Empowering Communities through Innovative Programs: A Review of Village Tourism Program and Integrated Waste Management



  • Almira Chairunissa Wahyu Tomo PT Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field, Indonesia
  • Hengky Rosadi PT Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field, Indonesia
  • Erwin Hendra Putra PT Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field, Indonesia
  • M. Saddam Hussein PT Pertamina EP Prabumulih Field, Indonesia
  • Wahyu Supartono Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia
  • Anggoro Cahyo Sukartiko Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Jimly Imamuddin Universitas Gajah Mada, Indonesia


Community Empowerment, PAK DALANG, SARAH, Socio-Economic Growth, Waste Management


This research presents successful community empowerment programs focusing on sustainable tourism development and waste management in Prabumulih, Indonesia. The Desa Wisata Burai Program, initiated in 2016 by Pertamina EP (PEP) Prabumulih, aimed to enhance the tourist experience by providing recreational facilities, such as saung, galleries, and kiosks, while supporting local artisans. Alongside this, the SARAH (Sampah Jadi Berkah) Program, started in 2020, focused on integrated waste management, transforming waste materials into compost and innovative upcycled products. Collaborations with local institutions resulted in the creation of herbal soaps and probiotic beverages. Both initiatives demonstrated positive social, economic, and environmental outcomes, including increased income generation, environmental preservation, and strengthened community bonds. The programs' successes underscore the importance of community-based approaches in sustainable development, providing replicable models for similar regions. The Desa Wisata Burai and SARAH Programs exemplify how targeted interventions can foster community empowerment, environmental conservation, and socio-economic growth, highlighting the significance of collaboration between various stakeholders to achieve long-term sustainable development goals.

