Implementation of Full Day School in Cultivating The Religious

Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City

Rosdiar, Bahrun, Khairuddin

Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]





Implementation of full day school and religious character Growth, Waste Management.

The implementation of full-day school is an alternative program to foster the religious character of students because full-day school means that students are at school from 07:15 AM to 4:30 PM or after the Asr prayer. Religious character is essential for students to face changing times and moral degradation. In this context, students are expected to possess and behave according to the standards of good and bad based on religious teachings and principles. The purpose of this research is to investigate how the implementation of full-day school fosters the religious character of students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis, involving data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the research findings, it was found that: 1) The full-day school program for fostering students' religious character includes activities such as congregational prayers (Dhuha, Dhuhr, Asr), Quran reading, Quran memorization (Tahfiz), remembrance (morning and evening), and supplication. 2) The strategies for implementing full-day school to foster students' religious character are integrated through various means, including learning activities, Diniyah class activities, extracurricular activities, and habituation activities. 3) Several challenges in the implementation of full-day school to foster students' religious character, including Educational orientation that still prioritizes cognitive aspects, Lack of awareness and motivation among students to initiate activities on their own, Insufficient supervision and support from parents and the surrounding environment, Influence of culture and customs outside of school or the local environment, Insufficient facilities and infrastructure, especially in SDN 6 Sabang City.

� 2023 by the authors. Submitted

for possible open access publication

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1.      Introduction

Education is an important and determining factor in the life of a nation. The progress of a country greatly depends on the level of education of its population. Quality education creates individuals with good personal and social qualities, contributing positively to the nation. Educational innovation is essential to improve the quality of education in a country. Education itself is a crucial aspect in developing the full potential and personality of individuals. One significant educational program aimed at shaping individuals with good personal and social qualities is character education. Character education, as defined by Alkrienciechie (Kusumawardhani, 2018), is a form of education that aims to develop an individual's personality through values education. This character education is expected to improve a person's ethics and moral behavior, resulting in positive actions such as honesty, responsibility, respect for others' rights, hard work, and more.

Character education is vital both within and outside the school environment, especially in the era of Industry 5.0. Schools are not only expected to educate students academically and skill-wise but also to instill good character traits. Recognizing the importance of character development, the government has made it a priority in the national development agenda, as stated in the Long-Term National Development Plan (RPJPN) for 2010-2025, aiming to create a society with noble character, morals, ethics, culture, and civility based on the Pancasila philosophy (Alifuddin, 2018).

Education, as outlined in the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, serves to develop the abilities and form the character and dignity of the nation in order to improve the quality of life and aims to cultivate individuals who are faithful and devoted to God, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and responsible citizens (Daradjat, 2017). However, character education, despite being an integral part of religious and civic education, has not been a primary focus in the national education system, as it is often overshadowed by knowledge and skills acquisition. Furthermore, character education is more profound than moral education because it goes beyond right and wrong; it involves instilling good habits in life. Therefore, character education aims to raise awareness, understanding, commitment, and the ability to apply virtues in daily life. To ensure the success of character education, it requires serious attention from all educational stakeholders, particularly schools as formal education institutions. A nation thrives when its citizens possess good character, and it falters when its inhabitants lack character. Character education is crucial, and without it, human civilization is at risk of decline (Hamalik, 2019).

Essentially, research on the managerial competence of school principals has been extensively studied by previous researchers. In the context of the implementation of Full-Day School to foster students' religious character, the researcher found relevant studies as follows:

  1. (Setyawan, 2021) on "Model Pengelolaan Full-Day School for Fostering Islamic Character in High School Students in Surakarta." The study reveals that in managing the Full-Day School system, there are several stages, including planning, the preparation of annual work programs, and classroom management. The planning process begins with evaluating the ongoing academic activities and reviewing the school's vision and mission. The program is then formulated during a program development meeting attended by all school members to outline the programs for the coming year. Classroom management in the Full-Day School system includes scheduling classes, managing break times, conducting ice-breaking activities, and managing religious activities and flagship programs.
  2. (Siregar, 2017) discusses "Full-Day School as Strengthening Character Education." The research demonstrates that the Full-Day School system is widely adopted in religious-based schools, offering advantages such as: (1) providing students with general knowledge to anticipate scientific developments; (2) offering proper and proportional Islamic education; (3) providing character education that is anticipatory of socio-cultural developments marked by the rapid flow of information and globalization, requiring value filtering; (4) allowing students' potential to be channeled through extracurricular activities; and (5) monitoring students' interests, talents, and intelligence from an early age through counseling programs.
  3. (Nurmilah, 2019) examines "The Implementation of the Full-Day School System in Improving Learning Quality at SMP Negeri 15 Palu." The study reveals that the implementation of the Full-Day School system in enhancing learning quality at SMP Negeri 15 Palu involves using the 2013 curriculum, which aligns with the school's policies. Efforts to improve learning quality go beyond just focusing on outcomes; they emphasize the active role of teachers in the learning process. Within the Full-Day School system, several changes occur in educational institutions, including improved facilities and infrastructure, an increase in the number of teachers, and improved learning outcomes. Some obstacles in implementing Full-Day School learning to enhance learning quality at SMP Negeri 15 Palu include students' reduced concentration during the last hours of study and a slight sense of boredom due to the extended hours of study and school hours. To address these challenges, teachers use creative and varied teaching methods, such as scientific learning methods, window shopping, and matching cards. The role of Full-Day School policies in improving students' learning quality at SMP Negeri 15 Palu is evident in the increased grades of students every semester. Thus, the implementation of Full-Day School policies plays a crucial role in enhancing students' learning outcomes.

In conclusion, Full-Day School is an educational system where learning takes place throughout the day by intensively dedicating additional time for deepening knowledge over five days, while Saturdays are filled with relaxation or creative activities (Haryanto, 2020). The key difference between previous research and the current study is the focus. Previous research primarily aimed to improve the overall quality of teaching and learning. In the Full-Day School system, significant changes occur within educational institutions, including improved facilities and infrastructure, an increased number of teachers, and better learning outcomes. In contrast, this study primarily focuses on the implementation of Full-Day School in fostering religious character at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City (Wulandari & Kristiawan, 2017).

Based on the background provided above, the research questions that can be identified in this study are: "How is the implementation of full-day school in fostering religious character among students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City?" Referring to the research questions outlined above, the objectives to be achieved in this study are as follows: a. To describe the full-day school program's role in nurturing religious character among students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City. b. To describe the strategies for implementing full-day school to foster religious character among students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City. c. To describe the obstacles faced in the implementation of full-day school for fostering religious character among students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City (Lickona, 2012).

Regarding character education in schools, it is closely tied to the management of character education within those schools. Management is a strategic alternative for improving the quality of education. Enhancing education quality is not a straightforward task; it involves complex issues. The success or failure of education is determined by the effectiveness of its management (Munandar, 2021). The way character education is planned, organized, implemented, and controlled within a school is crucial for its success. Effective school management plays a significant role in the implementation of character education. Character education should engage all school stakeholders, including teachers, staff, parents, students, and the surrounding community. The character-based activities include smiles, greetings, greetings when meeting with teachers or friends, congregational dhuhur prayers and others. Based on this, researchers are interested in conducting research entitled "Implementation of Full Day School in Cultivating the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City'�.


2.      Materials and Methods

In this research, the author uses a descriptive method, which is a method that describes existing phenomena, whether natural or human-made. The descriptive method is used to solve and answer the research questions faced in the current situation. This research is conducted to collect data, apply data analysis, and create reports and conclusions with the primary goal of providing an objective depiction of a certain condition.

Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data, which is the direct interaction between the researcher and the data source. Sukmadinata (Mahara, 2017:60) states that "Qualitative research is research aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, both individually and collectively, all descriptions leading to conclusions." Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, depict, explain, elucidate, and provide more detailed answers to the issues under study by studying an individual, a group, or an event as extensively as possible. In qualitative research, humans are the research instruments, and the results are in the form of words or statements that correspond to reality. Therefore, this research is expected to provide a comprehensive and well-organized overview of specific components, thus yielding valid results.

This research was conducted at SD Negeri Sabang City and SMP Negeri Sabang City, Aceh Province. The research was conducted from March 1st to June 1st, 2023. The choice of research location and time is based on three considerations: Firstly, the researcher has conducted observations and is interested in researching at SD Negeri Sabang City and SMP Negeri Sabang City. Secondly, SD Negeri Sabang City and SMP Negeri Sabang City are educational institutions under the Department of Education and Culture of Sabang City, which are among the preferred educational institutions for parents of prospective students. Thirdly, the researcher considered factors such as time, cost, and logistics because the location is accessible.

Research subjects are the data sources that provide clarity on the research questions. In qualitative research, only sources that provide complete and accurate information about certain events, individuals, and situations observed are considered subjects. (Creswell & Creswell, 2017) states, "Qualitative researchers strive to create a complex picture of an issue or subject under investigation." This involves efforts to report perspectives, identify factors related to specific situations, and generally create a sketch of the emerging big picture. The research subjects play a crucial role as informants for data collection to complete the study. The subjects in this research are the school principals and teachers at SD Negeri Sabang City and SMP Negeri Sabang City. The selection of research subjects is based on several considerations, including that school principals and teachers are essential elements in educational institutions related to the implementation of full-day schools, which are all part of the process of character education for students to improve the quality of graduates at SD Negeri Sabang City and SMP Negeri Sabang City.

In qualitative research, the research instrument or tool is the researcher themselves. Therefore, the researcher as the instrument must also be "validated" to the extent that the qualitative researcher is prepared to conduct research in the field. Validation of the researcher as an instrument includes validation of the understanding of qualitative research methods, mastery of insights into the researched field, readiness to enter the research object, both academically and logistically.

The instruments used in this research to collect all data related to the implementation of full-day schools in fostering students' religious character are through interview guides, observation guides, and documentary studies by asking questions formulated according to the research objectives to obtain answers that can be used as accountable qualitative data. In connection with the above objectives, data validity tests are required in this research. Data validity tests in qualitative research include credibility testing (internal validity), transferability testing (external validity), dependability testing (reliability), and confirmability testing (objectivity).

Data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research because the primary goal of research is to obtain data. According to (Sugiyono, 2019), "Data collection techniques include interviews, questionnaires, observations, and a combination of all three." In qualitative research, the findings or data are considered valid if there is no difference between what the researcher reports and what actually happens with the research subject. The truth of reality in qualitative research is not singular but multiple and depends on the researcher's ability to construct the observed phenomenon, shaped within each individual's mental process with their background.





3.     Results and Discussions

Full Day School Program in Cultivating the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

Data on religious character education programs at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City were obtained through interviews, observation, and direct documentation. Religious character education can be interpreted by attitudes and behaviors in carrying out the teachings of the religion they follow, being tolerant of the implementation of worship of other religions, and living in harmony with followers of other religions (Mustari, 2019).

Religious character education programs are activities that will be carried out in order to achieve the objectives of religious character education, in accordance with established educational strategies and policies. Schools are responsible for the preparation of school programs as a form of education in accordance with the direction of education determined by the government. Religious character education programs have been implemented with clear, systematic, and efficient planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising (Syarbini, 2014).

Based on the opinion of the Head of SDN 1 Sabang City to researchers that:

The religious character education program at this school includes prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz Qur'an, dhikr (morning and evening), and prayer. The program is planned and prepared at the annual working meeting (at the beginning of each new school year). During the working meeting with the internal school, of course, the programs that will be carried out will be discussed. At the time of the raker (work meeting) has also been appointed the person in charge of each field and the duties of each teacher or school staff are outlined to be more organized. These programs are adjusted to the vision and mission of the school, then implemented in an integrated manner through learning activities, diniyah (religion) activities, extracurricular activities and through habituation activities. Then, our school has produced students who have succeeded in becoming hafizh Qur'an and excel in other fields. This proves that the full day school program in cultivating religious character in our school has been successful, but we still have to maintain or be consistent so that these good things can continue to be implemented in the future.

In addition, the Head of SDN 6 Sabang City also gave a similar statement related to the character education program in this school. He told the researcher that:

That's right, there are several programs that we have compiled in accordance with the decree of the Sabang City education office. These programs include reading the Qur'an every morning before the start of lessons, praying (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), tahfiz Qur'an, and morning and evening dhikr, as well as prayer. The religious character education program in this school is carried out according to planning at the beginning of the new school year and has been integrated into learning, extracurricular, and habituation. So in every learning meeting will be inserted / provided learning about religious character education.

Furthermore, the researcher also interviewed the Head of SMPN 1 Sabang City related to the religious character education program, who said that:

Of course, as for the religious character education program that we compile, namely: the program of reading the Qur'an every morning, this must be carried out by all classes and controlled by the teacher who teaches the class in the first hour. Then there is the congregational prayer program namely dhuha, dhuhur, asr, all school residents must follow it without exception. Then the next program is the Qur'an tahfiz, morning and evening prayers or dhikr.

Regarding the suitability of the religious character education program with the vision, mission and goals of the school, the researcher confirmed to the deputy head of curriculum at SMPN 1 Sabang City regarding the correctness of the research data above. To the researcher he explained as follows:

As the principal has said that, in creating a religious character education program, we integrate in school programs that aim to realize the vision and mission of the school in accordance with educational goals. Then we also adjust it to the full day school program which aims to foster religious character in students. The programs are reading the Qur'an, praying (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), tahfiz Qur'an, and morning and evening prayers/dhikr.

Based on the statement above, it shows that SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City always carry out program socialization through internal school work meetings before the education is implemented, namely before entering the new school year. This is done so that all authorities, especially teachers / educators can prepare educational planning, supervision, and evaluation designs, especially the implementation of full day school programs in cultivating religious character. Then it can also prepare educational programs as well as possible and this program can be integrated into the curriculum and lesson plans, extracurriculars, and making full day school lesson schedules that are socialized to students and parents.

Then to prove the truth of the research data above, the researcher again interviewed the teacher of Islamic education subjects at SDN 1 Sabang City, to the researcher he confirmed these statements by saying that:

Each of our programs must be socialized in advance by the principal, so that every program we plan is moredirected and clear. Religious character education programs already exist in RPP, extracurricular, and other habituation activities. So the program is like congregational prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz Qur'an, dhikr (morning and evening), and prayer. This is all done because we run a full day school to foster religious character and this is inserted in every student activity.

In RPP, teachers plan an attitude assessment, namely if students show behavior like reciting, praying, remembrance, prayer, honesty, discipline, and responsibility, courtesy and confidence. While attitude assessment is a competency test of student understanding through the results of work on worksheets that have been done.

Thus, we obtained the results that there are several full day school programs in cultivating religious character in SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City, namely: congregational prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz Qur'an, dhikr (morning and evening), and prayer. The full day school program in cultivating religious character must also follow the stages in the management system in the school starting from planning, organizing, implementing, to evaluating, which includes things such as: instilled values; curriculum content; learning, assessment, teachers, and other components involved. This program must be implemented consistently in order to form a culture of character, especially religious or Islamic character.

Full Day School Implementation Strategy in Cultivating the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

Strategy as planning contains a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals, in this case to achieve the success of full day school in cultivating religious character effectively and efficiently. The strategy for implementing student character education can be done through: integrating religious values and ethics in subjects, internalizing positive values instilled by all school residents, habituation and training, setting examples and examples, creating an atmosphere with religious character in schools, and allocating special time to carry out Qur'an reading programs or Qur'an tahfizh. As conveyed by the Deputy Head of Curriculum of SDN 1 Sabang City to researchers that:

The strategy of implementing character education is integrated through learning, extracurricular activities, habituation activities, and early activities at 14.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB, so this is called our full day school program. In class, we get used to it before and after learning to pray first. Then, when in class the teacher as a mentor sets a good example by speaking softly or politely, encouraging all students, motivating students to memorize the Qur'an, so that students are able to emulate positive things from their teachers. And Alhamdulillah, we succeeded in doing this strategy. As for outside the classroom, teachers provide examples and educate students to greet each other by greeting, helping each other, and others. In the school we also attach school rules and some religious character values that children must have.


This strategy is an effective strategy to be implemented by the principal, teacher council, and all school residents in general to support the full day school program in cultivating religious character. So that with a clear strategy, it will be able to produce a culture with Islamic (religious) character in the school.

Then the Deputy Head of Curriculum at SDN 6 Sabang City also gave a statement regarding the strategy of implementing the full day school program, to the researcher he said that:

Yes, that's right, the strategy of implementing character education in schools can be done through learning, extracurricular activities, and through early classes. As learned (RPP) it has been written that before learning the teacher invites students to recite and pray together, then get used to shaking hands, accustom students to be able to pray in congregation when the time comes, motivate students to become hafizh Qur'an and others. Other implementation strategies can also be done with habituation activities, for example teachers become examples and invite children to recite, memorize the Qur'an, and pray in congregation. Then we also hold routine activities every week such as reading yasin every Friday morning.

Almost the same statement was conveyed by the Deputy Head of Curriculum of SMPN 1 Sabang City to researchers that:

There are routine activities that have become a habit, including reading prayers and the Qur'an every day, especially Friday morning reading yasin, then praying in congregation, saying greetings and shaking hands when meeting teachers / friends, rohis members who diligently collect donations, and others. In particular, the strategy we do is through formal learning in morning to afternoon classes, extracurricular activities, and through early classes from noon to afternoon.

To prove the validity of the above data, the researcher also interviewed a PAI teacher and also Diniyah at SDN 1 Sabang City, to the researcher he confirmed that:

True, Every day teachers exemplify Islamic (religious) character to children by praying on time. Alhamdulillah, only less than 10 students are late for prayer every day and for various different reasons. For children who are late, of course, there will be advice delivered by picket teachers so that these children are not late anymore. Every day I and other teachers accustom students and teachers to shake hands with each other, as well as me personally. I also directly reprimanded children who did not attend early classes. Of course, there are various ways we do to create religious or religious characters, yes. Therefore, I support the implementation of full day school in cultivating religious character in this school.

Furthermore, to prove the truth of the data above, the researcher confirmed the data by interviewing a PAI teacher and also the person in charge of the early class at SMPN 1 Sabang City, to the researcher he confirmed that: "Yes, it is true that it is a strategy that we use to support full day schools in cultivating religious character in this school. The strategy we do is through formal learning in morning to afternoon classes, extracurricular activities, and through early classes from noon to evening, habituation activities".

Thus, the strategy for implementing the full day school program in cultivating religious character in SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City is carried out in an integrated manner through learning activities, Diniyah class activities, extracurricular activities, through habituation activities. The strategy is very effective and efficient in instilling character values, so as to achieve our expectations to build a culture of character in every student, and all school residents in general.

Inhibiting Factors for the Implementation of Full Day School to Foster the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

The implementation of full day school in cultivating religious character is a very important program in shaping the character / personality of Islamic individuals. There are still many obstacles in the implementation of character education programs. As we know that obstacles are obstacles, obstacles with circumstances that limit, hinder or prevent the achievement of goals. Therefore, there are obstacles faced in the implementation of religious character education. As the Deputy Head of Curriculum of SDN 1 Sabang City told researchers, that:

When it comes to obstacles, of course there are, for example because of the environment; The home environment and the social environment of children who are far from Islamic values, will gradually be able to dissolve religious education, especially moral education that has been instilled in schools. Mass media; The advancement of science and technology has had a lot of negative impacts on children's development, especially in the formation of the personality and character of Islamic children.

Then the researcher also confirmed the Deputy Head of Curriculum at SDN 6 Sabang City regarding the obstacles in the character education program, to the researcher he confirmed that:

True, there are several obstacles that we experience related to full day school in cultivating religious character in Sabang City. Such as lack of support from parents due to busy work and not being able to supervise children in reciting and praying on time, this results in less attention from parents to children. This will certainly be an obstacle for us, because only schools carry out and control religious character education for children, while the home and surrounding environment do not provide that support. Then also other obstacles are the lack of completeness of facilities and infrastructure, then the lack of socialization about religious character education to parents of students / students, so that the lack of understanding of parents of students about the importance of the full day school program in cultivating this religious character.

Then to prove the truth or validity of the data above, the researcher also interviewed the Deputy Head of Curriculum of SMPN 1 Sabang City regarding the obstacles in the character education program, to the researcher he said that:

That's right, of course I and the principal and teachers experienced obstacles in implementing a full day school in cultivating religious character in Sabang Elementary and Junior High School. These obstacles can come from the environment, because the home environment and the social environment of children are far from Islamic values even though we live in areas that apply Islamic law, but gradually will be able to dissolve religious education, especially moral education that has been instilled in schools. Then also the influence of social media (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, and various kinds of game applications) because of the progress of science and technology which has a negative impact on child development (without the supervision of parents / teachers / other adults), especially in the formation of Islamic children's character.

From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that, parents and teachers as direct educators of students still need further socialization about the full day school program in cultivating religious character, so that the understanding of religious / religious character education is more widely open. Then, although most programs are successful, there are certainly some things that hinder the character education process. Such as lack of family and environmental support. Then also the development of science and technology that is not controlled by parents.

Then teachers have difficulty educating, observing, and controlling students, especially in religious character education. As a result, the culture with Islamic character that has been formed in schools has only become a habituation activity in schools. The achievement of reciting and memorizing the Qur'an is only limited to school, if they have graduated then very few children continue the habits that have been formed. Finally, unlike SDN 1 Sabang City and SMPN 1 Sabang City, other obstacles that are actually felt by SDN 6 Sabang City are the absence of an organizational structure in early activities, and the lack of infrastructure that supports the implementation of full day schools in cultivating religious character in the school.


After the researcher collects data from the results of the study obtained from direct observation or observation and interviews with school principals, deputy heads of curriculum, PAI teachers, and documentation at SDN 1 Sabang City, SDN 6 Sabang City and SMPN 1 Sabang City, the next step is for researchers to analyze data from the results of the study to explain further from the research that has been done.

According to the analysis chosen by the researcher, qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques or exposure of the results of data analysis obtained from observations, interviews, field notes, and other documentation that has been collected by researchers to be reported. Researchers process data that has been collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. Then the data is analyzed in such a way that it becomes an easy-to-understand data exposure and then processed with a qualitative approach. Below are the results of the analysis that has been carried out by researchers, namely:

Full Day School Program in Cultivating the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

Challenges in the world of education are dynamic along with the times. For this reason, education is expected to contribute in order to achieve physical and mental well-being. Menurt Malik (2018: 10) that: "Education is expected to develop creative, productive, efficient and dynamic behavior and foster understanding and awareness of the importance of social roles in community life".

Education has strategic potential. Where Lyas (Nasucha & Moenawar, 2020) explained that: "Education programs must meet several categories such as: first having dynamics, responsiveness to socio-culture, and accompanying demands. Second, quality in the services of the programs offered. Third, it is relevant, to the needs of society and the idealistic values it carries".

In education, there must be such a thing as learning where learning itself is a series of ways or rules that have been set by an institution or institution for learning activities in order to achieve the desired learning objectives where the environment of students is deliberately managed to allow them to participate in daily behavior, noble character and noble ethics. Furthermore, (Wicaksono, 2017) suggests that:

Full day school learning as an alternative form in an effort to improve education management, especially in learning management, is also a demand for community needs that want children to be able to learn well in school with longer learning time. The full day school system is a learning model with the addition of student learning time from morning to evening.

Professionalism in education must indeed be applied, educators must be able to arouse the interest and willingness of students to learn, understand how to learn, and enjoy learning. Education emphasizes on learning activities. Students are learning subjects, therefore learning activities are focused on empowering students (student learning).

Learning effectiveness is an effort made to help facilitate the learning of others. In particular, learning is an effort made by teachers to help students learn easily, learning activities require thorough preparation, starting from teaching staff, subject matter, tools used, facilities and infrastructure, and a supportive environment. Therefore, learning activities need to be managed professionally in order to obtain good results, quality student graduates and never back down in the face of all obstacles that come their way. Learning achievement as a result of the assessment of student learning effort which serves to measure success in other words to find out the extent of success of the program that has been implemented.

Talking about learning problems is definitely inseparable from the name character, where character is a very important and basic thing. Character is a living thing that distinguishes humans from other living things (animals). People with strong character and both individually and socially are those who have good morals, morals and ethics. Given the urgency of a character, educational institutions have the responsibility to instill it through the learning process.

Currently, there are many educational institutions that deepen religious material, especially Islam, so that students can become a generation of nations that have good characteristics. All of this is done to keep its students from moral decline and moral degradation of the nation. While today juvenile delinquency is growing so widely that many immoral acts occur such as school children's fights, theft, murder, drug use, free sex and others. As a result, these actions cause unrest in families, schools and communities. And the dominating factor of the above decline is due to lack of understanding and appreciation of morals, the loss of religious values in life and the rapid flow of moral decadence that occurs among society in general and the loss of loyalty to Islam.

In this case, character building for every human being is an obligation that must be carried out continuously without stopping both through coaching, habituation and things that can improve one's character improvement. Morality is an essential factor. Therefore, you can imagine how damaged the nation's generation will be when the morality or character of the younger generation is declining.

Thus, efforts are needed to build character from an early age so that later children can know which is good behavior and bad behavior. So the active and creative role of teachers is highly demanded to be able to support PAI learning, especially the formation of student character. All of that can be done through example and real practice in the environment.

Through the full day education system, it is expected to be able to shape the religious character of students because full day school itself aims to; First, fostering morals and forming good character in students. The program not only provides knowledge but also includes character building so that students are accustomed to carrying out good behaviors and noble morals in everyday life. Second, educational institutions that still have great concern about moral decline and erosion of existing character in students by increasing learning hours through the full day school system in cultivating religious character in students from an early age. Third, public unrest about the behavior of the younger generation who increasingly do not show good morals or character, so that educational institutions are the beginning of character building and preventing moral decline.

Based on the findings in the field, researchers found that there are several programs related to full day school in cultivating religious character, namely: congregational prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz (memorizing) the Qur'an, prayer or dhikr (morning and evening). Each of these programs does not stand and develop independently, but is continuous with each other, developing dynamically and forming a personal wholeness.

Religious character values, according to the general guidelines for the implementation of character education of the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017: 31) which explains that: "Religious values reflect faith in God Almighty which is manifested in the behavior of carrying out religious teachings and beliefs they profess". In addition, it must also respect religious differences, uphold a tolerant attitude towards the implementation of religious worship and other beliefs, live in harmony and peace with followers of other religions. The implementation of religious character values is shown in peace-loving, tolerance, respect for differences in religion and belief, firm stance, confidence, cooperation between followers of religions and beliefs, anti-bullying and violence, friendship, sincerity, not imposing one's own will, loving the environment, protecting the small and marginalized.

Thus, the full day school program in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is also aligned in the vision, mission, goals, structure and content of the curriculum, and learning implementation plan (RPP). The development of religious character education programs at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is disseminated to all school residents such as the teacher council, all staff, students, and guardians of students and the general public, but in particular, socialization is still lacking at SDN 6 Sabang City.

This religious character education program is also listed in school rules and information boards in schools. This is a manifestation of the habituation plan for students to become a separate culture at school. This is also a shared commitment for the success of religious character education programs implemented in schools.

a)      Character Education Planning

The planning of religious character education programs integrated in school planning is carried out at the beginning of the school year, involving the Principal, Vice Principals, School Superintendents, Board of Committees, and Teacher Councils, as well as all school staff. The planning of religious character education programs for SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is carried out at the beginning of each new school year together with policy makers, supervisors, committees, teacher councils, and all school staff. At the annual work meeting, the duties of each teacher or other staff will also be determined for the implementation of these tasks. Planning is also divided through character education planning in learning, in extracurricular activities, and in habituation or culture activities.

Based on the findings in the field, researchers can explain that the learning planning that has been prepared by teachers of SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City to make syllabi, lesson plans, and teaching materials with religious character education insight by adding/adapting learning activities that facilitate the recognition of religious values, and realize the importance of religious values, as well as the internalization of all religious values. All teachers prepare lesson plans in the form of syllabi, and lesson plans (RPP), including early learning plans that are carried out at the beginning of each new school year.

The types of activities planned in developing religious school character are carried out through self-development activities, namely: (1) routine activities, such as shaking hands with teachers every morning and at school hours, praying before and after studying, flag ceremonies every Monday, reading yasin every Friday, congregational prayers (dhuha, dhuhur, asr); (2) spontaneous activities, such as praying for others; (3) exemplary, such as punctual attendance, neatness, courtesy, must be friendly, respect each other; and (4) conditioning, such as conditioning by planning the provision of various learning facilities and fun learning resource facilities, and creating a conducive environment, both physical and non-physical to support the implementation of full day schools in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City.

b)     Organizing Character Education

The organization of religious character education at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is carried out by distributing teacher duties in learning activities and appointing the person in charge for early classes, the distribution of employee duties in extracurricular activities, the distribution of teacher and employee duties in carrying out programs of cultural activities and habituation of students. For example, the distribution of picket duties, educators, documentation, person in charge of activities, supervisors, and others who can support every activity of teachers, other staff, and students.

c)      Supervision of character education in shaping school culture

Supervision of religious character education in shaping school culture can be directly carried out by all school residents, especially principals and teachers. School principals and teachers as the person in charge of all learning activities, early activities, extracurricular activities, as well as culture and habituation, play a very strategic role, especially in supervising the course of activities to be as planned. Therefore, character education programs must be equally supervised by all school residents so that the program can be implemented effectively and efficiently.

Thus, researchers can conclude that the supervision of religious character education at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City involves all school residents. When students behave deviantly, the teacher or staff who knows spontaneously will reprimand or give coaching directly.

If the problem recurs and requires special handling, coaching is carried out in stages, starting from calling students by the homeroom teacher to get direction, if the problem cannot be resolved, it can be coordinated with the Guidance Counseling (BK) teacher, but if the behavior caused cannot be resolved, it can be resolved to the student section to the call of parents of students.

d)     Evaluation of character education in shaping school culture

After the supervision is carried out, the next stage is evaluation, in order to improve the previous program, so that in the future it can be better. The evaluation activities include: preparing an evaluation plan; During the activity, the principal must supervise to collect data; processing and analyzing data; and hold meetings, to find solutions to these problems, so that further activities can be carried out better.

Then in the classroom, teachers also evaluate attitude assessments using various assessment instruments and through direct observation to students, in order to find out the success of character education in students. The management of the full day school implementation program in strengthening character education must be carried out from planning to evaluation in order to achieve the goals of students with Islamic character who implement religious character education strengthening programs.

Based on the researchers' observations about the full day school program in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City include: Congregational prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz (memorizing) the Qur'an, prayer or dhikr (morning and evening). The educational program is carried out effectively, efficiently, actively, creatively, innovatively, fun, and educates students. Learning objectives can be achieved by students, not only mastering cognitive competencies, but also affective, and psychomotor competencies. Teachers actively monitor, guide, and direct all educational activities in order to achieve a culture of Islamic character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City.

Full Day School Implementation Strategy in Cultivating the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

The strategy of implementing full day school in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is integrated through: through learning activities and diniyah activities, through extracurricular activities, and through habituation activities. The learning strategy of religious character education can be explained in the following integration:

a)      Integration Through Learning Activities and Early Activities

Based on observations and findings in the field, researchers will explain the implementation of religious character education in learning at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City. The implementation of religious character education in the two schools is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture, Number 81a of 2013 Annex IV concerning Curriculum Implementation, which states that: "The learning process consists of five main learning experiences, namely: observing; questioning; collect information; associate; and communicate".

The characteristics of full day school learning at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City are carried out effectively, efficiently, actively, creatively, innovatively, fun, and intelligently. Learning objectives can be achieved by students as expected. Students not only master cognitive competencies, but also affectionate and psychomotor competencies. Learning activities are learner-focused and dominated. Teachers actively monitor, guide, and direct the learning activities of learners.

Then, the implementation of religious character education in learning and diniyah activities is also in accordance with the general guidelines for the implementation of character education of the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017: 31), which states that: "Learning activities from the stages of introduction, core, and closing activities, are selected and implemented so that students practice targeted character values".

We can know that the stages of the full day school learning process at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City consist of introduction, core, and closing activities. Character values instilled in the preliminary activities include: The teacher arrives on time, the value instilled is discipline; Teachers greet students kindly when entering the classroom, the values instilled are polite and caring; Praying and reciting before opening the lesson, the value instilled is religious; Praying for students who are absent due to illness or due to other obstacles, the values instilled are religious and caring; Reprimanding late learners politely, the values instilled are discipline, courtesy, and caring. Then pray at the end of the lesson. The value instilled is religious.

b)     Integration through extracurricular activities

Based on the findings in the field, researchers can explain that the implementation of character education in extracurricular activities at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of character education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which states that: "Extracurricular is part of the student development program, which includes the group of areas for improving the quality of education". This means, extracurricular activities are designed in order to improve the quality of education in schools, which strengthens the mastery of competencies and enriches the learning experience of students through activities outside class hours.

Extracurricular activities at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City that support the improvement of religious character such as: student council, youth red cross (PMR), rohis (religious), guidance and counseling, as well as guidance on reciting and memorizing the Qur'an. In youth red cross (PMR) activities, it is expected to be able to foster a sense of concern for others as well as train social conversations and social spirit. Through sports activities can teach the value of sportsmanship in playing, winning or losing is not the main goal but the value of hard work and high fighting spirit. For outbound activities, which are activities outside the classroom by emphasizing physical activities that are full of challenges and adventures. Various extracurricular activities can foster enthusiasm, honesty, an attitude of responsibility, mutual respect, and others.

Thus, the implementation of character education in this school can be said to be effective, because it has met the standards of character education management, such as integrating the values of character education through subjects, self-development, and conditioning. So that the continuous implementation of education can foster religious (religious / Islamic) character in the school.

c)      Integration through habituation

Based on the findings in the field, researchers can explain that integration through habituation in developing religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City can be done by: Getting used to greetings, greetings and smiles when starting teaching and learning; Praying and reciting before and after learning to instill the value of gratitude; Habituation of giving opportunities to others (friends) to talk to the end before making comments; Habituation of smiling, greeting, and shaking hands when meeting teachers; and Performing congregational prayers at school.

The implementation of habituation activities at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City is also in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of character education of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The guidelines state that: "The development of school culture and learning activities is carried out through routine activities, spontaneous activities, example, and conditioning".

The routine activities carried out by SMAN 1 and SMAN 4 include: praying and reciting together, commemorating religious holidays (mawlid nabi), and clean Friday activities. Furthermore, spontaneous activities carried out include: social service or fundraising for disasters / disasters, sports competitions between classes, planting 100 trees, speech competitions, cleanliness competitions between classes, religious workshops.

Thus, the implementation of full day school in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City still requires a strong intention and desire from the school, government, community, parents and students to consistently control and run every program that has been prepared. Without it, every positive habit will only last for a moment and rules are just rules. It will not reach the expected goal, which is the formation of a culture of character.

Thus, we can conclude that all full day school programs in cultivating religious character at SDN Sabang City, and SMPN Sabang City have been implemented in accordance with existing planning. Full day school education program in cultivating religious character in the school, in accordance with the vision and mission of the school. However, there also needs to be more serious attention from policy makers in schools so that the implementation of faith-based character education integrated through learning and diniyah, extracurriculars, and habituation can continue to run and can continue to be corrected for shortcomings in previous years.

Inhibiting Factors for the Implementation of Full Day School to Foster the Religious Character of Students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City.

The formation of religious character through educational channels in schools will face obstacles that are not light. Internal barriers include: Educational orientation that still prioritizes success in cognitive aspects; School culture and living environment are less supportive; Personal education and educational software (mind set, education policy and curriculum); The lack of attention and ability of some teachers in implementing faith-based character education in schools, as well as the tendency of teachers' duties to only teach, but actually the teacher's job is not only to teach but also to educate.

While the challenges are external, namely: The influence of globalization; Social development of society; Changes in the global social environment that change the values, norms of a nation to be more open; The influence of the development of information and communication technology that has changed the social order of society, the development of information and communication technology (IPTEK) causes information to be easily obtained. But the information obtained is not all positive but tends to be negative information. For example, in Indonesian films that still show violence, disrespect towards parents, artists who wear clothes that are not suitable for use can be easily accessed on television and the internet.

In fact, both media are often used by children and adolescents in finding and obtaining information. As a result, there are now many inappropriate behaviors of minors, such as bullying, brawling, following inappropriate actions or words, imitating inappropriate artist styles, early dating, and fighting parents


4.     Conclusion


Based on the results of research and data analysis conducted by the author regarding the implementation of full day schools in cultivating the religious character of students of SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City, it can be concluded that: 1. The full day school program in cultivating the religious character of students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City, consists of: Congregational prayer (dhuha, dhuhur, asr), reading the Qur'an, tahfiz (memorizing) the Qur'an, dhikr (morning and evening), and praying. 2. The strategy for implementing full day school in cultivating the religious character of students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City, namely integrated through: learning activities, Diniyah class activities, extracurricular activities, and through habituation activities. 3. Obstacles in the implementation of full day school to foster the religious character of students at SDN Sabang City and SMPN Sabang City include: Educational orientation that still prioritizes success in cognitive aspects, lack of awareness and motivation of students to start something from themselves; lack of parental and environmental supervision and support; the influence of culture and culture of the school or neighborhood; then personal education and educational tools (mind set, education policy and curriculum), as well as teachers' understanding of the concept of religious character education which is still not comprehensive; and the lack of complete infrastructure facilities at SDN 6 Sabang City.


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