Hospital Responsibilities Toward Patients In The Implementation Of Health Services



Health;, Patient Rights;, Hospital


Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health provides legal protection for the right to health services. Everyone has the right to health, according to Article 4. To prevent medical errors in patient care, hospitals ensure that doctors and other health workers have legal protection. Patients also receive legal protection from hospital liability and from doctors and other health professionals. Every person has the right and legal right to obtain health services, and the public is free to utilize government and/or regional government health resources. The right to receive public health services, especially in government hospitals, needs to be implemented specifically to guarantee health financing for the poor, and emergency financing in hospitals due to disasters and extraordinary events. Therefore, legal protection of the right to obtain health services for the community is part of implementing the protection of human rights. The fulfillment of the right to adequate health services through hospital facilities is guaranteed and implemented by the government and/or regional governments. The hospital's responsibility for implementing patient rights, including the right to medical information, the right to consent to medical procedures, the right to choose a doctor, and the right to the contents of medical records, has not been implemented properly by the provisions and regulations of the laws and regulations applicable in the health sector

