Analysis of Lecturer Performance in Increasing Productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in Aceh Besar


Maghfirah, �Nasir Usman, �Niswanto

Universitas Syah Kuala, Indonesia

Email: [email protected],� [email protected], [email protected]





Lecturer Performance and Higher Education Productivity..

Higher education is one of the subsystems of national education. The presence of higher education plays a crucial role in the life of the nation and the state. The quality of higher education depends on the quality of lecturers, especially in terms of their professional competence, which will contribute to the improvement of the quality of higher education and ultimately have an impact on the progress of national education. Lecturers have primary duties and obligations outlined in the "tridharma" of higher education, and these duties must be reported to the institution and higher education service institutions each semester, resulting in periodic work performance outcomes often referred to as the lecturer's workload. Lecturer's Workload is a performance report that includes components related to educational delivery, research, community service, and supporting activities within a specified time frame. This research aims to analyze the performance of lecturers in improving the productivity of the Polytechnic of Indonesia Venezuela. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data collection techniques involve observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis with data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results indicate that the performance achievements of Poliven lecturers in terms of career development or promotions have not improved the productivity of Poliven. This is because, on average, Poliven lecturers are not consistent in proposing functional positions or promotions in accordance with the established schedule. The performance achievements of Poliven lecturers in the field of the three pillars of higher education, particularly in education and teaching, meet the workload targets well, thus enhancing Poliven's productivity. However, the performance achievements of Poliven lecturers in the field of research and community service have seen only a slight improvement and meet the workload targets. This is because there have been no research or community service results that have obtained intellectual property rights (HAKI) or patents.

� 2023 by the authors. Submitted

for possible open access publication

under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (

1.     Introduction

Higher education is one of the subsystems of national education. The existence of higher education plays an important role in the life of the nation and the State. The quality of tertiary institutions depends on the quality of lecturers, especially related to the professional competence of lecturers who will encourage the improvement of the quality of higher education so that in the end it will have an influence on the progress of national education.

According to (Sukoco, Kurniawati, Werdani, & Windriya, 2019), the Vocational Program is an educational program at the higher education level that aims to prepare personnel who have expertise and skills in their field, so that they are more prepared to work. The teaching load in vocational education is structured by prioritizing more skills or practical courses compared to theory courses. The application of theory and practice in vocational programs is different from the undergraduate level which is an academic. The vocational level applies theory by 30% and practice by 70%. Meanwhile, the undergraduate level is the opposite of the vocational program, namely applying 70% theory and 30% practice (Ahmad & Rashid, 2016).

Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards states that graduate competency standards at the tertiary education level aim to prepare students to become members of society who have noble character, have the knowledge, skills, independence and attitude to discover, develop and apply knowledge, technology and art that benefits humanity. To get the results of students who have expertise in the field of interest, an educator who has appropriate competence is needed to educate, teach and train students to be independent in developing an innovation in their field of expertise. This is in accordance with Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, as well as Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 2009 concerning Lecturers, which states that:

"Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology and art through education, research and community service (Tri dharma College).

(Lilis, 2022) states that the quality of human resources in tertiary institutions is largely determined by the lecturers. Therefore, factors that can affect lecturer performance must be considered. The contribution of universities in improving the quality of a lecturer is very significant. A lecturer has an important role in providing quality education to produce quality graduates who are able to fulfill national interests and increase the nation's competitiveness. To produce competent lecturers in line with the vision and mission of higher education institutions, it is appropriate to require various measurable and sustainable efforts. Many efforts can be made so that these goals can be achieved, one of which is by evaluating lecturer performance

According to (Pujosiswanto & Sukri Palutfuri, 2019) states that lecturer performance can be assessed from 3 fields of activity, namely the field of education and teaching, the field of research, and the field of community service. These three fields must be balanced and consistently carried out in each semester. Lecturers in representing organizations or occupying certain positions need to increase professionalism, creativity and emotional intelligence in their efforts to achieve the vision and mission of the polytechnic. Competence is a measure of the success of a lecturer in understanding the world of work.

Productivity is one of the national problems, where human resource development will be the center of attention in the future. This is because the key to successful development depends on the quality of the human being, and the quality of the human being is also determined by the extent to which the quality of education exists in this country. Universities have a big role in efforts to produce quality human beings, in response to the success of future development. Higher education institutions as providers of education must have high commitment and competence and be able to develop research as a manifestation of their dedication to the people of the nation and state through the implementation of the Tridarma of Higher Education (Rahardja, Lutfiani, Rafika, & Harahap, 2020).

Lecturers have the main duties and obligations contained in the tridharma of higher education, these tasks must be reported to the institution or the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) every semester and will produce periodic work results which are often referred to as lecturer workload (BKD). Lecturer Workload (BKD) is a lecturer's performance report which includes components of the implementation of education, research and community service, as well as supporting tridharma activities, and or additional assignments within a certain period of time. BKD reporting details will refer to the lecturer's career path according to the lecturer's functional position or lecturer's academic position. The purpose of reporting and filling out the BKD on a regular basis is to improve the quality of education in tertiary institutions. Through the lecturer's BKD report, it will produce a Lecturer Performance Report (LKD) which can measure the productivity of the tertiary institution. From these LKDs, tertiary institutions can carry out monitoring, supervision and direction for lecturers to improve performance. then the results of the assessment through LKD can be proposed to propose a promotion or functional position from a lecturer or teaching staff (Retnowati, Mardapi, Kartowagiran, & Hamdi, 2021).

Good Lecturer Performance Reports will have an impact on the career paths of lecturers to be good. Universities also benefit from the LKD they produce, because lecturers will look productive in developing themselves based on the tridharma of higher education, which can also encourage good university productivity. But there are visible problems related to BKD reporting activities in lecturer activities, especially for private tertiary institutions, one of which is the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic. In fact, private tertiary institutions have problems with lecturers who have not completed their workload every semester, thereby reducing the productivity of tertiary institutions (Samosir, 2020).

Higher education institutions are deemed necessary to carry out in-depth analysis, evaluation and study related to lecturer performance through the final lecturer performance report. Lecturers need to fill in the lecturer's performance load and fulfill the credit scores every semester so that their performance is good and experiences a significant increase so that it will have an impact on increasing the productivity of educational institutions. Vice versa if lecturers do not carry out their obligations and duties, it will have an impact on decreasing university productivity. This can be used as a problem that deserves to be studied and analyzed more deeply, how do higher education institutions increase their productivity through the results of lecturer performance which is carried out every semester.

Given the importance of lecturer performance in increasing university productivity in implementing national education, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of the performance of lecturers in tertiary institutions and the duties of lecturers in the tridharma of private higher education institutions of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic. All of this really demands professional lecturers in carrying out the tridharma of higher education so that later it can be seen that the productivity of these tertiary institutions already has good quality or vice versa.

Based on the description above, the importance of the role of lecturer performance in advancing tertiary institutions is marked by lecturers who must continue to try to meet their credit scores and fulfill their performance loads every semester so that lecturer problems arise in increasing the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic. This is what prompted the author to examine more deeply the performance burden of lecturers and the efforts of tertiary institutions in increasing their productivity in the research "Analysis of Lecturer Performance in Increasing Productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in Aceh Besar".

A.    Lecturer Performance

Performance is a set of values ​​that contribute positively or negatively to the achievement of organizational goals. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, performance means: 1) something that is achieved; 2) demonstrated achievements; and 3) work ability (regarding equipment).

(Pujosiswanto & Sukri Palutfuri, 2019) define that performance is the success of an employee in completing work. Performance is basically what employees do. Employee performance is what influences how much they contribute to the organization, including the quantity and quality of output, output timeframe, attendance at work and cooperative attitude. Performance refers to something related to the activity of doing work, in this case includes the results achieved by the work. Performance comes from the word performance and is often interpreted as work performance or performance.

B.     Lecturer Career Development

One of the educational developments for lecturers is competency development, which relates to increasing abilities, mastering materials, managing classes, managing learning interactions, assessing learning outcomes, carrying out guidance and counseling functions and programs, carrying out educational administration, understanding principles and interpreting educational research results for learning, developing knowledge with the scientific method, publishing and applying knowledge with the scientific method and self-development.

(Firman, 2021), states that career development affects performance, where career development is a formal approach carried out by organizations to ensure that people in the organization have the appropriate qualifications and abilities and experience when needed. Lecturers are professional educators and scientists with the main task of transforming, developing and disseminating science, technology and art through education, research and community service. A new lecturer candidate can be appointed as a lecturer if he meets the predetermined requirements and has passed the selection and evaluation determined by the lecturer admissions team. However, recognition as a new lecturer can be obtained if the lecturer already has a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN).

C.    Lecturer Performance Expenses

Government Regulation Number 5 of 1980 article 26 states that the burden on lecturer performance is work - work that must be carried out by a tertiary lecturer as the main task of the institution in carrying out the functions of higher education. Lecturer performance load is a number of jobs assigned by the higher education leadership to lecturers to carry out higher education tridharma and or additional assignments within a certain period as measured in semester credit units/credits covering (1) the education sector, (2) the scientific research and development field, (3) the field of community service, (4) supporting the tridharma of higher education.

D.    The Role of Lecturer Performance in Polytechnic Productivity

Good lecturer management is very important to improve organizational performance and effectiveness. The involvement of lecturers can improve their performance. Lecturers who are involved show various productive behaviors that increase efforts in determining the direction of organizational goals and lecturer performance can be the spearhead of measuring polytechnic productivity. In a tertiary institution, there are several performances that are expected to increase polytechnic productivity. One of its activities is known as the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which is an obligation contained in tertiary institutions. Permenristekdikti No. 44 of 2015 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education explained that lecturers are professionals as well as scientists, where the performance of lecturers is assessed from the success of carrying out the duties of the Tridharma of Higher Education namely education, research and community service.

E.     Main Performance Indicator (IKU) Polytechnic

The Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Beny Bandanadjaja in the socialization of Intellectual Property Incentive Programs and International Scientific Articles with Reputable Vocational Lecturers online, Friday, 8 July 2022 said that "at present we are carrying out one of our strategic goals, namely increasing the productivity of scientific innovation research in tertiary institutions, increased research productivity will become the Main Performance Indicator (IKU) of tertiary institutions. He said universities must produce research that gets international recognition or is applied in society." (Putra et al., 2023)


2.      Materials and Methods

The research approach uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. According to (Arikunto, 2021), "Qualitative research is meant to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by research subjects in the form of behavior, actions, perceptions and motivations." This type of research uses descriptive research. Descriptive research is a description of the current phenomena.

Umar Sidiq, (Miftachul & Umar, 2019), in his book states that qualitative research is research that produces discoveries that cannot be achieved using statistical procedures or quantitative methods. Qualitative research can show people's lives, history, behavior, social movements, and kinship. Some data can be measured through census data, but the analysis is still qualitative data analysis. With a qualitative approach, the results of an overview of actuality, social reality and perceptions of research targets will be seen without being tainted by formal measurements. The purpose of research with this approach is to describe descriptively the performance of lecturers in their productivity for the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic institution through BKD every semester.

This research was conducted at the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic, a private university located at Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, Cot Suruy, Kec. Want Jaya, Aceh Besar District. The time of this research was carried out within a period of 3 months, from April to June 2023.

The subject of this research which is the main (primary) data source are:

a.      Director of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic, because as an object that provides a broad picture of the performance of lecturers in the tri dharma, BKD and lecturer career paths related to the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic.

b.      The head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) whose task is to evaluate the performance of lecturers in research and community service activities and to participate in the effort and control of the administration of the resources needed at the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic.

c.      Head of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which is the quality guarantor of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic which controls and improves the implementation of higher education in a planned and sustainable manner.

d.      4 heads of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic Study Program who provide an overview of the performance of lecturers in the study program and the Head of Study Program monitors and evaluates the performance of lecturers every semester.

e.      Furthermore, other or secondary sources also act as sources that complement the information, so that the data obtained is more accurate and credible.

In this study the instruments used to collect data on the latest semester's lecturer performance load and analyze the increase in productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic are interview guide sheets, observation guidelines, and documentation studies by asking questions that have been formulated in accordance with the research objectives to obtain answers that can be used as as a result of qualitative data whose validity and correctness can be accounted for. There are three data collection techniques used in this study, namely: observation, interviews, and documentation. According to (Sugiyono, 2018) that: "Collection techniques include: interview techniques (interviews), questionnaires (questionnaire), observation (observation), and a combination of the three."

According to (Hardani, Ghasemi Mobtaker, & Khanali, 2020) that: "Descriptive research is research that is directed at providing symptoms, facts, or events in a systematic and accurate manner, concerning the characteristics of a particular population or area". The data analysis technique used was descriptive qualitative analysis, while the steps for processing the data were data reduction, data display, as well as conclusions and data verification. The data in this study were collected through qualitative research, namely related to lecturer performance in increasing the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic, then analyzed based on theoretical concepts and implementation guidelines in the field. The data analysis technique used in this study is based on Sugiono's research, because it can describe this research.

Data display in qualitative research is carried out in the form of short descriptions or narrative text, charts, and relationships between categories. By presenting the data, researchers can easily understand what is happening, then plan further work based on what has been understood. The final stage of the data analysis is that the researcher draws conclusions by describing the performance of the lecturers and increasing the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in a clear and concise manner in accordance with the predetermined research objectives.


3.      Results and Discussions

Lecturer Performance Program in Career Development

Permanent lecturers are lecturers who work full time with the status of permanent teaching staff at certain higher education units and are given a National Lecturer Identification Number or often abbreviated as NIDN. The career path of becoming a lecturer is required to be independent and active in seeking information related to the development of functional positions to improve the accreditation of Study Programs and Poliven. This is in line with the narrative from the Head of the Animal Product Processing Technology Study Program (PS TPHT) Mrs. Masyitah said that "a functional position of a lecturer that must be taken care of after one year is given the NIDN and that is a form of the lecturer's attitude in supporting his credibility as a lecturer who has been given the assignment And Responsibility".

In the case of proposing a polyven lecturer functional position, the Poliven director is of the opinion that:

On average, Poliven's lecturers in proposing their functional positions are not in accordance with the schedule set by the campus, but Poliven still encourages lecturers to immediately carry out the management of their functional positions. This is also a need apart from polyven as well as for the lecturers themselves. In terms of encouraging lecturers it is a bit more difficult, but for the last 1 year, namely 2022, we have noticed a significant change in the performance of Poliven lecturers, due to a new government decree, that every lecturer who already has an NIDN is obliged to take care of the academic level and must complete the BKD every semester. Then it will be an assessment material every semester to be used as a reference in managing functional positions or ranks.

The following is an interview with the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) which corroborates the problem of lecturer delays in proposing functional positions:

Actually, in proposing the functional positions, they had been determined by LLDikti XIII, but there were several lecturers who were late in proposing functional positions from the schedule that had been given, and there were also those who had missed the predetermined schedule. This is all related to the system, if the lecturer does not propose within the scheduled time, the system will automatically close by itself.

Based on the results of the interviews above, that there are several polyven lecturers who have not taken care of proposing functional positions according to the schedule set by LLDikti XIII. In 2022 LLDikti XII issued the latest regulations regarding the proposal for academic positions in PAN-RB Regulation Number 1 of 2023 in Article 58 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of PAN-RB Regulation Number 1 of 2023 stipulates that the work of functional officials is carried out until with 31 December 2022 the credit score will be assessed no later than 30 June 2023. After the issuance of this regulation there was an increase in the proposal for functional lecturer positions at Poliven and several of these lecturers were waiting for the Lecturer Credit Score Assessment Policy (PAK) from LLDikti XIII.

Furthermore, regarding the performance of lecturers in regular promotion of positions, from this the director of Poliven gave a direct statement that: The implementation of functional promotion (jafa) for lecturers has not been regular at Poliven, because proposing jafa requires a strong will from the lecturer himself. Even though polyven always tries to encourage lecturer careers so that they can improve every 4 years or at least once every 2 years. The Director of Poliven as a higher education leader also takes part in supervising the performance of lecturers and the Poliven program so that it is realized properly, so that Poliven opens opportunities for lecturers to have a career at a higher level. Poliven Institutions also provide full support to lecturers so they can develop their careers on campus as well as possible and Poliven also provides opportunities for lecturers to take part in training at home and abroad and continue their education to a higher level so that they can produce good career paths as well.

Furthermore, the response of the Poliven director in providing opportunities for lecturers to take part in training and continue their education to a higher level: The polyven institution provides quite a large opportunity for permanent lecturers to attend training and education. This can be proven by the presence of 1 (one) Poliven lecturer who has attended a certified lecturer apprenticeship in the United States and 1 (one) lecturer who is continuing his studies to the doctoral level at the Bogor Agricultural Institute. This is one part of the efforts made by the campus in supporting lecturer careers. Currently Poliven is focusing on quality improvement, so it requires experts and reliable human resources in their fields. This will become a polyven icon, namely �SMART polyven� which means polyven which is full of innovation. Apart from permanent lecturers, Poliven also provides motivation and encouragement in continuing education for educational staff (tendik). This encouragement is not just a kind of encouragement or discourse, but even the poliven facilitates students to continue their education.

This is also supported by a statement from the Head of the Agro-industry Study Program regarding support from Poliven. The first reference is that lecturer performance coaching by polyven has been implemented which must be carried out by lecturers. Furthermore, planning has been formulated, namely the Decree on the Distribution of Lecturer Performance Tasks. Academics organize to run programs for one semester and also coordinate activities after the program is formed.

Based on the results of the research, the authors conclude that in planning work programs all indicators to measure performance are very important, this shows that performance improvement cannot be separated from these indicators. Based on the descriptions presented, the researcher can conclude that the performance of lecturers in increasing polyvenous productivity, namely starting with lecturers having to be able to fulfill their credit scores every semester and lecturers having high motivation in developing their careers at polyven and actively participating in special training for knowledge renewal. Every activity carried out by lecturers is a program that can improve and show the activeness of a lecturer in tertiary institutions

The functional position of a lecturer is recognition, appreciation and trust in competence, performance, integrity and responsibility in carrying out duties and manners in carrying out the duties of the Tridharma of Higher Education. With this functional position it is hoped that it can also function as a non-material incentive for lecturers to work more actively, creatively and even better. Therefore, standards, procedures and assessment procedures should be consistent and conducive.

A lecturer career coaching and development program is usually held on the assumption that there is a need to be seen and the demands of the institution, or because of the will and desire to grow and develop in the institution. Lecturer career development includes promotions and positions based on work performance and increased discipline. What is coaching here is all efforts to promote and improve quality, expertise, abilities, and skills, for the smooth implementation of educational tasks. Lecturer career development and development is carried out through functional positions. Meanwhile, coaching and career development includes assignments, promotions, and promotions

Strategy for Lecturer Performance Load Achievement in Improving Higher Education's Tridharma

Measuring the performance of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic is done by comparing the targets (plans) and the realization of performance indicators for each target. Achievement Performance Indicators are benchmarks for achieving the main tasks and functions (Tupoksi) for which they are responsible. These indicators serve as a basis for stakeholders in measuring and analyzing the successful performance of polyven institutions. Each lecturer must work according to the duties, functions and roles, expertise and competence of each lecturer to achieve the vision, mission and work program of the polyven that has been set. As the research progresses, the researcher also directly observes several lecturer activities aimed at increasing the tri dharma polyven.

The results of interviews with the director of Poliven stated that several activities were carried out by academics to support the education and teaching of lecturers so that they were carried out properly. In this case, Poliven also takes part in the tridharma of higher education in the field of education and teaching. Lecturers can carry out their duties and functions in education and teaching properly, so lecturer preparation is needed in terms of lectures. Academics make lecture schedules and lecture attendance as well as all kinds of management information systems that must be filled in by students such as KRS and EDOM (lecturer evaluation by students). it is certain that they are ready at the beginning of the lecture so that socialization in the form of meetings is very important to support lectures between lecturers and students. The following is a quote from the Head of SPMI on this matter:

In the implementation of lectures, we can see from the academic calendar then from SISMART Poliven which is specifically for students so that students know their class schedule and KRS filling schedule. EDOM and other schedules are well integrated in the polyven management information system. For evaluating the performance of lecturers, it has been carried out by polyven lecturers through the management information system or SISTER. All lecturers are required to complete the SISTER as a form of evaluation of the lecturer's workload every semester.

Following are the additions from the Head of LPPM who responded to this matter:

Before academic activities begin, each Head of the Study Program and lecturers holds regular meetings, both at the academic level and study program level. The head of the study program directs his lecturers to conduct lectures according to the schedule determined by the academic. The Head of Study Program also directs all lecturers to make lesson plans properly and correctly. In the field of education and teaching, many lecturers follow the schedule and also the teaching and learning process can be carried out very well.

Based on the results of searching documents regarding the schedule for implementing lectures (attached) and socialization in the form of meetings at the academic level or study program level, this is a strategy to improve the performance of lecturers in the field of education and teaching at the Polyven and it is carried out according to a predetermined schedule. Regarding the preparation of lecturers in preparing and documenting the syllabus and lecturer lesson plans, the following are statements from several Heads of Study Programs at Poliven.

Based on the results of the interviews above, it can be discussed that there are several strategies undertaken to improve lecturer performance, namely first, continuous professional education and training as well as by recruiting qualified and competent lecturers in their fields. Then there is a recruitment system that has high criteria, a management system for assessing lecturer work (evaluation), then there is a structured program management, training system and human resource development.

Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 for Indonesia's National Qualifications Framework has become the ground rules for developing competencies based on curriculum matching to job levels in various industries. The education system needs to be adjusted to link theory and practice in the field so that learning at Polyven is relevant to socio-cultural changes and the needs of the world of work and the graduates produced become intellectuals who are ready to work in the world of work. In this case polyven is one of the campuses that runs the independent campus learning program and is also registering to take part in the teaching practitioner program.

The Teaching Practitioner Program, which is a part of the Independent Campus Learning Program, presents practitioners who have experience and competence in various professional and industrial fields to assist the learning process in the classroom so as to enrich students' knowledge in practical matters in the world of work. In this Teaching Practitioner Program, practitioners collaborate with lecturers so that there is constructive collaboration to share knowledge and experience which will also develop the capacity of both parties and encourage further collaboration. Industry practice-based learning is a must, in order to balance the theoretical context and the practical context. Therefore, for vocational tertiary institutions the Teaching Practitioner Program is very important to stimulate the provision of collaboration space between lecturers and experienced practitioners from the industry/world of work which will be carried out for one semester. In line with the program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek) polyven must have practicing lecturers. The following is the statement from Director Poliven regarding this matter:

Practitioner lecturers are already in polyvenes and only 2 study programs (prodi) have implemented teaching practitioners in their study programs. Poliven also conducts cooperation programs with several companies, both plantation companies and companies throughout Indonesia. For the last 2 years, Poliven has used practicing lecturers to conduct lectures and it is hoped that Poliven's achievements will later become a brand, namely�bring industry to campus� which means the World of Business and the World of Industry (du/di) within the polyven campus.

Based on the interview results above, it can be concluded that the characteristics of competency-based learning require lecturers to always innovate and improvise in determining appropriate learning methods and strategies. In a learning process that experiences many obstacles, lecturers are required to seek and find new approaches that are effective and efficient. However, at this time teachers/lecturers are considered to still have expertise in their fields and coupled with the existence of practitioner lecturers who teach at the polyven campus.

The strategy in learning at this new polyven has undergone a change in the curriculum using PBL(Project Based Learning) which is a learning model that uses a project or activity as a medium.Project based learning is a comprehensive approach that guides students, works individually or in groups, and relates to real-world topics. Applicationproject based Good learning can provide abilities that are beneficial to students.

Achievements of the learning modelproject based learning occurs when students get high motivation, feel active in their learning, and produce high-quality work.Project Based Learning aims to find solutions to problems, besides that students can learn the concept of how to solve problems and develop critical thinking skills. In studying the concepts and critical thinking skills, students work together in their groups to study real problems that occur in reality.

Furthermore, the tridharma of higher education in the field of research is the obligation of a lecturer to fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Lecturer research is a research activity in the context of fostering and directing researchers to improve their ability to carry out research and publish their research results in scientific journals both nationally and internationally.

Lecturer research must be in line with the vision and mission of the polyven, namely the lecturer conducting research in fields that are in line with the study programs in the polyven. In this case the director of Poliven is of the opinion that:

In carrying out research, what will be a problem is not only conformity with the research field but in accordance with the vision and mission of Polyven. Each study program has a vision and mission which is derived from the vision and mission of polyven and is poured into the research of lecturers at polyven. In general, lecturers have researched in their field of expertise so that the objectives of polyven expectations are achieved.

This is in line with the opinion of the director of poliven regarding the research of lecturers at polyven. Lecturer research relates to the ability of researchers to carry out research and is obliged to have a level of mastery of research methodology in accordance with the scientific field, research object, as well as the level of complexity and depth of research based on academic qualifications and research results. From the head of LPPM added regarding the implementation of lecturer research in poliven. The following is an interview with the head of LPPM:

Lecturer research is not only carried out between study programs but there is also research carried out across study programs as long as in this research there are some similarities in the fields with other lecturer fields this is usually called collaborative research. As happened in the polyven, there is collaborative research between plantation, TPHT, agro-industry and fisheries (TPBPI) study programs.

Based on the research data above, it can be concluded that there are several things in lecturer performance achievements that can increase lecturer productivity including the realization of budgets for research and appropriate work patents for lecturers and polytechnic motivation for lecturer performance in higher education tridharma so that they can be fulfilled in every semester.

Institutional strategy to be able to compete with other universities by obtaining and maintaining accreditation status. This of course requires commitment from the foundation, management, lecturers and staff as well as students. The commitment to be improved includes improving the quality of lecturers. Efforts are being made to maintain the quality of these lecturers, institutions routinely monitor and evaluate lecturer performance so that every semester and even every month can be evaluated to improve lecturer performance in the field of higher education tridharma. Thus it can be understood that lecturer performance will not be achieved if there is no work motivation, abilities and opportunities that exist, if one is low then the performance of a lecturer will also be low.

It can be said that improving the quality of education in tertiary institutions can be done by increasing the quality of tertiary resources, especially leaders and lecturers. Leaders as policy and power holders have a role in efforts to improve the quality of education as well as lecturers by improving their performance and the factors inherent in improving performance can have a positive impact on improving the quality of education in tertiary institutions.



The discussion of the results of this research is intended to provide an explanation of the findings obtained at the research location, both in the form of interpretations and in the form of arguments as findings. Thus enabling the researcher to draw conclusions about the findings and the implications of the findings themselves.

Based on the main focus, namely the performance of lecturers in the tridharma of higher education and career development as well as the achievements of lecturer performance on polytechnic productivity programs in improving the quality and quality of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic. The sub focus of this research is education, research and community service programs for polytechnic productivity programs.

It is hoped that the conclusions from the findings and their implications will be able to give birth to new ideas, concepts, principles and theories that need to be developed in studying lecturer career development programs in productivity at the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic, especially those concerning the polytechnic tri dharma program in increasing the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in vocational college level in Aceh Besar. The following will discuss the main findings as follows:



Lecturer Career Development in Increasing Productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in Aceh Besar

Development of human resources, especially career and achievement, needs to be planned systematically, in line with the course of the institution according to individual achievements and interests, and taking into account the opportunities that exist in the environment and each field of knowledge. The fact shows that career development and achievement are rarely planned systematically, so that they often only develop randomly and consequently career development and achievement often do not place human resources according to their abilities. Finally, the goals of institutions and individuals are difficult or even unattainable.

In the process of achieving organizational goals, it is necessary to measure success standards that must be achieved by both individual human resources and the organization as a whole. Lecturers as a component of human resources in higher education institutions need to be directed to achieve their goals. In the higher education environment, lecturers are one of the main needs. Lecturers are like driving machines for all things related to scientific and academic activities. Without lecturers, it is impossible for an educational institution to be called a university or polytechnic.

Such is the importance of the role of the lecturer that not a few universities have become famous because of the fame of the lecturers who work in them. In a position as the center of a tertiary institution, lecturers greatly determine the quality of education and the graduates that are born in these tertiary institutions. If the lecturers are of high quality, then the quality of the tertiary institution will also be high, and vice versa. No matter how good the educational program that is proclaimed, if it is not supported by high-quality lecturers, it will end in unsatisfactory results. This can happen because in order to run a good educational program, lecturers who are also of good quality are needed. By having good and high quality lecturers, tertiary institutions can formulate the most modern programs and curricula to ensure the birth of outstanding and excellent quality graduates.

HR development has two concepts. The first is a normative concept and the second is a technical concept. Normative concepts relate to the basic functions that must exist in human life and become an ideal standard for the implementation of more implementable concepts (technical concepts). While the second concept, namely the technical concept, is related to the implementation of the first concept which is conditioning and casuistic. These two concepts then underlie the HR development study approach in higher education management practices in this paper. Education management includes development as a function in human resource management.

Efficiency, effectiveness and productivity are different concepts, although all three include elements of input and output in the technical analysis mechanism. In simple terms, the three can be distinguished, efficiency is input-oriented, and output-oriented effectiveness, while productivity is both oriented. Thus it can be said that productivity has a broader meaning than the other two concepts. In measuring productivity, it can be done in two ways, (a) a total productivity approach or multiple factors, namely the output is faced with all the inputs used, (b) a partial or single factor approach, namely the output is faced with only one input, for example, input HR Lecturer in the context of higher education management.

Thus the problem of lecturer development lies in the effort to empower the lecturer component so that it has an optimal contribution to the creation of quality academic processes and results. Development (development) seems to be a real need for efforts to improve the performance of HR Lecturers through a systematic process of developing concepts so that productivity can be expected later. Efforts to develop and improve lecturer performance and career development are basically a never-ending need for tertiary institutions. This is because the development and performance improvement is not carried out if there is a gap between the actual performance and the expected performance. These developments and improvements must be carried out even though there are no gaps, because changes in the organization's external environment that are very fast today will lead to increased demands for higher education institutions wherever they are.

The concept of continuous development is a way to make lecturers a source of competitive advantage. Based on experience in effective development practices can increase work productivity, morale and the potential of the organization. Development(development) concerning the preparation of individual abilities and expertise for interests that are not only limited to present positions but for the future. The goal of the development program concerns a broader aspect, namely increasing individual ability to anticipate changes that may occur unplanned (unplaned change) or planned changes (planed change).

As one of the characteristics of the elements of the academic community that drives and manages the quality of tertiary institutions is the educational staff. The role of educational staff is very strategic in terms of education and teaching, conducting research and community service, thus teaching staff is very concerned about the development of higher education. Therefore, there is a need for a higher education development strategy to be able to produce productive lecturer profiles. The professional ability in question is the ability required by a profession, in this case educational staff, namely work performance (performance) of educational staff in carrying out their activities or duties, so that if educational staff can work professionally, it will produce high work productivity. Improving the quality of education in tertiary institutions is a very important issue to get attention. There are many aspects that affect success in efforts to improve education, so that there are limitations in achieving it, for this it is necessary to choose which one is the priority.

Thus, there is a need for career development for the rank and functional position of lecturers in order to increase the professionalism of lecturers. Therefore, the government issued the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number 17 of 2013 concerning Functional Positions of Lecturers and Their Credit Scores. In order to improve the quality of lecturers' academic positions, several special requirements and readjustment of the value of credit scores for certain fields have also been carried out through laws and regulations.

Lecturers who have the academic position of Associate Professor or Professor as mentors for master or doctoral program students in compiling scientific papers for publication in accredited national journals, international journals, or reputable international journals, and whose position is co-author or correspondence writer, can use the written work to fulfill the obligation to obtain professional allowances and honorary professor allowances. Lecturers who have been able to show evidence of submitting their articles to the journal manager, but not yet published, can be considered to have met the requirements for scientific publication in the journal.

For PTN and PTS lecturers within the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and lecturers in other Ministries/Institutions, the Credit Score Assessment Team (PAK) is carried out at the Directorate General of Science and Technology Resources and Higher Education, Kemristekdikti. According to Firman (2021: 138) explains that career development affects performance, where career development is a formal approach carried out by organizations to ensure that people in the organization have the right qualifications and abilities and experience when needed.

Job analysis is a way to be able to identify and investigate the things that are required in a human resource activity, in this case especially for lecturers who have quality and are able to carry out these activities properly and fulfill all the conditions.

The number of Educators (Lecturers) in 2020/2021 is 24 people, all of whom have Masters educational qualifications and 3 of them will soon complete their study assignments in the Doctoral (S3) program. The number of teaching staff in each study program can be seen in Table 1.






















HR Management and Career Development at Poliven, since a year ago, there have been additional teaching staff because there are lecturers who have moved to other tertiary institutions. The addition of lecturers, educational staff and other staff is carried out if the number of sources experiences a shortage. This causes the implementation of HR Management and Career Development in the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic environment to be less than optimal.

Whereas in 2021/2022 the number of polyvenous educators (lecturers) will increase to 26 people, all of these lecturers with Masters educational qualifications and 1 (one) person has completed his Doctorate (S3) and 3 of them will soon complete study assignments in the Doctoral program (S3). There has been a change in the number of lecturers in each study program (prodi) within Poliven, but in 2023 the number of lecturers in each study program will meet the Higher Education standards. The following is the number of Poliven Educators in table 2.






















Poliven's teaching staff/lecturers in each study program are very adequate when compared to the ratio of the number of lecturers to students. Quality of human resources with a minimum education level of Masters from various disciplines in accordance with the Study Program that is covered. Poliven also continues to try to improve the performance of lecturers in terms of managing and submitting functional positions. This of course will not only have an impact on the welfare of lecturers, but will also automatically have an impact on improving the quality of the learning process which will lead to the quality of Poliven student graduates. Lecturers really have to carry out the tridharma of higher education every year and continuously update their knowledge according to the times.

Lecturer ratio is the ratio of the total number of lecturers to the number of active students. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2016, lecturers and students in a study program must have an ideal ratio. The ratio of the ideal number of lecturers to students in private tertiary institutions is one in 30 (1:30) for exact subjects and one in 45 (1:45) for social studies.

The ratio of lecturers to the number of students is a performance indicator that must be determined so that lecturers can better observe, direct the behavior and abilities of students. The indicator target for 2021-2022 that has been set is 1:30, Poliven's achievement for the ratio of lecturers to the number of students has met the set target. Permanent lecturers are lecturers who work full time with status as permanent teaching staff at certain higher education units and are given an NIDN. For lecturers who already have an NIDN, they can take care of the functional position of expert assistant because the requirements to become a lecturer must have a minimum academic position of expert assistant.

Achievement of performance indicators for lecturer functional promotion from 26 permanent lecturers including 12 people who are expert assistants or 46.1% and 3 people who have earned a rank at the lector level or 11.5%. This indicator does not reach the predetermined target. The method that must be used to increase the number of lecturers who have the functional position of expert assistant is to provide motivation and stimulus to the teaching staff to increase the amount of research and service so that they can carry out the management of the functional position of expert assistant.

One of the efforts that must be made in improving the quality of education at Poliven is that lecturers must take care of promotion to functional positions from expert assistants to lectors, head lecturers and professors or professors. Thus the indicator is still below the predetermined target. The strategy that must be carried out by polyvens to increase the number of lecturers so that they have the functional position of lecturer is to provide a stimulus to teaching staff to further increase the amount of research, service and work by providing financial assistance in writing accredited National Journals and Scopus indexed international journals.

In accordance with Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System and Law Number 14 of 2015 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it is explained that lecturers are required to have academic qualifications, competencies, educator certificates, physically and mentally healthy, and meet other qualifications required by educational units high place of duty, and has the ability to achieve national education goals.

Achievement of performance indicators for lecturers who have obtained educator certificates at Polyven as many as 6 people, the achievement of these indicators is still below the target. One of the efforts that must be made in the coming year to achieve this performance indicator is to encourage lecturers who are not yet certified educators to immediately join and fulfill the requirements to obtain the educator certificate. In terms of functional positions, there are still several lecturers without functional positions and in terms of educational level, there are still many lecturers with Masters degrees instead of Doctoral degrees. This is certainly a program that needs to be developed by lecturers in terms of career development, because every lecturer certainly wants to have a functional career so that it will support the increase in lecturer competence.

The process of reaching the peak of this career is closely related to the KUM collection target or lecturer credit scores. According to (Salma, Keerthana, & Dodamani, 2022) defines that KUM is the points that lecturers get after carrying out main tasks and supporting tasks. Lecturers who are productive in carrying out all their tasks will find it easier to achieve the maximum KUM. The more focused the faster you become a Professor. The requirement to become a professor or professor is to complete your studies up to a doctoral or doctoral degree. This activity is one way to increase career development with the Education route.

Poliven lecturers have not maximized their career development, so Poliven needs to implement a strategy to increase productivity by properly implementing strategic management. According to (Fenty & Brydon, 2020) explains that strategic management is an art (skill), technique and science for formulating, implementing and evaluating and overseeing various organizational functional decisions (business and non-business) which are always influenced by the internal and external environment, which constantly changing so that it can provide the ability for the organization to achieve its goals as expected. The importance of the community in determining strategic management is very dominant, because it can be an opportunity or even a threat to educational institutions.

There are 3 permanent Polyven lecturers who are carrying out study assignments to the doctoral level (S3) and 1 person who has completed his doctoral studies in early 2023. This shows that there are still a few Polyven lecturers who have not continued their education to develop themselves to be more competent and more productive .

Poliven must also apply strategic management to lecturers in terms of managing functional rank positions. From this it can be seen that there are permanent lecturers at polyven who have not taken care of their rank so that it can be said that the lecturer has not met the credit score set by the polyven. (Attached)

Achievement of Lecturer Performance Results in Increasing Productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic

The performance of these lecturers does not only have an impact on the quality of tertiary institutions, but also has a direct impact on the development of a lecturer's academic career. Lecturers who wish to improve their functional positions or wish (and are) receiving professional certification allowances are obliged to carry out the higher education tridharma regularly and meet predetermined standards. Provisions of Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers and the 2010 Lecturer Certification Guidebook. Lecturer performance is reflected in the ability of lecturers to carry out their duties and responsibilities as teachers and researchers which are described in the tridharma of higher education, namely Teaching, Research, and Community Service.

Poliven also prioritizes so that lecturers can carry out the tridharma properly so that it can have an impact on the quality and productivity of Poliven. therefore polyven needs to monitor and evaluate the performance achievements of lecturers after the semester ends so that they can fulfill all the requirements that are a burden on lecturer performance and then collected and reviewed again in lecturer performance reports. Lecturer performance reports that meet credit scores or KUM are requirements for lecturers in submitting functional promotion positions so that lecturer activities for 1 semester must be fulfilled properly to increase the productivity of polyven campuses.

Productivity is marked by lecturer activities that lead to an increase every semester. Poliven needs to implement HR management and strategic management in supporting lecturer formatting and motivating lecturers so that they can fulfill their load in each semester. In this case, polyven focus is needed in looking more closely at the lecturer's problems. Lecturer performance results in teaching and education can be seen from indicators of competent graduates and the waiting period for graduates at work and students who are still studying are also given a platform to give opinions through the Lecturer By Student Evaluation (EDOM). Lecturer Evaluation by Students (EDOM) is an instrument for assessing lecturer performance. This is one way that can be used as a tool for evaluating the performance of lecturers in learning activities by distributing questionnaires to students

Evaluation conducted by students (EDOM) is carried out at the end of each semester. Each student is indirectly required to evaluate the lecturer caring for the course before being allowed to see the final grade obtained from the lecturer concerned. The EDOM results show the quality of the lecturers in the implementation of learning. Performance achievements and strategic goals are reflected in the main achievement indicators (IKU). The achievements of IKU Poliven have several targets including expanding access, increasing the quality of learning, increasing relevance, productivity, quality of research results and community service and revitalizing Tridarma Poliven supporters. Some of these indicators have succeeded in meeting the target, there are even achievements that exceed the predetermined targets, although some of the main performance indicators have not reached the target.

The following is a description of the results of Poliven's main performance indicators in expanding and increasing the quality of learning or often referred to as the Education sector. Based on article 1 paragraph (1) of Law. No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System states that "Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and the skills needed himself, society, nation and state�.

In line with this article, it can be concluded that the quality of the lecturer education field can be measured from students who can develop superior competencies in the fields of interest. Students who successfully graduate on time, graduates get jobs for more than 6 months, the average GPA of graduates and graduates who work directly are indicators of lecturer performance in the field of Education. Graduates on time are the number of students who graduate within the minimum study period required for various study programs. The study time that must be taken in the Diploma III Program is 3 years (6 semesters). This indicator is directed to measure the level of student graduation from Polyven based on academic conditions and academic year.

Students who graduate on time have not reached the targets set by the polyven. This is due to the inability of students to participate in learning programs, and the inability of parents in terms of financing when students do their final assignment. As for the future steps for solving this problem, polyven can be carried out by holding tutorial learning for students who have disabilities in participating in learning programs, and financial disabilities can be done by seeking scholarships for the final project.

This indicator is directed at measuring the performance of Poliven's services in educating students to become mature individuals who not only have academic abilities but have the expertise and skills needed by the world of work so that graduates can be absorbed by the job market within a maximum period of 6 months. Achievement of performance targets for indicators of the waiting period for graduates who get a job and this indicator exceeds the set targets. The more graduates who get jobs, the better the performance achieved by Poliven, so that in the future Poliven must further improve the quality of its human resources and carry out strategies to optimize the development of tertiary institutions in a better direction.



Title of Study

Publication Years




Chairil Anwar, Ika Rezvani Aprita, Irhami

The Potency of Avocado Seeds (�Persea Americana� Mill.) as a Source of Antioxidant Tea



Jurnal Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov



Umar Ha, Sufardi, Syafruddin, Teti Arabia dan Chairil Anwar

Analysis Distribution of Biomass Carbon of Grasslands, Shrubs, and Rainfed Rice Fields on Dry Land in the Aceh Besar District Indonesia


Jurnal Environmental Protection and Natural Resources



Chairil Anwar, Irhami, Umar Ha dan Irmayanti

The Effect of Long Skin Soakingin the Calcium Solution on The Qualityof Rambak Crackers from Buffalo Skin


Jurnal Theory and Practice Of Meat Processing,


Chairil Anwar, Mulla Kemalawaty, Ika Rezvani Aprita

Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Pisang Kepok Pada Pembuatan Nugget Daging Ayam Di Desa Gue Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar




Mulla Kemalawat, Ika Rezvani Aprita,

Chairil Anwar, Irhami dan Muhammad Zul Ikhsanul Majid

Kajian Penggunaan Pasta Asam Sunti pada Pembuatan Telur Asin


Jurnal Stok Peternakan

Sinta 5


Chairil Anwar; Irhami Irhami; Ika Rezvani Aprita

Pemanfaatan Bekatul Dan Waktu Kukus Yang Berbeda Terhadap Organoleptik Nugget Ayam


Jambura Journal of Animal Science

Sinta 4


Sri Agustina; Yusran Akbar; Ika Rezvani Aprita; Chairil Anwar; Irmayanti

Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Daun Bayam (Amaranthus Hybridus L.) Terhadap Kualitas Kerupuk Tempe


Serambi Journal of Agricultural Technology

Sinta 5


Nurhatijah, Mulyanti, Endiyani, Ahmad Supriatna

Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila Nirwana (Oreochromis Niloticus) Pada Sistem Bioflok Dengan Sumber Karbon Eksternal Dari Tepung Sorgum Manis (Sorghum Bicolor)


Jurnal Akuakultur Rawa Indonesia Sinta 4


Mulyanti, Dewi Yana, Lukman Martunis

Pengaruh Pestisida Nabati Terhadap Mortalitas Hama Keong Mas (Pomacea Canaliculata L)


Jurnal Agrienvi


Mulyanti, Dewi Yana, Reza Salima

Uji Efektivitas Pestisida Nabati terhadap Mortalitas Hama Keong Mas (Pomacea canaliculata)


Jurnal Teknologi Terapan


Mulyanti , Reza Salima , Lukman Martunis

Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Dambupahsang (Daun Bambu PelepahPisang) Di Desa Bineh Blang Kabupaten Aceh Besar


Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal


The cumulative grade point index (GPA) of graduates is an indicator to measure Poliven's success in producing quality graduates which have been achieved by students. Therefore, the next step that must be taken by Poliven is to continue to improve the quality it has every time so that it can produce superior human resources because in the current era of globalization. The efforts that Poliven must make in the future to maintain the achievement of the set GPA target are to continue to improve the evaluation system by providing opportunities to improve grades for students who still have C grades, motivating lecturers to be patient in dealing with students who fail in certain courses and carry out remedial activities.

The percentage of graduates who work immediately is one of the indicators used to measure graduates who find work with a waiting period of less than one year based on the Higher Education Tracer Study report. The main performance indicator achievement is the percentage of graduates who work directly beyond the predetermined target. Poliven has exceeded the achievement target and is expected to continue to increase in the following year. To further strengthen the achievement of these performance indicators, Poliven must improve its quality both internally and externally, such as establishing mutually beneficial relationships with the business/industry world.

Increasing relevance, productivity, quality of research results and community service is the next goal to be achieved. In this case the discussion regarding the results of lecturer performance in the field of research and the field of community service. The field of research and the field of community service have a relationship so that researchers describe it at the same time in the discussion.

Achievement of the results of lecturer performance indicators in the number of publications in accredited and non-accredited national journals, Reputable International journal publications and International Publications. The performance indicators that achieve the target are lecturer research that is in line with the vision and mission. Number of scientific paper publications in accredited journals. This increase occurred because the lecturers already understood the importance of publishing research results both for themselves and for others. Increasing the number of publications can also increase the accreditation of institutions and study programs.

To achieve the performance indicators mentioned above, Poliven must take steps to motivate educators to be more active in publishing their scientific papers in international journals. The efforts that Poliven has to make are holding workshops on writing articles for international journals and providing incentives for international publications.

The efforts Poliven should make to increase the number of publications in reputable international journals are:

  1. Give awards to lecturers whose scientific work can be published in reputable international journals.
  2. Sending lecturers to take part in training on writing a reputable journal.
  3. Organized a journal writing workshop at Poliven.
  4. Improving the ability of lecturers to write scientific papers results in order to meet the standards of publication of reputable scientific works.
  5. Facilitating lecturers to be able to publish scientific papers in an internationally reputable manner by building cooperation with various parties.
  6. Facilitating the budget for lecturers who will publish scientific papers in reputable international journals.

Correctional Intellectual Property Rights in the Poliven environment has not been carried out optimally. The factor that might occur is that the educators do not understand and understand correctly that their work can be patented through IPR registration so they don't need to worry that their work will be recognized by others. Therefore, the solution going forward is that Poliven can facilitate the management of IPR by forming an IPR center/a team to serve and assist in the HKI processing process, so that in the following year the expected targets can be achieved.

Poliven must continue to strive to find sources of research funding so that students can smoothly carry out their research because this relates to students who must graduate on time. Poliven students are underprivileged students who have financial constraints when conducting their research.


  1. Conclusion

From the results of research conducted by the author regarding the performance of lecturers in increasing the productivity of the Venezuelan Indonesian Polytechnic in Aceh Besar, it can be concluded that: The performance achievements of Poliven lecturers in the field of career development or rank do not increase Poliven productivity, this is because the average Polyven lecturer is not regular in proposing functional positions or ranks according to a predetermined schedule. The performance achievements of Poliven lecturers in the field of higher education tridharma, namely in the field of education and teaching, have met the target of lecturer performance loads well so that they can increase polyven productivity. the target of lecturer performance load, this is due to the results of research and community service that do not yet have intellectual property rights or have not been patented.

In connection with the results of the research that the authors have conducted, the authors should have provided suggestions for input and improvement in the development and development of lecturers in improving competency or expertise and developing lecturer careers. The suggestions that the researcher can convey are as follows: In carrying out lecturer career development it is hoped that Poliven institutions need periodic evaluations carried out by the director so that they can be used as input and information to constantly control lecturer performance in order to improve the performance and achievements of lecturers in institutions that are led and must can increase the motivation and innovation of lecturers so that the performance professionalism of lecturers is getting better. Poliven needs to develop new strategies to improve lecturer performance so that all lecturers are more motivated to improve their performance. As for all the obstacles faced in improving employee performance so that they can be used as input and information so that they always try to prepare good programs and strategies to improve the quality of lecturer performance in carrying out their duties and obligations as lecturers, as well as add insight and knowledge to lecturers about how to optimize performance in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in the work environment. For Poliven to always be ready with all solutions that can be used in overcoming various obstacles in carrying out lecturer performance improvement programs.


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