and improvement. It can be said that the Balanced Scorecard can help companies communicate the company's business strategy and as a company goal to achieve the vision and mission. Assessment of performance measurement through the balanced scorecard is an important factor in the company. Apart from being used to assess a company's success, performance measurement can also be used as a basis for determining a company's reward system, for example, to determine employee salary levels and appropriate rewards. Management can assess previous times using business efficiency data as the instrument. Traditional performance assessment, which primarily takes the financial sector into account, is currently what is most frequently utilized in businesses. Measuring performance with this system causes the company's orientation to only short-term profits and tends to ignore the long-term survival of the company. Performance measurements that focus on the financial sector are unable to estimate the performance of the company's intangible assets and intellectual assets (human resources). Additionally, this method of assessing achievement is less capable of entirely driving the organization on a better path and pays less consideration to the external sector and its history. Data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively. Using a deductive approach, the conclusion is reached by moving from the general to the specific, particularly those that are connected to the research issue, namely Smart Performance from an Islamic Human Resource Management Perspective. According to the findings, PT Gaya Makmur Tractors was urged to prepare for the worldwide marketplace by changes in performance activities. The key to competition in the global market is total quality which includes emphasis on product quality, cost or price quality, service quality, timely delivery quality, and other satisfactions that continue to develop to provide continuous satisfaction to customers. A crucial element of the business is performance measurement or assessment. Apart from being used to assess a company's success, performance measurement can also be used as a basis for determining a company's reward system, for example, to determine employee salary levels and appropriate rewards. Management can also use company performance measurements as a tool to evaluate the previous period

